P70.00001: Computing Transport Coefficients of Many-Body Hamiltonians by Equilibrium Averages
Assa Auerbach, Ilia Khait, Noga Bashan
P70.00002: Investigation of the universal scattering rate in PdCrO2 by high energy electron irradiation
Elina Zhakina, Philippa McGuinness, Veronika Sunko, Marcin Konczykowski, Seunghyun Khim, Markus Koenig, Andrew Mackenzie
P70.00003: Quantum Paracrystalline Shear Resonances in Metals
Jun Yong Khoo, Po-Yao Chang, Falko Pientka, Inti Sodemann
P70.00004: Polarizability and magnetoplasmons for the α-T3 model
Godfrey Gumbs, Dipendra Dahal, Antonios Balassis, Andrii Iurov, Danhong Huang
P70.00005: The origin of sub-room temperature ferromagnetism in VSe2 monolayer: reduced dimension and electron correlation
Taekjung Kim, Siheon Ryee, Sangkook Choi, Myung Joon Han
P70.00006: Modulation of magnetism across the van der Waals interfaces
Hideki Matsuoka, Mohammad Saeed Bahramy, Yue Wang, Satoshi Yoshida, Kyoko Ishizaka, Yoshihiro Iwasa, Masaki Nakano
P70.00007: High-Temperature Ferromagnetic Resonance in FePt Thin Films
Chuanpu Liu, Kumar Srinivasan, Antony Ajan, Ethan McCollum, Mingzhong Wu
P70.00008: Structure and Magnetism of New Metastable Fe8Co8N2 Compound
Balamurugan Balasubramanian, Rabindra Pahari, Shah Valloppilly, Xingzhong Li, Ralph Skomski, Xiaoshan Xu, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, David Sellmyer
P70.00009: Topology on a new facet of bismuth
Hsin Lin, Chuang-Han Hsu, XIAOTING ZHOU, Tay-Rong Chang, Qiong Ma, Nuh Gedik, Arun Bansil, Suyang Xu, Liang Fu
P70.00010: The relation between ferromagnetism and structure in half-metallic transition metal oxides
Mohammad Saghayezhian, Zhen Wang, Hangwen Guo, Rongying Jin, Yimei Zhu, Jiandi Zhang, E Ward Plummer
P70.00011: Anomalous suppression of higher-order nonlinearities in 3D Dirac semimetals
Jeremy Lim, Yee Sin Ang, Lay Kee Ang, Liang Jie Wong
P70.00012: Topological Semimetal in a Chiral Crystal with Large Chern Numbers, Multifold Band Crossings, and Long Fermi-arcs
Maia G Vergniory
P70.00013: Polar and Phase Domain Walls in Weyl Semimetallic MoTe2: New Paradigm for Topological Interfacial States
Fei-Ting Huang, Seong Joon Lim, Sobhit Singh, Jinwoong Kim, Lunyong Zhang, Jaewook Kim, M.-W Chu, Karin M Rabe, David Vanderbilt, Sang-Wook Cheong
P70.00014: Giant extrinsic anomalous Hall effect in the Kagome, Dirac Antimonide KV3Sb5
Yaojia Wang
P70.00015: Quantum squeezing and coherence of magnons detected by spin transport
Wolfgang Belzig, Akashdeep Kamra