Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2021
Volume 66, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2021; Virtual; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
Session F33: Quantum Characterization, Verification, and Validation IIFocus Session Live
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Sponsoring Units: DQI Chair: Kevin Young, Sandia National Laboratories |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:30AM - 11:42AM Live |
F33.00001: Qutrit Randomized Benchmarking on a Transmon Quantum Processor Alexis Morvan, Vinay Ramasesh, Machiel S Blok, John Mark Kreikebaum, Kevin O'Brien, Larry Chen, Ravi K. Naik, Brad Mitchell, David Ivan Santiago, Irfan Siddiqi Qutrits present an alternative to qubits for implementing quantum computation by using three-, rather than two-level systems, and have proven useful to explore connections between high-energy physics and quantum information science. Leveraging this extra level can also be used to extend the reach of current quantum hardware. In this talk, we present a scheme to generalize Randomized Benchmarking (RB) protocols to qutrits, and we experimentally implement them on a 5-transmon processor. More specifically, we measure the performance of our single-qutrit gate with RB and interleaved RB. We then use cycle benchmarking to assess the performance of our CSUM gate - the generalization of the CNOT for qutrits. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:42AM - 11:54AM Live |
F33.00002: Using Grover's search algorithm to test state-of-the-art quantum platforms Vasily Geyko, Alessandro R Castelli, Max Porter, Ilon Joseph, Yuan Shi, Frank R Graziani, Stephen Bernard Libby, Yaniv J Rosen, Jonathan L DuBois In the present work, Grover's search algorithm is used to study performance of state-of-the-art quantum platforms, such as LLNL Quantum Design and Integration Testbed (QuDIT), Rigetti and IBM-Q. The algorithm is suited for three and four level quantum systems, thus, it is implemented on 2 qubits on Rigetti and IBM platforms and on a single transmon on the LLNL QuDIT. The population of the desired state is measured for different number of Grover's iterations and the results are compared to the analytically derived solution. The performance of the algorithm depends on the number of the system states, the marked state of the Oracle and the number of iterations. The observed fidelity loss is noticeably less for the LLNL QuDIT, as a small number of specially designed control pulses is used instead of a large sequence of native gates. For better understanding of the nature of the coherent and decoherent processes causing the fidelity decay, the algorithm is decomposed to main blocks and all of them are tested individually. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:54AM - 12:06PM Live |
F33.00003: Experimental robust self-testing of the state generated by a quantum network Iris Agresti, Beatrice Polacchi, Davide Poderini, Emanuele Polino, Alessia Suprano, Ivan Supic, Joseph Bowles, Gonzalo Carvacho, Daniel Cavalcanti, Fabio Sciarrino In this work, we deal with the verification that the state generated by a quantum network corresponds to the desired target, with no assumptions on the adopted experimental platform, i.e. device-independently. Such a task is known as self-testing and its experimental implementations have been limited so far, by the fact that the majority of the existing protocols have low noise tolerance. In our case, we develop self-testing methods to deal with real imperfect conditions and show their applications to two experimentally implemented quantum networks. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 12:06PM - 12:18PM Live |
F33.00004: Measuring the Quality of Boson Samplers in the Sparse Regime Jelmer Renema, Hui Wang, Jian Qin, Xiang You, Chao-Yang Lu, Jian-Wei Pan As quantum computational power increases, the key challenge for each platform is to demonstrate the quantum computational advantage that a given quantum device has over a classical one (‘quantum supremacy’). An essential aspect of this problem is verifying a claimed quantum advantage. Since a no-go theorem [1] forbids sample-efficient, device-independent verification for most QA platforms, the way forward is to construct a reasonable error model of a device, and measure the parameters of that model. In this work, we accomplish this for boson sampling [2], where the task is to sample from the output distribution of photons in a large linear optical network in the number basis. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 12:18PM - 12:30PM Live |
F33.00005: Truncated moment sequences and a solution to the channel separability problem Nadia Milazzo, Daniel Braun, Olivier Giraud Verifying that quantum devices work in a properly quantum way has become of high relevance since the availability of the first small-scale quantum processors; an important requirement for such devices is the ability to create entanglement. To understand how entanglement evolves under physical operations acting on quantum states, we consider the problem of separability of quantum channels via the Choi matrix representation. We explore three classes of separability across different cuts between systems and ancillae and we provide a solution based on the mapping of the coordinates of the Choi state (in a fixed basis) to a truncated moment sequence (tms) y. This results in a necessary and sufficient condition for a channel to be separable or entanglement breaking. The algorithm we provide gives definiteness in the answer to the channel separability problem using semidefinite programming. The computational complexity and the performance depend on the number of variables n in the tms and on the size of the matrices involved in the semidefinite program. We investigate separability of 2-qubit and single-qutrit channels; in the latter case we can provide an answer in cases where more straight-forward separability criteria based on positive but not completely positive maps fail. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 12:30PM - 12:42PM Live |
F33.00006: Hamiltonian Meta-Learning Przemyslaw Bienias, Alireza Seif, Mohammad Hafezi, Paraj Titum, Norbert M Linke, Jiehang Zhang Precise calibration of quantum devices is necessary for reliable quantum information processing. Full characterization and tuning a quantum system without making any assumption require resources that scale exponentially with the system size. Here, we assume a model for the noisy evolution of a quantum system, and by using a machine learning technique known as meta-learning to train an optimizer that finds model parameters with less resources than other gradient-based optimization algorithms. The training of our algorithm is done efficiently on smaller systems. However, the learned optimizer is transferable to larger and different systems. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 12:42PM - 1:18PM Live |
F33.00007: Tomography and characterization of harmonic oscillator systems Invited Speaker: Christa Flühmann
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:18PM - 1:30PM Live |
F33.00008: Optimal state tomography by measuring the qubit of a qubit-qutrit system Violeta Nikolaeva Ivanova-Rohling, Guido Burkard, Niklas Rohling Measuring only one qubit in a composite quantum system is described by projectors on half-dimensional subspaces of the full Hilbert space. Despite the limitation these measurements can be combined with unitary operations in order to perform full quantum state tomography (QST). Moreover, for a system of qubits, measurement operators can be arranged in a fashion optimal for QST, i.e. such that the corresponding subspaces are mutually unbiased [1]. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:30PM - 1:42PM Live |
F33.00009: Hamiltonian Tomography via Quantum Quench Zhi Li, Liujun Zou, Timothy Hsieh We show that it is possible to uniquely reconstruct a generic many-body local Hamiltonian from a single pair of initial and final states related by time evolution with the Hamiltonian. We then propose a practical version of the protocol involving multiple pairs of such initial/final states. Using the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis, we provide bounds on the protocol's performance and stability against errors from measurements and in the ansatz of the Hamiltonian. The protocol is efficient (requiring experimental resources scaling polynomially with system size in general and constant with system size given translation symmetry) and thus enables analog and digital quantum simulators to verify implementation of a putative Hamiltonian. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:42PM - 1:54PM Live |
F33.00010: Frame-Based Filter-Function Formalism for Quantum Characterization and Control Teerawat Chalermpusitarak, Behnam Tonekaboni, Yuanlong Wang, Leigh M Norris, Lorenza Viola, Gerardo A Paz Silva A key obstacle to achieve optimal control performance is the interaction between the target system and its unknown environment. Thus, obtaining a quantitative characterization of such environment is instrumental. We introduce a new framework for resource-efficient characterization and control of non-Markovian open quantum systems, which allows for the integration of given, experimentally motivated, control capabilities and constraints. This is achieved by developing a transfer filter-function formalism based on the notion of a frame and by tying the choice of frame to the available control. While recovering the standard frequency-based filter-function formalism as a special instance, this control-adapted generalization affords intrinsic flexibility and allows us to overcome limitations of existing approaches. In particular, we show how to implement quantum noise spectroscopy in the presence of non-stationary noise sources, and how to achieve control-driven model reduction for noise-tailored optimized quantum gate design. |
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:54PM - 2:06PM Not Participating |
F33.00011: Frame-based filter-function formalism for quantum characterization and control - Part II. Noise-tailored gate design Teerawat Chalermpusitarak, Behnam Tonekaboni, Yuanlong Wang, Leigh M Norris, Lorenza Viola, gerardo paz-silva Abstract: This is the second part of the work ``Frame-based filter-function formalism for quantum characterization and control". |
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