APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session B39: First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials II: GW+BSE for Strong Correlation and Core Levels
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DCOMP DMP DCP
Chair: Serdar Ogut, Univ of Illinois - Chicago
Room: 703
B39.00001: Many-body effective energy theory: photoemission at strong correlation
Invited Speaker:
Stefano Di Sabatino
B39.00002: Stochastic Many-Body Perturbation theory beyond the GW approximation
Vojtech Vlcek
B39.00003: Stochastic resolution of identity to second order Green’s function: ground-state and quasi-particle properties.
Wenjie Dou, Tyler Takeshita, Ming Chen, Roi Baer, Daniel Neuhauser, Eran Rabani
B39.00004: Effects of electron-hole interactions in single-particle excitations within the GW approach
Meng Wu, Zhenglu Li, Steven Louie
B39.00005: Core-Level Spectra for Disordered Systems from GW
Dorothea Golze, Patrick Rinke
B39.00006: Core and valence electron excitations in SrTiO3 and MgO: a first-principles study including many-body effects
Vijaya Begum, Markus Ernst Gruner, Rossitza Pentcheva
B39.00007: Cumulant expansion of the exciton Green's function: A unified approach for many-body intrinsic, extrinsic, and interference effects in XAS
Joshua Kas, John Rehr, John Vinson
B39.00008: Computational characterization of the RIXS Raman-to-fluorescence crossover in BaFe2As2
Keith Gilmore, Jonathan Pelliciari, Thorsten Schmitt
B39.00009: Electronic structure of 3d-transition metal dioxide clusters from GW calculations
Meisam Rezaei, Serdar Ogut
B39.00010: Importance of long-range correlations in transition metal compounds: First-principle studies using the the multitier GW+EDMFT approach
Fredrik Nilsson, Francesco Petocchi, Philipp Werner, Ferdi Aryasetiawan
B39.00011: Dynamically Screened Excitons in Heteropolar Semiconductors: The Case of Halide
Marina Filip, Jonah Haber, Jeffrey B Neaton
B39.00012: GW calculations and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of gas phase ion pairs - a window into the electronic structures of ionic liquids
Juhan Matthias Kahk, Ivar Kuusik, Vambola Kisand, Johannes Lischner
B39.00013: Low-cost alternatives to the Bethe-Salpeter equation: a simple hybrid functional for excitonic effects in solids
Jiuyu Sun, Carsten A. Ullrich