APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session B29: Active Matter in Complex Environments II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DSOFT DBIO GSNP DFD
Chair: Tapomoy Bhattacharjee, Princeton University
Room: 501
B29.00001: The Physics of Cold Active Matter:
on how time-independent disorder affects the motion of self-propelled particles
Invited Speaker:
Fernando Peruani
B29.00002: The motion of active colloids and their induced flow field at fluid interfaces
Mehdi Molaei, Nicholas G Chisholm, Jiayi Deng, Tianyi Yao, John Crocker, Kathleen Joan Stebe
B29.00003: Hydrodynamic attraction of bacteria to gas and liquid interfaces
Adib Ahmadzadegan, Shiyan WANG, Pavlos P Vlachos, Arezoo M Ardekani
B29.00004: Non-Markovian active droplets
Adrien IZZET, Ruben Zakine, Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Jasna Brujic
B29.00005: Stigmergy in active furrowers
MD Imaran, Ranganathan Prabhakar, Raghunath Chelakkot, Mandar M Inamdar
B29.00006: Slip and distance effects on the self-propulsion of catalytic microswimmers close to a wall
Stefania Ketzetzi, Joost de Graaf, Rachel Pamela Doherty, Daniela Jutta Kraft
B29.00007: Measuring chaotic advection in a biological active nematic in viscous environments
Amanda Tan, Kevin A Mitchell, Linda S. Hirst
B29.00008: Hydrodynamic interactions between passive colloids in an active bacterial bath
Shreyas Gokhale, Junang Li, Alexandre Solon, Jeffrey Gore, Nikta Fakhri
B29.00009: Self-organization of swimmers drives long-range fluid transport in bacterial colonies
Xu Haoran, Justas Dauparas, Debasish Das, Eric Lauga, Yilin Wu
B29.00010: Linear instability and nonlinear dynamics of droplets and layers of active fluid
David Stein, Yuan-nan Young, Michael John Shelley
B29.00011: Swimming of active drops in confinements with external flows
Ranabir Dey, Carola M. Buness, Chenyu Jin, Corinna Maass
B29.00012: Examining collective mechanical properties of fish schools using projected light fields
James Puckett, Aawaz R Pokhrel