APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session U45: Computational Methods for Statistical Mechanics: Advances and Applications III
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCOMP GSNP
Chair: Ying Wai Li, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Room: 706
U45.00001: Clusters and Surfaces in Reactive Atmospheres at Realistic Conditions: Beyond the Static, Monostructure Description
Invited Speaker:
Luca Ghiringhelli
U45.00002: Langevin dynamics for linear scaling quantum Monte Carlo
Kipton Barros, Benjamin Cohen-Stead, George Batrouni, Richard Theodore Scalettar
U45.00003: Assessing the Quality of Approximate Quantum Dynamics in Condensed Phase via Sum Rules
Lisandro Hernandez de la Pena
U45.00004: Ground State Properties of the Diluted Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Spin Glass
Stefan Boettcher
U45.00005: Evidence of Information Limitations in Bottom-Up Coarse-Graining Models
Aditi Khot, Stephen Shiring, Brett Savoie
U45.00006: Hilbert Entropy for the Simple and Precise Measurement of Complexity of Two or Higher Dimensional Arrays
Seok Joon Kwon
U45.00007: Computation of correlation functions and various statistical quantities of different types of Random Matrix Ensembles
Kazi Alam, Swapnil Yadav, Khandker A Muttalib
U45.00008: A Parameter Free Genetic Algorithm for Estimating the Dynamic Structure Factor at Zero and Finite Temperature
Nathan Nichols, Adrian Del Maestro, Timothy Prisk, Garfield T Warren, Paul E Sokol
U45.00009: Study of strongly correlated materials at finite temperature with density matrix embedding theory
Chong Sun, Garnet Chan
U45.00010: Two-dimensional translation-invariant probability distributions: approximations, characterizations and no-go theorems
Zizhu Wang, Miguel Navascués
U45.00011: Stars & Bars: A Compact Representation for Bosonic Occupation States
Caleb Usadi, Hatem Barghathi, Adrian Del Maestro
U45.00012: Telediagnostics of Heterogeneous Plasma properties of combustion products
according to the characteristics of its braking radiation.
U45.00013: Bosonic entanglement crossover from groundstate scaling to volume laws
Qiang Miao, Thomas Barthel