APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session M09: Quantum Error Correction Experiment and Theory (DQI) - Codes and Decoders
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DQI
Chair: Alexander Jahn
Room: 106
M09.00001: Triangular color codes on trivalent graphs with flag qubits
Christopher Chamberland, Aleksander Kubica, Theodore Yoder, Guanyu Zhu
M09.00002: A numerical error threshold for "colorful" quantum computing
Josey Hanish, Skylar Turner, Eoin Blanchard, Noah Davis, Brian La Cour
M09.00003: Reinforcement learning for toric code error correction
Mats Granath, Mattias Eliasson, David Fitzek, Anton Frisk Kockum
M09.00004: Qubit surface codes from rotation systems acting on Majorana fermions
Invited Speaker:
Theodore Yoder
M09.00005: Considerations for incorporating small logical qubits in digital error correction codes
David Rodriguez Perez, Eliot Kapit
M09.00006: Higher-order autonomous quantum error correction
Jose Lebreuilly, Kyungjoo Noh, Chiao-Hsuan Wang, Steven Girvin, Liang Jiang
M09.00007: Characterization and critical faults of leakage errors on the surface code
Natalie Brown, Andrew Cross, Kenneth Brown
M09.00008: Fault tolerance on near-term trapped-ion logical qubits with a neural-network decoder
David Obando Vargas, Yefry Lopez, Mauricio Gutierrez
M09.00009: Implementing a Logical Qubit on a Trapped Ion Quantum Information Processor
Laird Egan, Marko Cetina, Michael L Goldman, Andrew Risinger, Crystal Noel, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Christopher Roy Monroe
M09.00010: Environment noise analysis and real-time decoupling feedback control for a Nitrogen-Vacancy center
Arshag Danageozian, Nathaniel Miller, Pratik Barge, Narayan Bhusal, Jonathan P Dowling
M09.00011: Mediator assisted cooling in quantum annealing
Manuel Pino Garcia, Juan José García-Ripoll
M09.00012: Combined continuous error suppression and error correction for quantum annealing
Juan Atalaya, Birgitta K Whaley, Murphy Yuezhen Niu
M09.00013: Continuous error correction for evolution under time-dependent Hamiltonians
Song Zhang, Juan Atalaya, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Arman Babakhani, Jeffrey Epstein, Herman Chan, Birgitta K Whaley