Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Session S11: Fe-based Superconductivity Under Extreme ConditionsFocus
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Sponsoring Units: DMP Chair: Rong Yu, Renmin University of China Room: LACC 303A |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:15AM - 11:51AM |
S11.00001: High pressure route to high-Tc superconductivity in the FeSe-based materials Invited Speaker: Jinguang Cheng High pressure is an effective and clean tuning knob to tip the balance of competing interactions in the strongly correlated electron systems. Although FeSe is nonmagnetic within the nematic state below Ts = 90 K, the application of high pressure can induce a static magnetic order and promote high-Tc superconductivity. These facts make FeSe an ideal platform to study the interplay of superconductivity with magnetism and nematicity. In addition, high-Tc superconductivity can be achieved in various heavily electron-doped (HED) FeSe-derived materials, including AxFe2-ySe2, (Li,Fe)OHFeSe, and monolayer FeSe/SrTiO3. More intriguingly, a second high-Tc superconducting (SC-II) phase has been reported in the pressurized AxFe2-ySe2 and K-doped FeSe films.To shed more light on these intriguing issues, we recently performed detailed magneto-transport measurements on bulk FeSe and the HED FeSe-based materials under high pressure. For FeSe, we constructed a comprehensive T-P phase diagram featured by a dome-shaped magnetic phase interconnecting with the nematic order and the high-Tc superconductivity [1], and further demonstrated the presence of hole-like Fermi surface and enhanced spin fluctuations near the optimal Tc = 38.5 K at 6 GPa [2]. For the HED (Li1-xFex)OHFeSe, we observed the emergence of SC-II phase above Pc = 5 GPa, and uncovered a sharp transition of the normal state from a Fermi liquid for P < Pc to a non Fermi liquid for P > Pc [3]. The emergence of SC-II phase seems to be a universal phenomenon for these HED FeSe materials as also demonstrated in Lix(NH3)yFe2Se2 with the Tcmax = 55 K achieved under high pressure [4]. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:51AM - 12:03PM |
S11.00002: Unusually stronger quantum fluctuation with larger spins: Novel phenomena revealed by emergent magnetism in pressurized high-temperature superconductor FeSe Yuting Tan, Tianyu Zhang, Tao Zou, António M. dos Santos, Jin Hu, Dao-Xin Yao, Zhiqiang Mao, Xianglin Ke, Wei Ku A counter-intuitive enhancement of quantum fluctuation with larger spins, together with a few novel physical phenomena, is discovered in studying the recently observed emergent magnetism in high-temperature superconductor FeSe under pressure. Starting with experimental crystalline structure from our high-pressure X-ray refinement, we analyze theoretically the stability of the magnetically ordered state with a realistic spin-fermion model. We find surprisingly that in comparison with the magnetically ordered Fe-pnictides, the larger spins in FeSe suffer even stronger long-range quantum fluctuation that diminishes their ordering at ambient pressure. This "fail-to-order" state then develops into an ordered state above 1GPa due to weakened fluctuation accompanying the reduction of anion height and carrier density. We further clarify the controversial nature of magnetism and its interplay with nematicity in FeSe in the same unified picture for all Fe-based superconductors. Our study establishes a generic exceptional paradigm of stronger quantum fluctuation with larger spins that complements the standard knowledge of insulating magnetism. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:03PM - 12:15PM |
S11.00003: Transport properties of FeSe thin films with various degrees of strain Fuyuki Nabeshima, Masataka Kawai, Tomoya Ishikawa, Atsutaka Maeda Iron chalcogenide superconductor, FeSe, is a suitable material to investigate the role of the nematic order for the superconductivity in iron pnictides and chalcogenides because it does not show a magnetic order, different from other iron based materials. In order to clarify the relation between the superconductivity and the nematicity in iron chalcogenides, we investigated effects of in-plane strain in FeSe films. This method is more favorable than studies on chemical pressure effects in that there is no need for substitution of impurity. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:15PM - 12:27PM |
S11.00004: Persistent Interfacial High-Tc Superconductivity in Multi-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 Films Brendan Faeth, Shuolong Yang, Jason Kawasaki, Jocienne Nelson, Pramita Mishra, Chen Li, Darrell Schlom, Kyle Shen The interface between FeSe and SrTiO3 has attracted considerable attention owing primarily to the large enhancement of Tc (70 K vs 8 K in bulk). Most studies to date have utilized surface-sensitive spectroscopic measurements, necessitating the use of monolayer films to allow access to the interfacial superconductivity. The effect of additional FeSe layers on top of the initial monolayer remains an important but open question for understanding the nature of the Tc enhancement. As the air sensitivity of FeSe thin films precludes traditional ex situ transport measurements without potentially detrimental capping layers, we utilize an in situ four-point electrical contact probe to measure superconductivity at the buried FeSe/STO interface for films ranging in thickness from 1-20uc. We show that the Tc of the interfacial monolayer is robust and largely unaffected by additional FeSe layers, and that the earlier reported reduction of Tc in thicker films can be explained by a simple parallel conduction channel model which reproduces the features of our observed thickness dependence. This demonstrates that the contribution of additional FeSe layers does not affect superconductivity at the buried interface, placing important constraints on the mechanism of the Tc enhancement. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:27PM - 12:39PM |
S11.00005: Phonon-enhanced superconductivity at the FeSe/SrTiO3 interface Qi Song, Tianlun Yu, Xia Lou, Binping Xie, Hai chao Xu, Chenhaoping Wen, Qi Yao, Shuyuan Zhang, Xuetao Zhu, Jiandong Guo, Rui Peng, Donglai Feng Single-layer FeSe on a SrTiO3 substrate, with its extraordinarily large Tc amongst all interfacial superconductors and iron based superconductors, is particularly interesting, but the mechanism underlying its high Tc has remained mysterious. Here we show through isotope effects that electrons in FeSe couple with the oxygen phonons in the substrate, and the superconductivity is enhanced linearly with the coupling strength atop the intrinsic superconductivity of optimally-electron-doped FeSe. Our observations solve the enigma of FeSe/SrTiO3, and experimentally establish the critical role and unique behavior of electron-phonon forward scattering in a correlated high-Tc superconductor. The effective cooperation between interlayer electron-phonon interactions and correlations suggests a path forward in developing more high-Tc interfacial superconductors, and may shed light on understanding the high Tc of bulk high temperature superconductors with layered structures. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:39PM - 12:51PM |
S11.00006: Interfacial Polaron-Mediated Electron Pairing in Single Unit-Cell FeSe Grown on SrTiO3 Tong Wei, Shuyuan Zhang, Wei Qin, Xuetao Zhu, Jiandong Guo, Zhenyu Zhang The recent discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in a single unit-cell FeSe layer grown on SrTiO3 (STO) is stimulating intensive research efforts on exploration of the dominant mechanism. Among the various competing scenarios, strong interaction between the longitude optical (LO) phonon mode in STO and electrons in FeSe is likely to enhance superconductivity. Earlier experimental studies have shown that the LO phonon energy is ~100 meV, while the FeSe Fermi energy is only ~60 meV. Based on these observations, we propose the interfacial electron-phonon interaction to be non-adiabatic, and the associated phonon-mediated electron pairing lies between the BCS-BEC crossover regime. To capture the essential physics in this regime, an interfacial polaron picture is developed to account for the enhanced superconductivity. Specifically, by considering both the polaron-induced attraction and Coulomb repulsion between electrons on adjacent Fe sites, we obtain an effective total attractive interaction between the electrons. We also provide a quantitative estimate of the superconductivity enhancement within the interfacial polaron picture using physically realistic parameters, and discuss these results in connection with our latest experimental observations. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:51PM - 1:03PM |
S11.00007: Pressure effects on the magnetic order of Ba(Fe0.946Co0.054)2As2 Gregory Tucker, Jonathan White, Sergey Budko, Paul Canfield, Andreas Kreyssig, Alan Goldman, Robert McQueeney Cobalt substitution for iron in BaFe2As2 produces a superconducting ground state with indications that antiferromagnetism (AFM) and superconductivity (SC) compete for the same itinerant electrons. Partial cobalt substitution changes the relative sizes of the hole- and electron-like fermi surface pockets responsible for AFM in BaFe2As2 with two effects: 1) the magnitude of the ordered moment decreases with increasing cobalt concentration; and 2) beyond a critical concentration commensurate nesting is lost and a small transverse incommensurability appears which maintains long range magnetic order. Magnetic susceptibility and resistivity measurements in applied pressure show suppression of AFM and appearance of SC above 3.5 GPa in BaFe2As2 and, similarly, suppression of AFM and enhancement of SC below 2 GPa in Ba(Fe1–xCox)2As2. Such measurements could not determine if the suppression of AFM via pressure is due to reduced fermi surface nesting, leaving open the question of whether the mechanisms which produce SC in BaFe2As2 and Ba(Fe1–xCox)2As2 are the same. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:03PM - 1:15PM |
S11.00008: Effects of strain and disorder nematicity of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 superconductor Erik Timmons, Makariy Tanatar, Kyuil Cho, Yong Liu, T. A. Lograsso, Ruslan Prozorov, Marcin Konczykowski Hole doping by substituting Ba for K in BaFe2As2 parent compound results in a very complex phase diagram that includes nematic, stripe, orthorhombic (C2) and tetragonal (C4) antiferromagnetic phases with substantial doping intervals where these phases coexist with superconductivity. We use controlled uniaxial strain (mechanical) and artificial disorder (induced by electron irradiation) to study the interplay of these phases in the under-doped compositions. Experimentally, anisotropic in-plane resistivity was measured in high quality single crystals of (Ba1-xKx)Fe2As2 in pristine state and after low-temperature electron irradiation. Polarized optical microscopy was used to visualize the evolution of structural domains and correlate it with transport studies. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:15PM - 1:27PM |
S11.00009: Possible interface induced superconductivity in un-doped CaFe2As2 Shuyuan Huyan, Liangzi Deng, Kui Zhao, Jingying Sun, Zheng Wu, Lijun Wu, Melissa Gooch, Bing Lv, Shuo Chen, Yimei Zhu, Paul Chu The superconductivity with a Tc up to 25 K was induced through a proper annealing process in un-doped CaFe2As2. A series of low temperature X-ray diffraction (LTXRD) studies were carried out and we found that the emergence of superconductivity is closely tied to the mixture of the PI and PII phases of CaFe2As2. The experimental results indicate that the origin of superconductivity arises from the interface of the mesoscopically stacked layers of PI and PII. Using negative binomial distribution, we simulated the possible phase distribution of samples under different thermal treatments. The simulation results are consistent with the LTXRD data. These simulations were further supported by low temperature scanning transmission electron microscopy (LTSTEM) measurements. The LTXRD, LTSTEM, and simulation results we shall present strongly support the proposal of interface-enhanced superconductivity in un-doped CaFe2As2. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:27PM - 1:39PM |
S11.00010: Superconductivity in Undoped CaFe2As2 Single Crystals at Ambient Pressure Liangzi Deng, Shuyuan Huyan, Kui Zhao, Wu Zheng, Bing Lv, Jingying Sun, Shuo Chen, Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Melissa Gooch, Paul Chu Among the many theoretical mechanisms proposed for higher Tc, the interfacial mechanism provides not only continual inspiration but also hope. For pristine CaAs2Fe2 (Ca122) single crystals, previous studies have shown the existence of complex phase, but no superconductivity was reported at ambient pressure. Recently, we identified two different non-superconducting phases in Ca122 through thermal treatments. Such thermal treatments offer a reproducible, controllable, and reversible environment in which many characterization techniques can be applied. We successfully tuned a mixed-phase in Ca122 through a proper annealing process and induced the superconductivity with a Tc up to 25 K at ambient pressure[1]. The transport, magnetic, and room temperature X-ray results lead us to the conjecture that the origin of superconductivity arises from the interface of the mesoscopically stacked layers of PI and PII. To further understand the underlying mechanism, systematic low-temperature X-ray, STEM, and high-pressure measurements were conducted over a series of thermal treated Ca122 single crystals[2]. This work provides the first direct evidence of interfacial induced superconductivity in undoped Ca122 single crystals. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:39PM - 1:51PM |
S11.00011: Pressure-temperature phase diagrams of CaK(Fe1-xNix)4As4 Li Xiang, William Meier, Udhara Kaluarachchi, Sergey Bud'ko, Paul Canfield Recently, hedgehog spin-vortex crystal magnetism has been identified experimentally in Ni-doped iron-based superconductor CaKFe4As4[1]. In this work, the pressure dependence of the superconducting and magnetic transition temperatures was studied on Ni-doped CaKFe4As4 single crystals. In-plane resistivity was measured under hydrostatic pressure up to ~5 GPa with magnetic fields parallel to tetragonal c-axis. We will present the pressure-temperature phase diagrams of CaK(Fe1-xNix)4As4. Evolution of pressure response with composition is explored and the interaction between superconductivity and magnetic order will be discussed. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 1:51PM - 2:03PM |
S11.00012: Role of Spin Vortex Crystal Fluctuations in the Pressure-induced Half-collapse Transition in CaKFe4As4 Superconductor Vladislav Borisov, Roser Valenti Structural transitions under pressure are studied for the recently discovered Fe-based superconductor CaKFe4As4 using density functional theory. Under a hydrostatic pressure of 4 GPa, this material undergoes a transition to a half-collapsed phase, which is the first known example of such transition [PRB 96, 140501(R) (2017)]. A half-collapsed phase is marked by an enhancement of only half of the As-As bonds, which is sufficient to fully suppress bulk superconductivity. Good agreement between the simulated structures and the measured ones is obtained when a spin vortex configuration is imposed on the Fe sublattice. Interestingly, spin fluctuations of similar nature are confirmed by the NMR analysis [PRB 96, 104512 (2017)]. Furthermore, electron doping leads to condensation of these fluctuations and the formation of a spin vortex crystal [arXiv:1706.01067], which is unique among iron pnictides. |
Thursday, March 8, 2018 2:03PM - 2:15PM |
S11.00013: Response of CaK(Fe1-xNix)4As4 (x = 0 and 0.05) superconductor to non-magnetic disorder induced by 2.5 MeV electron irradiation Serafim Teknowijoyo, Kyuil Cho, Erik Timmons, Makariy Tanatar, William Meier, Sergey Bud'ko, Paul Canfield, Ruslan Prozorov, Marcin Konczykowski Temperature dependent electrical resistivity and London penetration depth were measured in single crystals of CaK(Fe1-xNix)4As4 (x = 0 and 0.05, as determined by wavelength dispersive spectroscopy) before and after 2.5 MeV electron irradiation of different doses. We observed increase of residual resistivity and suppression of the superconducting transition Tc, while the low temperature behavior of the penetration depth remained exponential, consistent with a robust s± pairing. Overall, the x=0 compound is quite similar to a slightly overdoped BaK1-yKyFe2As2 with y ≈ 0.5. The Ni-doped composition, x=0.05, can be mapped onto the underdoped BaK1-yKyFe2As2 with y ≈ 0.2 by using its Tc value and shows similar increase of the superconducting gap anisotropy, confirming that Ni doping moves the composition toward the electron doped side. |
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