Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session P70: Metals: Magnetism, Semi-metals and Topology
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Room: 208
Abstract: P70.00012 : Topological Semimetal in a Chiral Crystal with Large Chern Numbers, Multifold Band Crossings, and Long Fermi-arcs
Maia G Vergniory
(Donostia International Physics Center)
Maia G Vergniory
(Donostia International Physics Center)
a lack of mirror and inversion symmetries) are expected to display numerous exotic physical
phenomena, such as new fermionic excitations with large topological charge, long Fermi-arc
surface states, unusual magnetotransport and lattice dynamics, as well as a quantized response
to circularly polarized light. Despite multiple recent photoemission studies of predicted material
candidates, this maximal Chern number, measured by counting the number of Fermi-arcs, has
not yet been observed experimentally. Using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and ab-
initio calculations, here we show that the chiral topological semimetal candidate PdGa displays
the required multifold nodes, which are connected by long surface Fermi-arcs. Due to large spin-
orbit coupling and the high crystallinity of our sample surfaces, we are for the first time able to
resolve 4 independent Fermi-arcs, proving experimentally that the observed multifold nodes –
which are a generic feature of many chiral metals – display the maximal Chern number
magnitude of 4.
****See continuation in Special Instructions.........
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