2009 APS March Meeting
Volume 54, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 16–20, 2009;
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Session H27: Focus Session: Advances in Scanned Probe Microscopy II: Force Methods
8:00 AM–10:48 AM,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Room: 329
Chair: Young Kuk, Seoul National University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2009.MAR.H27.5
Abstract: H27.00005 : Applications of AFM for atomic manipulation and spectroscopy
8:48 AM–9:24 AM
Preview Abstract
Oscar Custance
(National Institute for Materials Science)
Since the first demonstration of atom-by-atom assembly [1], atomic
manipulation with scanning tunneling microscopy has yielded stunning
realizations in nanoscience. A new exciting panorama has been
opened with the possibility of manipulating atoms at surfaces
using atomic
force microscopy (AFM) [2-5]. In this talk, we will present two
approaches that enable patterning structures at semiconductor
surfaces by
manipulating individual atoms with AFM and at room temperature
[2, 3]. We
will discuss the physics behind each protocol through the
analysis of the
measured forces associated with these manipulations [3-5].
Another challenging issue in scanning probe microscopy is the
ability to
disclose the local chemical composition of a multi-element system
at atomic
level. Here, we will introduce a single-atom chemical
identification method,
which is based on detecting the forces between the outermost atom
of the AFM
tip and the atoms at a surface [6]. We demonstrate this
procedure on a particularly challenging system, where any
attempt based solely on topographic measurements would be
impossible to
[1] D. M. Eigler and E. K. Schweizer, \textit{Nature}
\textbf{344}, 524 (1990);
[2] Y. Sugimoto, M. Abe, S. Hirayama, N. Oyabu, O.
Custance and S.
Morita, \textit{Nature Materials} \textbf{4}, 156 (2005);
[3] Y. Sugimoto, P. Pou, O. Custance, P. Jelinek, M.
Abe, R. Perez
and S. Morita, \textit{Science} \textbf{322}, 413 (2008);
[4] Y. Sugimoto, P. Jelinek, P. Pou, M. Abe, S. Morita,
R. Perez
and O. Custance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 106104 (2007);
[5] M. Ternes, C. P. Lutz, C. F. Hirjibehedin, F. J.
Giessibl and
A. J. Heinrich, \textit{Science} \textbf{319}, 1066 (2008);
[6] Y. Sugimoto, P. Pou, M. Abe, P. Jelinek, R. Perez,
S. Morita,
and O. Custance, \textit{Nature} \textbf{446}, 64 (2007)
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2009.MAR.H27.5