Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session X38: Superconducting Qubits: Circuit Theory, Hamiltonian Analysis and Design Tools
11:15 AM–2:03 PM,
Friday, March 6, 2020
Room: 607
Chair: Arne Grimsmo, Univ of Sydney
Abstract: X38.00011 : Quantum landscape engineering of superconducting circuit ground states for higher-order coupler design*
Tim Menke
(Harvard Department of Physics, MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT Department of Physics, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Tim Menke
(Harvard Department of Physics, MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT Department of Physics, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Steven Weber
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Jochen Braumüller
(Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Antti Vepsalainen
(Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Roni Winik
(Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Gabriel Orr Samach
(MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David K Kim
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Alexander Melville
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Bethany Niedzielski
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Danna Rosenberg
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Mollie Schwartz
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Jonilyn Yoder
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
Alan Aspuru-Guzik
(Department of Chemistry and Department of Computer Science, Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, CIFAR Senior Fellow, University of Toronto)
Simon Gustavsson
(Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Andrew James Kerman
(MIT Lincoln Laboratory)
William Oliver
(Research Laboratory of Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Physics, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Techn)
*This research is funded by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), and by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering under Air Force Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0002.
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