Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Session V08: Quantum and Relativistic Frontiers |
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Room: LACC 153C |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 2:30PM - 2:42PM |
V08.00001: The Meaning of Quantum Mechanics Jack Sarfatti The debate over the meaning and completeness of quantum mechanics between Einstein and Bohr has never been settled. David Kaiser describes it in his book "How the Hippies Saved Physics." I will describe some extraordinary recent papers by Huw Price, Roderick Sutherland and others that make David Bohm's 1952 pilot wave "hidden variable theory" completely relativistic replacing nonlocality with local retrocausality especially for complex many-particle entangled systems. The need for configuration space is eliminated by Costa de Beauregard's "zig-zag" used by John Cramer and Yakir Aharonov, and this permits quantum gravity to be reformulated in a simple way. Even more important is that Sutherland's use of the Feynman-Schwinger action principle in Bohm's picture shows how statistical linear unitary quantum mechanics is a limiting case of a deeper non-statistical nonlinear non-unitary post-quantum mechanics. Indeed, the latter's relation to the former is identical to the relation of general relativity to special relativity - both generalized theories use Einstein's action-reaction as the common organizing idea. God does not play dice with the universe in the new post-quantum mechanics. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 2:42PM - 2:54PM |
V08.00002: Delayed Choice Entanglement Elimination: The Reduced Density Matrix is Not Applicable, The No Communication Theorem Does Not Apply Douglas Snyder The application of the reduced density matrix (rdm) to one particle (A) of an entangled pair of particles depends on the existence of states of the other particle of the entangled pair (B) that are related to the entanglement whenever B is measured. The reduced density matrix for particle A is based on a partial trace over these states of B. If this other particle (B) on which the partial trace is done is destroyed before particle detections are made on either particles A or B and no record is left of B including its states, the rdm cannot be applied to A. The particle to which the rdm was to be applied enters a pure state and can show interference. The No Communication Theorem is applicable only where the rdm applies. In the case where B is destroyed before particle detections are made on either particles A or B and no record is left of B including its states, the No Communication Theorem is not applicable. A delayed choice experiment whether to destroy B and leave no record of B (including its states relevant to its entanglement with A) before particle detections are made on either A or B can be done and has been proposed. This experiment can produce distinct distributions showing either interference or no interference with no correlation of A and B detections. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 2:54PM - 3:06PM |
V08.00003: New Structure Model Among Atom, Molecule, Crystal, and Liquid Dayong Cao There are a massenergy center of the massenergy structure and a spacetime center of the spacetime structure. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:06PM - 3:18PM |
V08.00004: A New Interpretation on the non-Newtonian Properties of Mass Donald Chang It is well known that the mass of a particle has properties different from Newtonian mechanics. First, it is speed-dependent. Second, it is convertible to energy. These properties are generally believed to be derived from the principle of relativity. A careful examination of the historical records, however, reveals that such a view had some criticisms that could not be ignored. In this work, we explored if the non-Newtonian properties of particle mass could be the results of wave-particle duality. In Newtonian mechanics, the particle is treated as a rigid object. But in the quantum world, we know the particle behaves more like a wave packet. Can such a wave nature account for the deviations from Newtonian mechanics? In this work, we show that this is indeed the case. We developed a wave model which shows that the mass of a particle is speed-dependent and the mass is related to energy. Furthermore, this model can directly explain why particles cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Finally, we proposed that this new model can be tested by experiment. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:18PM - 3:30PM |
V08.00005: Discrete Quantum Physics & Generalized Uncertainty Principle Jang Young Bang Recent developments in studies on the short distance behavior of strings and properties of black hole have increased interest in minimum length of spacetime and generalized uncertainty principle. I will consider a quantum mechanical model which allows a discrete space and how a generalized uncertainty principle can arise from the spatial discretization. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:30PM - 3:42PM |
V08.00006: Modeling observers as physical systems representing the world from within: Quantum theory as a physical and self-referential theory of inference John Realpe-Gomez In 1929 Szilard pointed out that the physics of the observer may play a role in the analysis of experiments. The same year, Bohr pointed out that complementarity appears to arise naturally in psychology where both the objects of perception and the percieving subject belong to `our mental content'. Here we argue that the formalism of quantum theory can be understood from two related intuitive principles: (i) inference is a physical process performed by physical systems, observers, which are part of the experimental setup---this implies non-commutativity; (ii) experiments must be described from a first-person perspective---this leads to self-reference, complementarity, and a quantum dynamics that is the iterative construction of the observer's subjective state. We argue that Planck constant can be determined from available data on conscious-access experiments carried out within the framework championed by Nobel laureate Francis Crick. Finally, we discuss how this approach can be understood from information-theoretic principles. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:42PM - 3:54PM |
V08.00007: Quantum Transport Senses Community Structure in Networks Chenchao Zhao, Jun Song Quantum time evolution exhibits rich physics; however, unlike classical diffusion, the wave nature of quantum mechanics has not yet been extensively explored in modern data analysis. We propose that the Laplace transform of quantum transport (QT) generated by a graph Laplacian can be used to construct an ensemble of maps from a given undirected network to a circle S1, such that closely-related nodes on the data network are grouped into sharply concentrated clusters on S1. The resulting QT clustering (QTC) algorithm is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art spectral clustering method on synthetic and stock price data sets containing complex geometric patterns. With a consensus matrix computed from the ensemble of predictions, QTC can be extended to data exhibiting mixing and is demonstrated to depict 3D chromatin interactions based on cancer somatic copy number alteration data. The observed phenomenon of QTC can be interpreted as a collective behavior of the microscopic nodes that evolve as macroscopic cluster "orbitals" in an effective tight-binding model where the phase distribution of the effective two-point Green function (resolvent) facilitates the map from nodes to S1. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 3:54PM - 4:06PM |
V08.00008: Reference Frame Dependence in Ontological Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics Kevin Vallejo, Joseph Bernal, Andrew Dynneson Interpretations of the measurement problem in quantum mechanics, when they rely solely on experimental research as foundational for an ontological account, fail to adequately explain the entities they posit . This leaves open the ontological nature of their quantum states. In attempting to explain the notion of an entity’s existence, implying the ability to speak of the “thing in itself", which is devoid of an explicit ontology, has resulted in paradoxes and attribution of incompatible properties to implicitly posited entities. We propose that providing explicit attention to the relations between the mathematical formalism, relevant experimental research and interpretation of empirical phenomena, a more viable notion of quantum mechanical ontology can be pieced together, in which entities cannot be understood simply as self-contained objects but as reference frame ontologically dependent. We show this dependence in the context of the delayed choice quantum eraser, where the iboundaries and relations play a vital role in the property description of the entities, therefore providing a better framework in which novel quantum systems can be developed. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:06PM - 4:18PM |
V08.00009: The Default Specification Principle Armin Nikkhah Shirazi This talk presents the default specification principle, which says: the absence of an explicit specification entails all possible default specification outputs. Roughly, this means that the failure to explicitly specify something entails that of any of the outputs which could possibly obtain as a consequence of carrying out that specification, all are available as "live possibilities". Although in a certain sense tautological, its value lies in that its formal expression requires the formulation of a novel framework, default specification theory, which, when applied against a background of space, directly leads to the the concept of probability, and which, when applied against a background of space and time, leads to a generalization of the Born Rule. We will use the language of category theory to formally express this framework. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:18PM - 4:30PM |
V08.00010: Mass-Energy Relationship Must Include Vibrational And Rotational Kinetic Energy Factors A Well As Various Potential Energy Factors Stewart Brekke Einstein originally proposed in his Special Theory of Relativity that at low speeds $E= M_{0}c^{2} +1/2 M_{0}v^{2}$. However, a mass may be also rotating and vibrating and for a better description of the mass-energy phenomena under consideration various potential energies such as gravitational and electromagnetic potential energies must also be included in the final description. Therefore, the basic equation for a mass-energy phenomena, must be $E= M_{0}c^{2} +1/2M_{0} + 1/2I\omega ^{2}+1/2kx^{2}+(GM_{0}M_{2})/r +(KQ_{0}Q_{2})/r$ where the last two terms are for gravitational potential and electromagnetic potential energies and the two terms before those are rotational and vibrational kinetic energies. Einstein should have included the rotational and vibrational kinetic energies of the mass under consideration. Therefore, the relativistic kinetic energy at low speeds Einstein stated as $T=(E-E_{0})= 1/2M_{0}v^{2}$ must instead equal $T=1/2Mv^{2}+1/2I\omega ^{2}+1/2k_{0}x^{2}$. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:30PM - 4:42PM |
V08.00011: The Electric Origin of the Magnetic Force between Two Filamentary Current Elements Waseem Shadid The magnetic force was considered different in origin from the electrostatic force between charges because the current-carrying wires are intrinsically charge-neutral. An earlier explanation of the magnetic force described it as a natural consequence of special relativity and purely electrostatic forces. But neither the electric field nor the magnetic field is a relativistic effect. This talk will discuss an explanation of the magnetic force between two filamentary current elements as a result of electric force interactions between current charges. This explanation applies for both none-relativistic frames and relativistic frames. I will demonstrate an analysis to the electric field spreading in the space due to the movement of charges inside current elements. This spreading electric field contains discontinuity points to indicate the changes in positions of the moving charges. Applying Gauss's law at these discontinuity points indicates the existence of electric charges. I will show that the electric interactions of these charges with the moving charges inside current elements produce a force that is exactly equivalent to the observed magnetic force. This work is helpful in explaining magnetic force properties and how an electric current produces a magnetic field around it. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:42PM - 4:54PM |
V08.00012: Vorsana Research & Development on newly patented methods of fluid dynamics separation Wayne Moody The Vorsana work builds on the work of Nicola Tesla and Theodore von Karman, a founder of Jet Propulation labrotory in Pasadena. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 4:54PM - 5:06PM |
V08.00013: Electronics, Protonics, Nucleonics, “Phononics”, Photonics – Massonics. Chih-Tang Sah, Bin Jie ‘Phononics’ proposed by this session, limited to electron-phonon interaction, was used 4.5 years ago by us in our New Physics of pure water and its Lattice model, which included not only this Electronic Phononics, but also the most important Protonic Phononics, which dominates in Soft Materials Physics. Our Protonic Phonon model was first presented at Chinese Physical Society 2013 Fall Meeting, published in 4 invited Journal of Semiconductors articles (2013Dec, 2014Feb&Apr, 2017Jul), including also high energy Nucleonics, and still higher energy Electronics, in two classical physics groups: Fermionics and Bosonics, which must combine in our Massonics Universe, with one unique space-time dependent parameter, the Mass, which extends into Astro and Cosmo energies, using our Mass Density (only part of which is kinetic) instead of charge density (wholly kinetic), from our new kinetic energy force law, sensed by human and animals, and their instruments, designed and built from theories or evolved in time. Boson-Fermion interactions at low temperatures & kinetic-energies, buried by instrument & environment noises, are also present in pure liquid water, awaiting experimental confirmation using protonic phonon generators, with responses much larger than from electronic photon lasers. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 5:06PM - 5:18PM |
V08.00014: A Glimpse To Future Physics: Recent Physics Reveals the Same Donut-Shaped Fields and Dynamic in the Universe and Man Maria Kuman Stars, planets, and Man have donut-shaped nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) with the same dynamic. Here is the proof. Recently, Sarafina Nance claimed in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society that the rapid spinning of the famous star Betelgeuse was a result of swallowing another star [1]. Since it was astronomically observed that when a double star consists of a young and old star, the old star sucks energy from the young through its donut’s hole until the energy of the two stars becomes equal [2], [3], probably Betelgeuse sucked the swallowed star through the hole of its donut-shaped NEMF. Our measurements on Reiki Healers showed that they suck energy through the donut holes on top of their heads to do energy healing [4], [5]. The Russians patented a ‘torsemeter’ [6] measuring the spinning and they found that positive emotions make the donut spins faster clockwise. Therefore, stars, planets, and Man can suck energy through the vortex hole of their donut, which increases their spinning in clockwise direction. |
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