APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session P24: Granular Flows Beyond Simple Mechanical Models II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: GSNP DSOFT DFD
Chair: Joshua Socolar, Duke University
Room: 401
P24.00001: Flow-Arrest Transition in Granular Materials
Invited Speaker:
Ishan Srivastava
P24.00002: Shear thickening and jamming of dense suspensions: the importance of rolling friction
Abhinendra Singh, Christopher Ness, Juan De Pablo, Heinrich M. Jaeger
P24.00003: Tuning Solvent Chemistry to Suppress Shear-Jamming in Dense Suspensions
Michael Van der Naald, Liang Zhao, Grayson Jackson, Heinrich M. Jaeger
P24.00004: Yielding and Rigidity of Sheared Columns of Hexapod Granules
Yuchen Zhao, Jonathan Barés, Joshua Socolar
P24.00005: Chaotic particle dynamics above and below yield in a 2D jammed material
Larry Galloway, Doug Jerolmack, Paulo Arratia
P24.00006: The precursors to stick-slip events in sheared granular systems
Chao Cheng, Rituparna Basak, Miroslav Kramar, Lou Kondic
P24.00007: Jamming and tiling in fragmentation of rectangles
Eli Ben-Naim, Paul Krapivsky
P24.00008: Contact breaking in packings of frictional disks
Yan Chen, Philip Wang, Qikai Wu, Mark Shattuck, Corey Shane O'Hern
P24.00009: Modelling granular fragmentation in compacted systems
Joel Clemmer, Dan Stefan Bolintineanu, Jeremy Lechman
P24.00010: Electrostatic Attraction between Like-Charged Particles
Benjamin Reggio, Shubha Tewari
P24.00011: Unforgettable random walks: forces and displacements distributions in granular systems.
Anton Peshkov, Zackery A Benson, Derek C Richardson, Wolfgang Losert
P24.00012: Weakening, compaction and creep from vibration in sheared granular materials
Stephanie Taylor, Abe Clark, Emily Brodsky