Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session W38: Control and Characterization Tools for Quantum Error MitigationFocus
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Sponsoring Units: DQI Chair: Timothy Proctor, Sandia National Laboratories Room: 607 |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:00AM - 8:12AM |
W38.00001: Demonstrating error rate homogenization using dynamically corrected gates in a trapped ion system Claire Edmunds, Cornelius Hempel, Alistair Milne, Michael Biercuk High quality, error-robust gates are a fundamental element of scalable quantum computing architectures; however, their performance is often limited by their high sensitivity to external perturbations and imperfections in the control field. We experimentally demonstrate that replacing “primitive” physical gates with error-suppressing, dynamically corrected gates (DCGs) can homogenize error rates across a qubit register in both space and time, in addition to reducing net error rates. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:12AM - 8:24AM |
W38.00002: Error Mitigation Via Simulated Measurement of Stabilizers Amy Greene, Morten Kjaergaard, Mollie Schwartz, Gabriel Samach, Andreas Bengtsson, Michael O'Keeffe, Milad Marvian, Roni Winik, David K Kim, Alexander Melville, Bethany Niedzielski, Jonilyn Yoder, Danna Rosenberg, Kevin Obenland, Terry Philip Orlando, Iman Marvian, William Oliver While closed-loop control is the ideal for quantum error correction, open-loop techniques are more accessible given current technologies. Dynamical decoupling is the go-to error mitigation technique, but many of the noise mechanisms encountered in experimental implementations, such as microwave cross-talk or coherent gate errors, are not amenable to simple dynamical decoupling schemes. An alternative technique for these errors is to simulate measurement of stabilizer operators via the stochastic application of gates from the set of stabilizers. We demonstrate the error-mitigating effects of this simulated quantum measurement protocol on a small superconducting qubit processor. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:24AM - 8:36AM |
W38.00003: SPAM Error Correction: Transition Matrix versus Quasiprobabilities Mingyu Sun, Michael Ray Geller State preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors limit the performance |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
W38.00004: Experimental Realization of Randomized Compiling for in-situ Error Reduction Akel Hashim, Kasra Nowrouzi, Alexis Morvan, Ravi Kaushik Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Irfan Siddiqi We present work on reducing the average error during the operation of an algorithm through randomized compiling (RC) [1], which tailors arbitrary Markovian noise into stochastic Pauli errors. By compiling random single-qubit twirling gates into the bare sequence of an algorithm and averaging over many initializations of an RC circuit, the total error of an algorithm is reduced because the error per single qubit gate has been averaged into a stochastic noise channel that is independent of the gate itself. Here, we demonstrate experimental work towards implementing RC in both random circuits and quantum protocols for optimization problems. We show that RC suppresses coherent errors in a circuit and that it increases the probability of measuring the correct solution of an algorithm. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
W38.00005: Optimizing stability and performance of cloud-based quantum systems Neereja Sundaresan, Isaac Lauer, Srikanth Srinivasan, Cindy Wang, William Landers, Michael Stuart Gordon, Douglas T. McClure Since the launch of the first five-qubit device on the IBM Q Experience platform in 2016, we have made steady increases in the number of devices available for cloud access, as well as their fidelity, stability, speed and uptime. Here we will discuss some of the challenges encountered, lessons learned, and best practices adopted in the bring-up, operation, and maintenance of these devices. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
W38.00006: Fidelity of sequences of SWAP operations in chains of multiple coupled qubits Robert Throckmorton We investigate the swapping of qubit states between neighboring qubits in a chain of multiple qubits with quasistatic noise both in the (nearest-neighbor) couplings between them and in fields applied to the individual qubits. We will assume no intentionally applied fields, so that all such fields that appear are due entirely to noise. We consider chains of several different lengths and different sequences of SWAP operations (i.e., different pairs of neighboring qubits to perform the operation on and different lengths). We determine the fidelity of these sequences as a function of sequence and qubit chain length for different noise strengths. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
W38.00007: Noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps from geometrical curves Fei Zhuang, Junkai Zeng, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou The decoherence of a qubit due to environmental noise is a long-standing problem in quantum information science. Recent work provided a new recipe for designing dynamically corrected gates analytically using a simple geometric formalism. By adapting that formalism, we demonstrate how to design noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps through an avoided crossing. In the case where the avoided crossing is created purely from noise, we demonstrate identity gates and phase gates that are robust against error up to second order. In the more general case where the avoided crossing exists in the absence of noise, we show that robust sweeping protocols are in one-to-one correspondence with curves lying on a sphere that obey certain constraints. We show how to exploit this correspondence to systematically construct noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps for generic avoided crossings. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
W38.00008: High-performance nonlinear optimization module for quantum control Harry Slatyer, Per Liebermann, Michael Hush, André Carvalho, Harrison Ball, Stephen Gore, Michael Biercuk Precise manipulation of quantum systems via shaped control pulses has emerged as a key area of development for quantum physics and chemistry. In near-term quantum computers, for example, substitution of primitive operations with optimized noise-robust controls can yield improved fidelities for single- and multi-qubit gates without hardware modifications. However, for all but the most basic of systems, identifying ideal control pulses via analytic approaches is intractable, motivating an approach based on numerical optimization. In this talk we introduce a custom GPU-compatible optimization toolkit purpose-built for rapidly creating high-fidelity, noise-robust quantum controls in high-dimensional Hilbert spaces. We describe the design of the toolkit, provide examples of standard and custom workflows, and present benchmarking results that demonstrate the speedup enabled by the GPU-compatible graph architecture. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:36AM - 10:12AM |
W38.00009: Implementation of a canonical phase measurement with quantum feedback Invited Speaker: Irfan Siddiqi
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
W38.00010: Two-qubit Pauli-frame randomization in a superconducting system Matthew Ware, Guilhem Ribeill, Luke Govia Coherent noise and non-Markovianity are projected to be significant sources of non-ideal behavior in large scale quantum computers. One approach to dealing with such noise sources is called Randomized Compiling where quantum circuits are permuted by the insertion of random gates whose effect is tracked and inverted at the end of the circuit on a shot-by-shot basis. While this technique effectively removes coherent error and significantly reduces non-Markovianity, it can be quite challenging to implement experimentally due to the large number of random circuits that need to be generated and data that needs to be post processed. To remove some of the experimental overhead, we have implemented control system firmware that randomizes quantum circuits on-the-fly using custom control electronics. Here we build on previous work accomplishing this in a single qubit system extending it to circuits with two qubit gates. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
W38.00011: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Control: Learning to Optimally Navigate in Complex Noisy Environments Gregory Quiroz, Paraj Titum, Kevin Schultz Quantum control seeks to establish control over a quantum system in such a way so that logical operations are implemented while simultaneously mitigating unwanted interactions between the system and its environment. From the point of view of quantum computation, quantum control can potentially provide significant improvements in computational accuracy when quantum logic operations are tailored for the particular noise plaguing the hardware. Specifically tailoring each controlled operation can be quite demanding if one wishes to perform this task for every instantiation of a quantum algorithm. Here, we examine how one can leverage reinforcement learning to learn and predict quantum gates in the presence of temporally correlated noise. We discuss how this information provides knowledge about optimal gate construction for noise-tailored quantum algorithms, as well as how this approach potentially informs noise characterization. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
W38.00012: Assigning Hamiltonians to Open Quantum Systems Eugen Dumitrescu, Pavel Lougovski
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