F23.00001: A statistical-mechanics approach to microbiome data analysis
Robert Marsland, Pankaj Mehta
F23.00002: Quantifying multi-species bacterial interactions in larval zebrafish
Deepika Sundarraman, Edouard Hay, Dylan Martins, Drew Shields, Noah Pettinari, Karen Guillemin, Raghuveer Parthasarathy
F23.00003: Species covariance in C. elegans microbiome demonstrates existence of bacteria-bacteria and host-bacteria interactions
K. Michael Martini, Megan Taylor, Ilya M Nemenman, Nicole Marie Vega
F23.00004: Evidence for a multi-level trophic organization of the human gut microbiome
Tong Wang, Akshit Goyal, Veronika Dubinkina, Sergei Maslov
F23.00005: Regime shifts in a phage-bacterial ecosystem and strategies for its control
Sergei Maslov, Kim Sneppen
F23.00006: Biophysical consequences of sublethal antibiotics on gut bacterial persistence and transmission
Brandon Schlomann, Travis J Wiles, Elena S Wall, Karen Guillemin, Raghuveer Parthasarathy
F23.00007: Delayed antibiotic exposure induces population collapse in enterococcal communities with drug-resistant subpopulations
Kelsey Hallinen, Jason Karslake, Kevin Wood
F23.00008: Predicting microbial community metabolic function from genomic structure
Karna Gowda, Derek J Ping, Laura B Troyer, Madhav Mani, Seppe Kuehn
F23.00009: Cross-feeding is not necessarily evolutionarily stable
Bo Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Ned Wingreen
F23.00010: Percolation transition of pusher-type microswimmers
Fabian Jan Schwarzendahl, Marco G. Mazza
F23.00011: Biphasic Chemotaxis of E. coli to the Microbiota Metabolite Indole
Jingyun Yang, Ravi Chawla, Kathy Rhee, Rachit Gupta, Michael Manson, Arul Jayaraman, Pushkar Lele
F23.00012: Dynamic motility selection drives population segregation in a bacterial swarm
Yilin Wu, Wenlong Zuo
F23.00013: Continuum modeling of bacterial biofilm development
Chenyi Fei, Ricard Alert, Boyang Qin, Andrew Bridges, Bonnie Bassler, Ned Wingreen
F23.00014: E. coli Bacteria near "Black Hole"
Trung Phan, Ryan Morris, Matthew Black, Ke-Chih Lin, Julia Bos, Robert Austin
F23.00015: Microbial communities governed by interplay of bacterial interaction and biofilm mechanics
Gabi Steinbach, Michael Ng Siulung, Cristian Crisan, Brian K. Hammer, Peter Yunker