D46.00001: Collective excitations of a magnetized U(1) spin liquid.
Invited Speaker:
Oleg Starykh
D46.00002: Entangled Neutron Beams: A possible new avenue to exploring Quantum Materials
David Baxter, Collin Leslie Broholm, abu ashik M Irfan, Stephen J Kuhn, Shufan Lu, Gerardo Ortiz, Roger Pynn, Jiazhou Shen, William Michael Snow
D46.00003: Thermal conductivity of the quantum spin liquid candidate EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2: No evidence of mobile gapless excitations
Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Patrick Bourgeois-Hope, Francis Laliberte, Etienne Lefrancois, Gael Grissonnanche, Samuel Rene de Cotret, Ryan T Gordon, Louis Taillefer, Hengbo Cui, Reizo Kato, Shunsuke Kitou, Hiroshi Sawa
D46.00004: Evidence of Frozen Moments at Low T in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Br
Teresa Le, Andrej Pustogow, Jierong Wang, Alyssa Henderson, John A Schlueter, Stuart Brown
D46.00005: Understanding Complex Magnetic Interactions Using Diffuse Neutron Scattering
Joseph Paddison
D46.00006: Effects of nuclear spins in the transverse-field Ising quantum magnet Ho3Mg2Sb3O14
Martin Mourigal, Zhiling Dun, Xiaojian Bai, Joseph Paddison, Emily Hollingworth, Franz Demmel, Haidong Zhou
D46.00007: Robust quantum spin liquid ground state in hydrogen-bonded organic Mott insulators
Kenichiro Hashimoto, Masaaki Shimozawa, Minoru Yamashita, Akira Ueda, Hatsumi Mori, Takahiko Sasaki
D46.00008: Coherent spinon behaviour in quantum spin liquids at finite temperature
Yuan Wan, Ollie Hart, Claudio Castelnovo
D46.00009: Finite temperature dynamics of Coulomb spin liquids
Siddhardh Morampudi, Christopher Laumann, Frank Wilczek
D46.00010: Schwinger boson approach to magnetically ordered quantum magnets
Shang-Shun Zhang, Esteban Ghioldi, Yoshitomo Kamiya, Luis O. Manuel, Adolfo Trumper, Cristian Batista
D46.00011: Theoretical proposal for novel experimental probe of fractionalized excitations in two-dimensional quantum spin liquids
Wonjune Choi, Ki Hoon Lee, Yong-Baek Kim
D46.00012: Effective theories for quantum spin clusters : State selection by singularity
Subhankar Khatua, Diptiman Sen, Ganesh Ramachandran
D46.00013: Density Matrix Renormalization Group Analysis of Quantum Spin Ice
Michael Flynn, Thomas Baker, Rajiv Ranjan Singh