Bulletin of the American Physical Society
3rd Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 54, Number 10
Tuesday–Saturday, October 13–17, 2009; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Invited Speakers
Aoi, Nori RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 1WB.00002 Overview of RIBF and direct reactions with fast RI beams at RIBF Room: Kona 4 |
Aoki, Wako National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
Session 1WC.00001 Enrichment of the heaviest elements Th and Pb in the Galaxy Room: Kohala 4 |
Arif, Muhammad NIST |
Session 1WE.00003 Fundamental Neutron Physics at NIST Room: Kona 5 |
Arima, Akito Japan Science Foundation, President |
Session 1WA.00001 Japan-US collaboration in Nuclear Physics Room: Kohala 1 |
Armstrong, David S. College of William and Mary |
Session 2WF.00003 Strangeness in the Proportion: strangeness in the nucleon probed via parity-violating electron scattering Room: Kohala 3 |
Aschenauer, Elke-Caroline Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 1WG.00005 The nucleon structure, what an Electron-Ion Collider will teach us Room: Kings 2 |
Barrett, Bruce R. Department of Physics, PO Box 210081, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA |
Session 1WA.00005 Extending the No-core Shell Model to heavier nuclei Room: Kohala 1 |
Bertulani, Carlos Texas A\&M University-Commerce |
Session 1WA.00007 The continuum-discretized coupled-channels method applied to exotic nuclei Room: Kohala 1 |
Bollen, Georg Michigan State University |
Session BE.00001 Stopped and re-accelerated rare isotope beams at FRIB at MSU Room: Kohala 2 |
Brown, Edward Michigan State University |
Session 2WC.00005 Nuclear reactions in the deep ocean and crust of neutron stars: Implications of superbursts and cooling transients Room: Kohala 4 |
Bruna, Elena Yale University |
Session BB.00001 Latest results from jet measurements Room: Kona 4 |
Burkert, Volker Jefferson Lab |
Session 1WF.00002 Studies of the Nucleon Structure at Jefferson Lab Room: Kohala 3 |
Caines, Helen Yale University |
Session 1WH.00002 The present status and future physics program of RHIC Room: Kings 3 |
Carman, Daniel Jefferson Laboratory |
Session EA.00004 Exclusive Hyperon Production at CLAS Room: Kona 5 |
Chen, Jian-ping Jefferson Lab |
Session 1WG.00003 Physics Program with 12 GeV JLab Room: Kings 2 |
Chen, Mark Queen's University |
Session 1WD.00007 Double Beta Decay in SNO+ Room: Kohala 2 |
Cirigliano, Vincenzo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CK.00001 Low-energy probes of physics beyond the Standard Model Room: Queens 5 |
Clark, Jason Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 1WC.00006 Penning trap mass measurements of nuclides along the astrophysical $rp$- and $\nu p$- process paths Room: Kohala 4 |
Clark, Roderick Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session 2WB.00006 Spectroscopy of the Heaviest Elements Room: Kona 4 |
Cooper, Martin D. Los Alamos National Laboratory, for the nEDM Collaboration |
Session 2WE.00002 Development of the neutron electric dipole moment experiment at the SNS Room: Kona 5 |
Creutz, Michael Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session DE.00001 Lattices and non-perturbative field theory Room: Kohala 2 |
Dean, David Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session 1WA.00002 JUSTIPEN: Science in the international context Room: Kohala 1 |
de Jager, Kees Jefferson Lab |
Session BF.00001 Electromagnetic Form Factors - from Nucleon to Nuclei Room: Kohala 3 |
Detwiler, Jason Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session 2WD.00002 MAJORANA: An Ultra-Low Background Enriched-Germanium Detector Array for Fundamental Physics Measurements Room: Kohala 2 |
Djalali, Chaden University of South Carolina |
Session DD.00001 Meson Properties at Finite Density Room: Kohala 4 |
Dong, Xin Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session CB.00001 Latest Results from Heavy Flavor Measurements Room: Kona 4 |
En'yo, Hideto RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session KF.00001 Experimental quest for the proton spin structure -- past, present and future Room: Kohala 3 |
Filippone, Bradley W. California Institute of Technology |
Session BA.00003 Electric Dipole Moment Searches for T-Violation Room: Kona 5 |
Formaggio, Joseph Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
Session BA.00002 Weighing Neutrinos Room: Kona 5 |
Frantz, Justin Ohio University |
Session 1WH.00006 Direct Photon-Hadron Correlations in RHIC Collisions Room: Kings 3 |
Freedman, Stuart University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session AB.00002 The Decades of the Neutrino Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Fujioka, Hiroyuki Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session EA.00003 Study of the $K^-pp$ bound state in the FINUDA experiment Room: Kona 5 |
Fukuda, Tomokazu Osaka Electro-Communication University |
Session 1WF.00006 Hypernuclear Study with Hadronic Reactions, from AGS/KEK-PS to J-PARC Room: Kohala 3 |
Gade, Alexandra Michigan State University |
Session CA.00003 In-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy towards the nucleon driplines Room: Kona 5 |
Gale, Charles Department of Physics, McGill University |
Session 2WH.00001 Photon and Dilepton Emission from the QGP at RHIC Room: Kings 3 |
Gao, Haiyan Duke University |
Session 2WG.00006 Prospects in neutron transverse spin study with polarized 3He at 12 GeV Jefferson Laboratory Room: Kings 2 |
Gericke, Michael University of Manitoba |
Session 1WE.00006 The Hadronic Weak Interaction and Parity Violation in Cold Neutron-Nucleus Capture Room: Kona 5 |
Gliske, Stephen University of Michigan |
Session 2WG.00001 Transversity at HERMES Room: Kings 2 |
Goerres, Joachim University of Notre Dame |
Session 2WC.00007 Neutron Sources in Stellar Carbon Burning Room: Kohala 4 |
Gothe, Ralf W. University of South Carolina |
Session 2WF.00001 Nucleon Transition Form Factors with CLAS12 Room: Kohala 3 |
Goto, Yuji RIKEN / RIKEN BNL Research Center |
Session LA.00003 RHIC-Spin: Results and Outlook Room: Kona 5 |
Gratta, Giorgio Physics Dept, Stanford University |
Session 1WD.00003 EXO -- An overview Room: Kohala 2 |
Grosse Perdekamp, Matthias University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign |
Session 2WG.00002 Transverse Spin Measurements at RHIC Room: Kings 2 |
Gunji, Taku Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo |
Session 1WH.00007 Heavy Quarkonia Production in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and Perspectives for the LHC Room: Kings 3 |
Gupta, Rajan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session EE.00001 Equation of State and the finite temperature transition in hot QCD Room: Kohala 2 |
Hatanaka, Kichiji Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University |
Session 1WE.00002 He-II UCN source in Japan and Canada Room: Kona 5 |
Hatsuda, Tetsuo Physics Department, University of Tokyo |
Session EA.00002 Hyperon Interactions from Lattice QCD Room: Kona 5 |
Hayano, Ryugo The University of Tokyo |
Session EK.00001 Testing the CPT symmetry using slow antiprotons Room: Queens 5 |
Hicks, Kenneth Ohio University |
Session CJ.00001 Baryon Resonances from Measurements of Strange Baryon Production Room: Queens 4 |
Hirano, Tetsufumi the University of Tokyo |
Session KA.00004 Theoretical perspectives of physics on relativistic heavy ion collisions Room: Kona 5 |
Hirayama, Y. IPNS, KEK |
Session 1WB.00007 Spectroscopy of r-process nuclei using multi-nucleon transfer reaction Room: Kona 4 |
Hisano, Junji ICRR, University of Tokyo |
Session 2WE.00001 EDMs and beyond the standard model in particle physics Room: Kona 5 |
Hosaka, Atsushi RCNP, Osaka University |
Session 2WF.00005 Photoproductions for the study of baryon resonances Room: Kohala 3 |
Hotta, Tomoaki RCNP, Osaka University |
Session 1WF.00003 Hadronic Physics at LEPS/SPring-8 Room: Kohala 3 |
Ideguchi, Eiji Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo |
Session 2WB.00001 Lifetime measurements of RI beam and high-spin studies with degraded beams Room: Kona 4 |
Imbriani, Gianluca Naples University, Federico II, Italy |
Session 2WC.00006 Standard Solar Model Data Needs Room: Kohala 4 |
Ishihara, Nobuhiro KEK |
Session 2WD.00005 Status of the DCBA Experiment Room: Kohala 2 |
Itagaki, Naoyuki University of Tokyo |
Session 1WA.00006 Nuclear structure studies in JUSTIPEN and EFES activities Room: Kohala 1 |
Ito, Makoto Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University |
Session CA.00004 Exotic clusters in an unbound region of light neutron-rich systems Room: Kona 5 |
Ji, Xiangdong University of Maryland |
Session LA.00001 Update on the spin structure of the nucleon Room: Kona 5 |
Jiang, Xiaodong Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session 2WG.00005 Jefferson Lab Neutron Transversity Experiments (E06-010) Room: Kings 2 |
Jido, Daisuke Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University |
Session CD.00001 Recent topics of hadrons in nuclei Room: Kohala 4 |
Jones, Kate University of Tennessee |
Session 2WA.00003 Extracting spectroscopic factors from direct reactions Room: Kohala 1 |
Kajino, Taka National Astronomical Observatory, University of Tokyo |
Session 1WA.00003 Neutrinos in Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics and Japan-US Collaboration Room: Kohala 1 |
Kamada, Hiroyuki Kyushu Institute of Technology |
Session DH.00001 Three-nucleon force effects in 3N hadronic reactions Room: Kings 3 |
Kamiya, Yoshio International Center for Elementary Particle Physics |
Session 1WE.00007 Precision measurement of quantum states of neutrons in the terrestrial gravity Room: Kona 5 |
Karsch, Frithjof Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session DB.00001 The QCD Phase Diagram from Lattice Regularized QCD Room: Kona 4 |
Kawabata, Takahiro Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session 2WA.00005 Alpha inelastic scattering and cluster structures in light stable and unstable nuclei Room: Kohala 1 |
Kayser, Boris Fermilab |
Session 1WD.00001 The Profound Implications of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Kohala 2 |
Kitaguchi, Masaaki Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University |
Session 1WE.00005 Cold neutron interferometry Room: Kona 5 |
Klein, Franz Catholic University of America |
Session 1WF.00007 Baryon resonance studies via meson photoproduction at CLAS Room: Kohala 3 |
Knoepfle, Karl Tasso MPI Kernphysik Heidelberg |
Session 2WD.00007 Status and Progress of GERDA Room: Kohala 2 |
Koike, Yuji Niigata University |
Session 2WG.00003 Theory of Transverse Spin and Transverse Structure of the Nucleon Room: Kings 2 |
Kolomensky, Yury LBNL/UC Berkeley |
Session 1WD.00006 Status of the CUORE Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment Room: Kohala 2 |
Kunihiro, Teiji Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session EB.00001 Critical Properties of Quark Matter at Finite Temperature and Density Room: Kona 4 |
Leitch, Michael Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session 1WG.00001 What we have learned from the RHIC d+Au program Room: Kings 2 |
Liu, Chen-Yu Indiana University |
Session 1WE.00001 Investigation of New Approaches to Ultra-cold Neutron Production at IUCF Room: Kona 5 |
Makela, Mark Los Alamos National Lab |
Session 2WE.00005 High Precision Measurements of Neutron Beta-Decay at LANSCE Room: Kona 5 |
Markowitz, Pete Florida International University |
Session 1WF.00005 Hypernuclear and Strange Quark Programs in Jefferson Lab Halls A and C Room: Kohala 3 |
Martin, Jerrad Washington University in Saint Louis and the McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences |
Session 2WD.00006 The neutrinoless double beta decay experiment COBRA: Status and future plans Room: Kohala 2 |
Masuda, Yasuhiro KEK |
Session BA.00004 UCN for Testing Fundamental Symmetries Room: Kona 5 |
Masui, Hiroshi Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session 2WH.00005 Test of Ideal Hydrodynamical Limit at RHIC Room: Kings 3 |
Matsuta, Kensaku Dpt. of Physics, Osaka Univ. and KEK-RCNP-Osaka-ICEPP UCN collaboration group |
Session 2WE.00003 UCN n-EDM experimental developments at RCNP Room: Kona 5 |
McCutchan, E.A. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 1WB.00005 Precision measurements of light neutron-rich nuclei Room: Kona 4 |
Miyachi, Yoshiyuki Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session 2WG.00007 Drell-Yan Process and Transversity Room: Kings 2 |
Miyatake, Hiroari IPNS, KEK |
Session CE.00001 A new approach for Next-TRIAC Room: Kohala 2 |
Mocsy, Agnes Pratt Institute |
Session KA.00002 Will We See a Perturbative QGP at the LHC? Room: Kona 5 |
Montes, Fernando National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory |
Session 1WC.00003 Recent and future rp-process experiments at NSCL Room: Kohala 4 |
Morrissey, David Michigan State University |
Session 2WA.00006 Pursuing the most neutron-rich nuclei, status and prospectives Room: Kohala 1 |
Motobayashi, Tohru RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session LH.00001 Direct Reactions studies at RIBF new facility Room: Kings 3 |
Mueller, Berndt Duke University |
Session AA.00003 Stranger than Fiction: Adventures in the QCD Wonderland Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Mueller, Peter Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 2WA.00001 Radium-225: The Path to a Next Generation EDM Measurement Room: Kohala 1 |
Murayama, Hitoshi University of Tokyo |
Session BA.00001 TBD Room: Kona 5 |
Nagae, Tomofumi Kyoto University |
Session AA.00002 Strangeness Nuclear Physics at the J-PARC era Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Nagai, Yasuki Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session 2WC.00002 Review of (n,gamma) reactions in astrophysics and scope at J-PARC Room: Kohala 4 |
Nakamura, Takashi Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session CA.00002 Nuclear Halo and Shell Evolution along the Neutron Drip Line Room: Kona 5 |
Nakatsukasa, Takashi RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 1WC.00007 Photonuclear reactions studied with the time-dependent density-functional theory Room: Kohala 4 |
Nara, Yasushi |
Session DC.00001 Understanding Thermal and Collective Properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma Room: Kohala 1 |
Naruki, Megumi KEK - High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation |
Session KA.00003 Probing Dense Matter via Hadron Properties Room: Kona 5 |
Nemura, Hidekatsu Tohoku University |
Session 2WF.00006 Light hypernuclei and hyperon-nucleon potentials based on lattice QCD Room: Kohala 3 |
Nishimura, Shunji RIKEN |
Session 1WC.00002 First results from RIBF and the scope Room: Kohala 4 |
Nittler, Larry Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session BG.00001 Constraints on Nuclear Astrophysics from Presolar Stardust in Meteorites Room: Kings 2 |
Nonaka, Chiho Nagoya University |
Session 1WH.00001 Relativistic Heavy Ion Theory: Present and Future Room: Kings 3 |
Odahara, Atsuko Dep. of Phys., Osaka Univ. |
Session 2WB.00007 Isomer spectroscopy using RI beam Room: Kona 4 |
Ogawa, Izumi Graduate School of Science, Osaka University |
Session 1WD.00002 CANDLES for the study of $^{48}$Ca double beta decay Room: Kohala 2 |
Ohsumi, Hideaki |
Session 2WD.00003 NEMO 3 double beta decay experiment and SuperNEMO project Room: Kohala 2 |
Oi, Makito Insititute of Natural Sciences, Senshu University |
Session 2WB.00005 Search of neutron-rich superdeformer, superheavy K-isomer, superfast rotor, and chiral wobbler with RIBF and GRETINA Room: Kona 4 |
Okada, Kensuke RIKEN BNL Research Center |
Session 1WG.00002 RHIC-spin program for the next several years Room: Kings 2 |
Otsuka, Takaharu University of Tokyo |
Session AB.00001 New Aspects of Nuclear Structure Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Oyama, Ken University of Heidelberg |
Session 2WH.00007 The ALICE experiment -- Nuclear collisons at the high-energy frontier at LHC Room: Kings 3 |
Petcov, Serguey SISSA/INFN, Trieste, Italy |
Session 2WD.00001 Neutrino Mass Spectrum, Majorana CP-Violation, $\beta\beta$-Decay and Beyond Room: Kohala 2 |
Pieper, Steven C. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session CA.00001 Ab initio calculations of $^{12}$C and neutron drops Room: Kona 5 |
Pocanic, Dinko University of Virginia |
Session 2WE.00007 Neutron beta decay measurements planned for the SNS Room: Kona 5 |
Pratt, Scott Michigan State University |
Session 2WH.00006 The Long Slow Death of the HBT Puzzle Room: Kings 3 |
Putschke, Joern Yale University |
Session 1WH.00005 Full jet-reconstruction in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC Room: Kings 3 |
Qiu, Jianwei Iowa State University |
Session DF.00001 Probing hadron structure by high energy scattering processes Room: Kohala 3 |
Radford, David Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 |
Session 1WB.00001 Coulomb excitation and transfer reactions to study neutron-rich nuclei Room: Kona 4 |
Reddy, Sanjay Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session LE.00001 Strangeness in compact stars Room: Kohala 2 |
Ruiz, Chris TRIUMF |
Session DA.00003 Direct Measurements of Radiative Capture and Charged Particle Reactions of Astrophysical Importance Using Radioactive Beams Room: Kona 5 |
Rutledge, Bob McGill University |
Session DA.00004 TBD Room: Kona 5 |
Sasaki, Shoichi University of Tokyo |
Session LA.00002 Nucleon structure from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD Room: Kona 5 |
Sawada, Shinya High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) |
Session 2WF.00007 Hadronic Physics at J-PARC Room: Kohala 3 |
Schatz, Hendrik Michigan State University, National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, and Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics |
Session 1WB.00006 Nuclear astrophysics with tracking arrays Room: Kona 4 |
Scheit, Heiko RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 2WA.00007 In-beam $\gamma$-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF: recent results and future prospects Room: Kohala 1 |
Sekiguchi, Kimiko RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session CH.00001 Few Nucleon Scattering and Three Nucleon Force Room: Kings 3 |
Shima, Tatsushi RCNP, Osaka University |
Session DA.00001 Experimental studies of photonuclear reactions relevant to astrophysical nucleosynthesis Room: Kona 5 |
Shimizu, Hirohiko KEK |
Session 2WE.00006 Neutron Science at J-PARC Room: Kona 5 |
Shimomura, Maya University of Tsukuba |
Session CC.00001 What We Have Learned from the Measurement of Azimuthal Anisotropy of Identified Particles in Relativistic Heavy ion Collisions Room: Kohala 1 |
Starosta, Krzysztof Simon Fraser University |
Session 2WB.00002 Nuclear transition moment measurements of neutron rich nuclei Room: Kona 4 |
Stuchbery, Andrew The Australian National University |
Session 2WB.00003 Nuclear moment measurements on neutron-rich nuclei Room: Kona 4 |
Sumihama, Mizuki Osaka University, RCNP |
Session 2WF.00002 Baryon resonances at LEPS Room: Kohala 3 |
Takechi, Maya RIKEN |
Session 2WA.00002 Study of Exotic Nuclear Structures via Total Reaction Cross Sections Room: Kohala 1 |
Tamura, Hirokazu Tohoku University |
Session BJ.00001 Spectroscopy of S = -1 hypernuclei at KEK, BNL and J-PARC Room: Queens 4 |
Tang, Liguang Hampton University/JLAB |
Session EA.00001 Study of spectroscopy of $\Lambda $-hypernuclei using the (e,e'K$^{+})$ reaction at JLAB Room: Kona 5 |
Thomas, Anthony Jefferson Lab |
Session 1WF.00001 Strangeness in Hadronic and Nuclear Systems Room: Kohala 3 |
Thompson, Ian Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session KH.00001 Overview of reaction theories to probe exotic nuclear structure Room: Kings 3 |
Timmes, Frank Arizona State University |
Session 2WC.00001 On the Past, Present, \& Future of 60Fe (and 26Al) Room: Kohala 4 |
Torii, Hisayuki Hiroshima University |
Session 2WH.00003 Photon Physics Potential at ALICE Room: Kings 3 |
Utsuno, Yutaka Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session 1WB.00003 Evolution of shell and nuclear structure in the neutron rich region Room: Kona 4 |
Venugopalan, Raju BNL |
Session 1WG.00006 How universal gluodynamics underlying the structure of matter can be uncovered with precision by an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) Room: Kings 2 |
Vigdor, Steven Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 1WG.00007 Planning and Realization of an Electron Ion Collider Room: Kings 2 |
Wanajo, Shinya Technische Universitaet Muenchen |
Session DA.00002 The r-Process in Supernovae and Galactic Chemical Evolution Room: Kona 5 |
Xu, Nu Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session KA.00001 Collective Dynamics in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions at RHIC Room: Kona 5 |
Yamaguchi, Hidetoshi CNS, the University of Tokyo |
Session 1WC.00005 Study on astrophysical reactions using low-energy RI beams Room: Kohala 4 |
Yamaguchi, Yorito University of Tokyo |
Session 2WH.00002 Measurements of low mass di-electrons and low $p_{T}$ direct photons in the PHENIX experiment at RHIC Room: Kings 3 |
Yoshida, Sei Tohoku University |
Session 1WD.00005 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of 136Xe by KamLAND Room: Kohala 2 |
Yoshida, Takashi University of Tokyo |
Session CG.00001 Neutrino Oscillation in Supernovae and Its Influence on Nucleosynthesis Room: Kings 2 |
Yoshida, Takashi University of Tokyo |
Session 2WC.00003 Explosive and Neutrino Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae Room: Kohala 4 |
Zhang, Ben-Wei Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session 1WH.00003 Jet shapes and jet cross sections in relativistic heavy-ion collisions Room: Kings 3 |
Zheng, Xiaochao University of Virginia |
Session LA.00004 The Nucleon Spin Program at Jefferson Lab Room: Kona 5 |
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