3rd Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 54, Number 10
Tuesday–Saturday, October 13–17, 2009;
Waikoloa, Hawaii
Session EA: Strangeness in Nuclear Physics
9:00 AM–12:00 PM,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Room: Kona 5
Chair: Tomfumi Nagae, Kyoto University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2009.HAW.EA.4
Abstract: EA.00004 : Exclusive Hyperon Production at CLAS
11:15 AM–12:00 PM
Preview Abstract
Daniel Carman
(Jefferson Laboratory)
This talk will provide an overview of the exclusive hyperon
production experiments being carried out by the CLAS
Collaboration at Jefferson Laboratory. The program is designed to
measure cross sections and a complete set of beam, target, and
recoil hyperon polarization observables for both $K\Lambda$ and
$K\Sigma$ final states with beam energies up to 6~GeV. These
data will span a broad kinematic range in momentum transfer $Q^2$
and invariant energy $W$, and nearly the full center-of-mass
angular range of the kaon. Analyses of data on both proton and
neutron targets are underway or planned for the near future
involving polarized beams (longitudinally polarized electrons,
circularly and linearly polarized photons) and polarized targets
(longitudinally and transversely polarized). The main goal of
this series of measurements is to provide precision data needed
to disentangle the resonant and non-resonant amplitudes in the
intermediate state to uncover baryon resonances that couple to
the strangeness channels ($N^* \to K\Lambda$, $K\Sigma$,
$\Delta^* \to K\Sigma$). This will improve our understanding of
the nucleon excitation spectrum, and hence, probe the effective
degrees of freedom of the nucleon. These data will also serve to
improve our understanding of the dynamics underlying strangeness
production in general. Over the next several years it is expected
that a full coupled-channels analysis, including hadroproduction
data, as well as data with both real and virtual photons, will be
completed by several groups, including the Excited Baryon
Analysis Center (EBAC) at Jefferson Laboratory. The precision
data from CLAS will be a crucial input for these analyses. Within
the next five years, the CLAS facility will be significantly
upgraded for use with the higher-energy electron beams available
with the 12-GeV Jefferson Laboratory energy upgrade. The future
of the strangeness physics program with the new CLAS12 facility
will be
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2009.HAW.EA.4