X38.00001: QuCAT: superconducting quantum circuit analyzer tool in Python
Mario Gely, Gary Steele
X38.00002: Quantization of Large Superconducting Circuits with Tensor Networks
Matthew Weippert, Kristina Colladay, David Ferguson, Ryan J Epstein
X38.00003: Tensor-network diagonalization of many-body superconducting qubits
Agustin Di Paolo, Thomas Baker, Alexandre Foley, David Senechal, Alexandre Blais
X38.00004: Flux Dual Description of Noise-Insensitive Superconducting Qubits
David Ferguson, David J. Clarke, Ryan J Epstein, Moe S Khalil, Daniel Weiss, Jens Koch
X38.00005: Designing Better Superconducting Qubits using First-Principles Calculations and Theory
Sinead Griffin
X38.00006: Design and Analysis of Multi-Qubit Superconducting Chips for Extensible Surface Coding
Nadia Haider, Alessandro Bruno, Marc Beekman, Piotr Kaminski, Leonardo DiCarlo
X38.00007: Design and quantization of superconducting circuits
Zlatko Minev, Thomas G McConkey, Firat Solgun, Jerry M. Chow, Jay M Gambetta, David McKay
X38.00008: Derivation of the Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit using the circuit variables
Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Tomoko Fuse, Kouichi Semba
X38.00009: Efficient Hamiltonian Parameter Estimation with Sequential Monte Carlo Technique
Jérémy Béjanin, Carolyn Earnest, Matteo Mariantoni, Yuval R Sanders
X38.00010: Universal Formalism and Software for Obtaining and Analyzing Hamiltonians of an Arbitrary Superconducting Circuits and Qubits.
Andrey Klots, Lev B Ioffe, Robert F McDermott
X38.00011: Quantum landscape engineering of superconducting circuit ground states for higher-order coupler design
Tim Menke, Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, Steven Weber, Jochen Braumüller, Antti Vepsalainen, Roni Winik, Gabriel Orr Samach, David K Kim, Alexander Melville, Bethany Niedzielski, Danna Rosenberg, Mollie Schwartz, Jonilyn Yoder, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Simon Gustavsson, Andrew James Kerman, William Oliver
X38.00012: Quantized Hodgkin-Huxley Model for Quantum Neurons
Tasio Gonzalez Raya, Mikel Sanz, Enrique Solano
X38.00013: Floquet theory for driven-dissipative dynamics of superconducting circuits
Camille Le Calonnec, Alexandru Petrescu, Alexandre Blais
X38.00014: Lifetime renormalization of driven transmon qubits and the classification of mechanisms for drive-induced energy relaxation
Hakan Tureci, Alexandru Petrescu, Mohammad Moein Malekakhlagh