Bulletin of the American Physical Society
63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 66, Number 13
Monday–Friday, November 8–12, 2021; Pittsburgh, PA
Session Index
Session NP11: Poster Session V:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 Room: Hall A |
Not Participating |
NP11.00002: Turbulence in L-H transitions on MAST and MAST-U Lena Howlett, Istvan Cziegler, Simon Freethy, Hendrik Meyer, Daniel Dunai | |
NP11.00003: Automated analysis of turbulent electron temperature fluctuation measurements at ASDEX Upgrade Christian Yoo, Rachel Bielajew, Garrard D Conway, Calvin Cummings, Pedro A Molina Cabrera, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Anne E White | |
NP11.00004: Cause of transport-channel decoupling in TJ-II, examined from its sensitivity to the relative phase between density and temperature fluctuations Mark E Koepke, I. Nedzelskiy, E. de la Cal, A. V Melnikov, I. Voldiner, L. G Eliseev, A. Chmyga, M. Drabinskiy, T. Estrada, C. Hidalgo, P. O Khabanov, A. S Kozachek, L. I Krupnik, G. Martin, U. Losada, J. L de Pablos, C. Silva | |
NP11.00005: Development of a novel ion energy analyzer for electric potential diagnosis of fusion plasmas Peter J Fimognari, Thomas P Crowley, Diane R Demers | |
NP11.00006: Magnetic island width change by turbulence spreading in electrostatic gyrokinetic simulation Wonjun Tae, Min Sup Hur, Jae-Min Kwon, Eisung Yoon | |
NP11.00007: Assessing Physics of ITG Turbulence via Hierarchical Reduced-Model Representations Paul W Terry, Ping-Yu Li | |
NP11.00008: Turbulence Suppression in Negative Triangularity and Negative Central Shear Toroids Jessica L Li, Michael Cole, Allan Reiman, Michael C Zarnstorff | |
NP11.00009: Effect of Triangularity on Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Turbulence Joey M Duff, Benjamin Faber, Chris C Hegna, MJ Pueschel, Paul W Terry | |
NP11.00010: Verification of collision modules for neoclassical simulations in Tokamak Dongkyu Kim, Janghoon Seo, Gahyung Jo, Jae-Min Kwon, Eisung Yoon | |
NP11.00011: Electrostatic gyrokinetic simulation of ultra-high-beta(β~1) equilibria Rahul Gaur, William D Dorland, I. G Abel | |
NP11.00012: Gyrokinetic Simulations of Zonal Flow Generation by Intermediate-Scale Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence in Tokamak Plasmas Stefan Tirkas, Haotian Chen, Gabriele Merlo, Scott E Parker | |
NP11.00013: The Dynamics of Strongly-Driven Electron Temperature Gradient Turbulence in a Slab William D Dorland, Ian G Abel, Rahul Gaur | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00014: Recent Progress in EM-GTS code Edward A Startsev, Weixing X Wang | |
NP11.00015: Reduced models for ETG transport in the pedestal David R Hatch, Ben Chapman, Craig Michoski, Max Curie, Michael R Halfmoon, Ehab Hassan, Michael T Kotschenreuther, Swadesh M Mahajan, Gabriele Merlo, MJ Pueschel, Justin Walker | |
NP11.00016: Global theory of microtearing modes in the tokamak pedestal Joseph Larakers, Max Curie, David R Hatch, Swadesh M Mahajan, Richard D Hazeltine | |
NP11.00017: Gyrokinetic study of impurity transport in the H-mode pedestal Neeraj Kumar, Stefan Tirkas, Gabriele Merlo, Shaun R Haskey, Brian A Grierson, Scott E Parker | |
NP11.00018: Analysis of gyrokinetic microinstabilities driving anomalous losses in DIII-D pedestal region Michael R Halfmoon, David R Hatch, Michael T Kotschenreuther, Swadesh M Mahajan, Andrew O Nelson, Egemen Kolemen, Florian M. Laggner, Ahmed Diallo, Ehab Hassan, Max Curie, Richard J Groebner | |
NP11.00019: Micro-Tearing Modes in the DIII-D plasma edge Alexei Pankin, Tariq Rafiq, Santanu Banerjee, Jie Chen, Kshitish Kumar Barada, Richard J Groebner, Orso-Maria O Meneghini, Francesca M Poli, Terry L Rhodes, Tim Slendebroek, Sterling P Smith, Zheng Yan | |
NP11.00020: Electromagnetic reduction of transport and heat-flux width in gyrokinetic simulations of a helical scrape-off layer model Noah R Mandell, Gregory W Hammett, Ammar Hakim, Manaure Francisquez | |
NP11.00021: Theory, modeling, and validation for a range of innovative fusion concepts using high-fidelity moment-kinetic models Ammar Hakim, Bhuvana Srinivasan, Colin S Adams, Stefano Brizzolara | |
NP11.00022: gkylzero: the Lightweight Library Underpinning the Gkeyll Simulation Framework James L Juno, Ammar Hakim, Manaure Francisquez, Noah R Mandell, Tess Bernard, Petr Cagas, Kolter Bradshaw, Liang Wang, Rupak Mukherjee, Jason M TenBarge, Gregory W Hammett | |
NP11.00023: A twist-shift boundary condition algorithm for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations Manaure Francisquez, Noah R Mandell, Ammar Hakim, Gregory W Hammett | |
NP11.00024: Toward exascale whole-device modeling of fusion devices: Porting the GENE gyrokinetic microturbulence code to GPU Kai Germaschewski, Bryce Allen, Tilman Dannert, Markus Hrywniak, John Donaghy, Gabriele Merlo, Stephane Ethier, Ed D'Azevedo, Frank Jenko, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
NP11.00025: Optimization of GEM using OpenMP GPU Offloading Qiheng Cai, Junyi Cheng, Yang Chen, Oryspayev Dossay, Paul Lin, D'azevedo Ed, Scott E Parker | |
NP11.00026: A Learned Fluid Closure for Phase Mixing Applied to a Turbulent Gradient-Driven Gyrokinetic System in Simple Geometry Akash Shukla, David R Hatch, Craig Michoski, William D Dorland | |
NP11.00027: Effects of an artificial source in global gyrokinetic simulations Yang Chen, Junyi Cheng, Scott E Parker | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00028: Exploring Novel Electromagnetic Algorithms for Efficient Particle-in-Cell Simulations Andrew T Sexton, John G Shaw, Ayden Kish, Michael Lavell, Sreepathi Pai, Adam B Sefkow | |
NP11.00029: A New Gauge-Compatible Finite Element PIC Algorithm on an Unstructured Mesh Alexander S Glasser, Hong Qin | |
NP11.00030: Comparison of Coulomb Collision Models in Simulations of Odd-Parity Field Reversed Configuration Michael J Lavell, John G Shaw, Ayden J Kish, Andrew T Sexton, Aditya R Srinivasan, Scott Sikorski, Adam B Sefkow | |
NP11.00031: Progress on implementing general parallel moment equations in NIMROD Hankyu Lee, J. Andrew Spencer, Eric D Held, Jeong-Young Ji | |
NP11.00032: Differential RF Heating as a Control Tool the Cross-phase: A Mechanism for Controlling I-modes and Other Enhanced Confinement Regimes? David E Newman, Dempsey Rogers, Soma R Panta, Paul W Terry, Raul Sanchez | |
NP11.00033: The Nonlinear State of Strong Interchange-Type Turbulence Kenneth W Gentle, Mark E Koepke, Samuel H Nogami | |
NP11.00034: Dynamics of Edge Shear Layer Collapse and the Density Limit Mikhail A Malkov, Patrick H Diamond | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00035: Shearless Transport Barriers Ibere L Caldas, Ricardo L Viana, Jose D Szezech Jr, Antonio M Batista, Philip J Morrison | |
NP11.00036: ICF | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00037: Targets and plasma diagnostics experimental systems at the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) Tony CAILLAUD, Michel Ferri, Serge Debesset, Véronique Prevot, Romain Diaz, Laurent Le Deroff, Remi Du Jeu, Michel Martin, Cyril Lesaffre, Damien Antigny, Louis De Laval, Benjamin Fourton | |
NP11.00038: A Travelling Optical Thomson Scattering Diagnostic in Support of ARPA-E's Fusion-Energy Program Clement S Goyon, Jacob T Banasek, Simon C Bott-Suzuki, George F Swadling, Phillip S Datte, Drew P Higginson, James S Ross, Harry S McLean | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00039: Extending the use of RTNADs capabilities at the NIF Kelly D Hahn, Richard M Bionta, Eugene A Henry, Dean R Rusby, Alastair S Moore, David Barker, Edwin Casco, Tony Golod, Gary Grim, Edward P Hartouni, Shaun M Kerr | |
NP11.00040: Time resolved measurement of electron density and temperature in NIF compressed capsules with the dHIRES x-ray spectrometer Kenneth W Hill, M Bitter, Lan Gao, B Kraus, P.C. Efthimion, N. Pablant, M.B. Schneider, D.B. Thorn, H. Chen, R.L. Kauffman, D.A. Liedahl, M.J. MacDonald, A.G. MacPhee, S. Stoupin, R. Doron, E. Stambulchik, Y. Maron, B. Lahmann | |
NP11.00041: Developing a Forward Model of Single-hit Array Detector for Reaction-In-Flight Neutrons Measurement Yongho Kim, Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath, Carlton S Young, Thomas J Murphy, Kevin Meaney, Anna Hayes, Michael Springstead, David Schwellenbach, Jessica Clayton | |
NP11.00042: The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility for Diagnostic Development for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF Brandon J Lahmann, Maria Gatu Johnson, Andrew Birkel, Cody Chang, Skylar Dannhoff, Tucker Evans, Tim M Johnson, Neel Kabadi, Justin H Kunimune, Jacob A Pearcy, Patrick J Adrian, Benjamin Reichelt, Graeme Sutcliffe, Ernie Doeg, Robert Frankel, Johan A Frenje, Chikang Li, Fredrick H Seguin, Richard Petrasso | |
NP11.00043: One-dimensional, axially resolved and time-integrated neutron images from MagLIF experiments at Sandia’s Z Pulsed Power Facility Michael A Mangan, David N Fittinghoff, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Gary Cooper, Fredrick H Seguin, Johan A Frenje, Gary Whitlow, Patrick Lake | |
NP11.00044: Data processing to improving the signal of one-dimensional neutron images at Sandia's Z Pulsed Power Facility Michael A Mangan, Sidney Ricketts | |
NP11.00045: Schlieren Refraction Measurements of Implosion Density Profiles Daniel J Haberberger, Alexander Shvydky, Steven T Ivancic, Valeri N Goncharov, Christian Stoeckl, Dustin H Froula | |
NP11.00046: Calculated gamma-ray images from simple models of imploded ICF capsules for inference of structure at stagnation Nelson M Hoffman, Petr L Volegov, Verena Geppert-Kleinrath, Carl H Wilde, Kevin Meaney, Yongho Kim, Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath | |
NP11.00047: A two-temperature thermonuclear burn condition for inertial confinement fusion targets with high-Z pushers Sean M Finnegan | |
NP11.00048: Compression and Robust Burn in the Presence of Low-Mode Asymmetries for Double Shells David S Montgomery, Joshua P Sauppe | |
NP11.00049: Kinetic Mix at Gas-Shell Interface in Inverted Corona Fusion Experiments William Riedel, Nathan Meezan, Drew P Higginson, Matthias Hohenberger, Mark A Cappelli, Siegfried Glenzer | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00050: Using planar analogue experiments to aid design of double shell capsules Steven H Batha, Evan Dodd, Elizabeth C Merritt, Thomas J Murphy, Sasi Palaniyappan, Willow Wan, David S Montgomery, Eric N Loomis, Tana Morrow, Derek Schmidt | |
NP11.00051: Improvements to the Modeling of the Opacity-on-NIF hohlraum for Anchor 2 Evan Dodd, Natalia Krasheninnikova, Ian L Tregillis, Kathy Opachich, Heather M Johns, Robert F Heeter, Thomas Day, Todd Urbatsch, Melissa R Douglas, Ted S Perry | |
NP11.00052: Gold L-shell Spectroscopy of Laser-Heated Hohlraums Duane A Liedahl, Hui Chen, Nobuhiko Izumi, Christine M Krauland, Otto L Landen, Edward V Marley, John D Moody, Marilyn B Schneider, Tod Woods | |
NP11.00053: Analytic Modeling of Hohlraum Drive for High Performing HDC capsules. Mordecai D Rosen | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00054: Measurements of Improved Ablation Front Stabilization using a Multi-ablator Material Inertial Confinement Fusion Capsule Joseph E Ralph, Vladimir Smalyuk, Daniel S Clark, Abbas Nikroo | |
NP11.00055: Mitigating the Joint Feature in Double Shell Implosion Simulations David Stark, Joshua P Sauppe, Brian M Haines, Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Ryan F Sacks, Irina Sagert, Paul A Keiter, Theresa Quintana, Lindsey Kuettner, David S Montgomery, Tana Morrow, Brian Patterson, Lynne A Goodwin, Steven H Batha, Eric N Loomis | |
NP11.00056: Studying shape transfer of low-mode deformations in Double Shell capsule implosions Irina Sagert, Joshua P Sauppe, Eric N Loomis, Brian M Haines, Paul A Keiter, David S Montgomery, Ryan F Sacks, Sasi Palaniyappan, Tana Morrow, John L Kline, Sean M Finnegan, Peter A Amendt | |
NP11.00057: Simulations of thin-foil liner implosions driven by a dynamic screw pinch Shailaja Humane, Jeff M Woolstrum, Ryan D McBride | |
NP11.00058: Instabilities and radiation flow at a hot plasma interface Matthew P Hill, Kevin P Driver, Peter Graham, Steven H Langer, Christine Cuppoletti, Clay Henning, Michael S Rubery, Alex Do, Steve Johnson, Stefano Schiaffino, Elvin R Monzon, Warren J Garbett, Shon T Prisbrey | |
NP11.00059: Viscosity Control in High Energy Density Regimes Relevant to Inertial Confinement Fusion Ioana D Dumitru, William A Angermeier, Joshua P Sauppe, Brett Scheiner | |
NP11.00060: A new atomic mix model library available in HYDRA* Michael M Marinak, Brandon E Morgan, Chris R Schroeder | |
NP11.00061: A Deep Learning Approach to Design Inertial Confinement Fusion Implosions Rahman Ejaz, Varchas Gopalaswamy, Riccardo S Betti | |
NP11.00062: Energy-Conserving Particle-Pushing Algorithms for Hybrid Fluid-Kinetic Simulations Ayden J Kish, John G Shaw, Michael Lavell, Andrew T Sexton, Adam B Sefkow | |
NP11.00063: Influence of speckles on laser intensity profile near turning points Nicolas A Lopez, Eugene Kur, Thomas D Chapman, David J Strozzi, Pierre A Michel | |
NP11.00064: Overview of TriForce: Projects, Progress, and Plans Adam B Sefkow, John G Shaw, Ayden J Kish, Michael J Lavell, Andrew T Sexton, Steinar Borve, Alex Bowman, Matthew Burns, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, Samuel A Cohen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Marc Haddad, Keagan Hemsley, Abdallah Kokash, Yousef Lawrence, Robert L McCrory, Abdul Nahar, Sreepathi Pai, Aayush Poudel, Tamoy Seabourne, William Scullin, Scott Sikorski, Aditya R Srinivasan, Hristijan Stojkovich, Alex Velberg, Kagan Yanik, Shuang Zhai | |
NP11.00065: The Effect of Transport on Multi-Ion shocks Liam Welch, Bhuvana Srinivasan, James L Juno | |
NP11.00066: Examining the effects of variation of plasma conditions on the performance of high-energy long-pulse Brillouin amplifiers using one- and two-dimensional simulations Elias R Hansen, Vamshi Balanaga, Thomas D Chapman, Matthew R Edwards, Eugene Kur, Pierre A Michel, Jonathan S Wurtele | |
NP11.00067: Novel Mechanism to Generate Suprathermal Electrons by Anti-Stokes Langmuir Decay Instability Cascade Qingsong Feng, Ramy Aboushelbaya, Marko W Mayr, Ben T Spiers, Robert W Paddock, Iustin Ouatu, Robin Timmis, Lihua Cao, Zhanjun Liu, Chunyang Zheng, Xiantu He, Peter A Norreys | |
NP11.00068: Higher Dimensional Effects in Laser Plasma Interactionns Relevant to Inertial Fusion Frank S Tsung, Benjamin J Winjum, Roman Lee, Warren B Mori | |
NP11.00069: Bow shock formation in a plasma flowing across randomized laser beams Wojciech Rozmus, Joshua Ludwig, Stefan Hueller, Harvey A Rose, William A Farmer, George F Swadling, Bradley B Pollock, Colin J Bruulsema, Pierre A Michel | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00070: Study of stimulated Raman scattering of laser speckles in the inertial confinement fusion regime using 2D2V Vlasov simulations* Thomas D Chapman, Richard L Berger, Jeffrey W Banks, William Arrighi | |
NP11.00071: The importance of laser wavelength for driving inertial fusion targets. Andrew J Schmitt, Stephen P Obenschain | |
NP11.00072: Acceleration of ions in the corona of laser fusion pellets for fast ignition Robert Bingham, Elisabetta Boella, Robert Alan Cairns, Raoul M Trines, Marija Vranic, Nitin Shukla, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00073: On the possibility of achieving ignition with ions accelerated via laser-driven electrostatic shocks in the corona of an inertial confinement fusion pellet Elisabetta Boella, Robert Bingham, Robert Alan Cairns, Peter A Norreys, Raoul M Trines, Robbie H Scott, Marija Vranic, Nitin Shukla, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00074: Shock-Augmented Ignition Using Indirect Drive William T Trickey, Nigel C Woolsey, Robbie H Scott | |
NP11.00075: Studying scaling physics of the MagLIF platform on the Z accelerator facility Daniel E Ruiz, David A Yager-Elorriaga, Matthew R Gomez, Paul F Schmit, Matthew R Weis, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Christopher A Jennings, Eric Harding, William E Lewis, Gabriel A Shipley, David J Ampleford, Kristian Beckwith | |
NP11.00076: Dense cryogenic fuel layers for high performance magnetized liner inertial fusion Stephen A Slutz, Thomas J Awe, Jerry A Crabtree | |
NP11.00077: Diagnostics and first results for the PLX PJMIF target plasma jets Andrew Case, Edward Cruz, Marco Luna, Robert Becker, Adam Cook, Franklin D Witherspoon | |
NP11.00078: Measurements of Shock-Front Separation in Multi-Ion-Species Plasma Shocks Feng Chu, Samuel J Langendorf, Andrew L LaJoie, Brett Keenan | |
NP11.00079: Overview of Present and Planned Diagnostics of the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX) Andrew L LaJoie, Feng Chu, Lucas G Webster, Samual J Langendorf, Mark A Gilmore | |
NP11.00080: Three Dimensional Modeling of High \ Beta Magnetized Targets for Plasma-jet-driven Magneto-inertial-fusion (PJMIF) Aalap Vyas, Jason Cassibry, Samual J Langendorf, Douglas Witherspoon | |
NP11.00081: Design of Thomson Scattering System on the Plasma Liner Experiment Lucas G Webster, Andrew L LaJoie, Samuel J Langendorf, Mark A Gilmore | |
NP11.00082: Measurement of the magnetic field and wall motion of hohlraum materials for the MagNIF platform Bernard Kozioziemski, John D Moody, Evan Carroll, Jay Javedani, Anthony Johnson, Sergei O Kucheyev, Christopher Provencher, Vincent Tang, Dexter K Yanagisawa | |
NP11.00083: Exploring extreme magnetization phenomena in directly-driven imploding cylindrical targets Chris Walsh, Ricardo Florido, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Jeremy P Chittenden, Aidan C Crilly, Marco A Gigosos, Roberto C Mancini, Gabriel Perez Callejo, Christos Vlachos, Christopher McGuffey, Farhat N Beg, Joao J Santos | |
NP11.00084: Field-Reversed Configuration lifetime scaling under compression Thomas E Weber, John C Boguski, Ian A Bean | |
NP11.00085: Updates to the Laser Gate Experiment for Increasing Preheat Energy Coupling in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) Stephanie M Miller, Stephen A Slutz, Akash Shah, Brendan J Sporer, Carolyn C Kuranz, Matthew R Gomez, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride | |
NP11.00086: Diagnosing current losses in the MJOLNIR DPF Paul C Campbell, Clement S Goyon, Steven Chapman, Alexander P Povilus, Rick Anaya, Michael G Anderson, Don Max, Anthony J Link, Christopher M Cooper, Andrea E Schmidt | |
NP11.00087: Neutron diagnostics and timing on the MJOLNIR dense plasma focus Christopher M Cooper, Clement S Goyon, Andrea E Schmidt, Rick Anaya, Michael G Anderson, Paul C Campbell, Steven Chapman, Owen B Drury, Luis Frausto, Drew P Higginson, Anthony J Link, Don Max, Alexander P Povilus, Sophia Rocco, William Waggoner, Kurt Walters | |
NP11.00088: Dense Plasma Focus Simulations at LLNL Anthony J Link, Rick Anaya, Michael G Anderson, Justin R Angus, Gustavo Bartolo, Paul C Campbell, Steven Chapman, Christopher M Cooper, Owen B Drury, Clement S Goyon, Drew P Higginson, Luis Frausto, Don Max, Matt McMahon, Yuri A Podpaly, Alexander P Povilus, Sophia Rocco, William Waggoner, Kurt Walters, Amanda Youmans, Andrea E Schmidt | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00089: Optimizing Dense Plasma Focus Neutron Yields via Kinetic Simulations Matthew M McMahon, Justin R Angus, Drew P Higginson, Anthony J Link, Andrea E Schmidt | |
NP11.00090: Modelling high energy density systems with strong radiative loss using static mesh refinement Nikita Chaturvedi, Jeremy P Chittenden, Nicolas Niasse | |
NP11.00091: Development of an energy-dispersive X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy diagnostic driven by a portable X-pinch backlighter Jergus Strucka, Jack W Halliday, Tatiana Shelkovenko, Sergei Pikuz, Simon N Bland | |
NP11.00092: Double Gas Puff Z-pinch Experiments on the CESZAR LTD Fabio Conti, Apsara M Williams, Jeff Narkis, Nicholas Aybar, Vladimir Fadeev, Farhat N Beg | |
NP11.00093: Magnetized gas puff Z-pinch experiments on the CESZAR LTD Apsara M Williams, Fabio Conti, Vladimir Fadeev, Nicholas Aybar, Jeff Narkis, Farhat N Beg | |
NP11.00094: Effects of Pre-Ionization on Current Distribution in a Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Akash Shah, Brendan J Sporer, George V Dowhan, Kristi W Elliott, Krishnan Mahadevan, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride | |
NP11.00095: Recent Simulations of Nozzle Gas Flow and Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Implosions With Magnetic Fields in the Weizmann Z-Pinch Varun Tangri, John L Giuliani, Arati Dasgupta, Tal Queller, Eyal Kroupp, Yitzhak Maron | |
NP11.00096: Wire-Array Z-pinch within a Dynamic Magnetic Mirror Chiatai Chen, Eric S Lavine, William M Potter, Bruce Kusse | |
NP11.00097: Measurements of the imploding plasma sheath in triple-nozzle gas-puff z pinches on 1-MA COBRA Eric S Lavine, Sophia Rocco, Jacob T Banasek, William M Potter, Jay S Angel, Euan Freeman, David A Hammer, Bruce Kusse | |
NP11.00098: Observation of XUV emission from Al Z-pinch plasmas in the 40-700Å range Haritha K Hariharan, Kyle J Swanson, Roberto C Mancini, Vladimir V Ivanov, Bernhard Bach, Alexey L Astanoviskyi, Ryan P Schoenfeld, Enac Gallardo-Diaz | |
NP11.00099: Operation and Performance of a 750 kJ Dense Plasma Focus at Verus Research Jonathon Heinrich, Michael Butcher, Manual Alan, Carl Willis, Robert Dwyer, Shelby Huber, Phillip Martinez, Brian Gorgas | |
Not Participating |
NP11.00100: Optimal conditions for high neutron yields in deuterium gas-puff z-pinches Daniel Klir, Alexander V Shishlov, Stuart L Jackson, Rustam K Cherdizov, Jakub Cikhardt, Fedor I Fursov, Volody A Kokshenev, Jozef Kravarik, Pavel Kubes, Nikolai E Kurmaev, Jakub Malir, Vojtech Munzar, Jan Novotny, Nikolai A Ratakhin, Karel Rezac | |
NP11.00101: HED | |
NP11.00102: Magnetized bow shocks in radiatively cooled collisional plasma flows Rishabh Datta, Jack D Hare, Clayton E Myers, David J Ampleford, Jeremy P Chittenden, Aidan C Crilly, William R Fox, Jack W Halliday, Christopher A Jennings, Hantao Ji, Carolyn C Kuranz, Sergey V Lebedev, Raul F Melean, Dmitri A Uzdensky | |
NP11.00103: Simulations of strong radiatively cooled magnetic reconnection for the MARZ campaign on Z Jack D Hare, Clayton E Myers, Jeremy P Chittenden, Aidan C Crilly, Rishabh Datta, William R Fox, Jack W Halliday, Christopher A Jennings, Hantao Ji, Carolyn C Kuranz, Sergey V Lebedev, Raul F Melean, Dmitri A Uzdensky | |
NP11.00104: Development of the MARZ platform (Magnetically Ablated Reconnection on Z) to study astrophysically relevant radiative magnetic reconnection in the laboratory Clayton E Myers, Jack D Hare, David J Ampleford, Carlos Aragon, Jeremy P Chittenden, Anthony P Colombo, Aidan C Crilly, Rishabh Datta, Aaron Edens, William R Fox, Matthew R Gomez, Jack W Halliday, Stephanie B Hansen, Eric Harding, Roger L Harmon, Michael C Jones, Christopher A Jennings, Hantao Ji, Carolyn C Kuranz, Sergey V Lebedev, Quinn Looker, Raul F Melean, Sonal Patel, Dmitri A Uzdensky, Timothy J Webb | |
NP11.00105: 2D Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Electrothermal Instability in Metallic Liners Matthew J Carrier, Bhuvana Srinivasan, William A Farmer, Robert L Masti | |
NP11.00106: Deceleration stage Rayleigh-Taylor instability studied in planar and cylindrical geometries Camille Samulski, Bhuvana Srinivasan, Mario J Manuel, Kumar S Raman | |
NP11.00107: Development of the BLUE LTD System at the University of Michigan Roman Shapovalov, Brendan J Sporer, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride | |
NP11.00108: Staged Z-pinch modeling of high and low atomic number liners compressing deuterium targets using parameters of the Z pulsed power facility Emil Ruskov, Paul Ney, Hafiz U Rahman | |
NP11.00109: An Analysis of RT Instability in Stagnated Magnetized Plasmas Stefano Merlini, Jack D Hare, Guy C Burdiak, Jack W Halliday, Lee G Suttle, Danny R Russell, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Jeremy P Chittenden, Andrea Ciardi, Thomas Varnish, Katherine Marrow, Mark E Koepke, Sergey V Lebedev | |
NP11.00110: Zeeman Spectroscopic Determination of Magnetic Field on Gas Puff Z-Pinches Jay S Angel, Euan Freeman, William Potter, Dave Hammer | |
NP11.00111: Zeeman Polarization Spectroscopy on gas-puffs at 1-MA on COBRA Euan Freeman, Eric S Lavine, Jay S Angel, David A Hammer, William M Potter | |
NP11.00112: A Dispersion Interferometer Diagnostic used for Low Electron Density Measurements in Magnetically Insulated Transmission Lines on Sandia's Z-Machine Nathan Hines, Robert H Dwyer, Mark A Gilmore, Sonal Patel, Daniel J Scoglietti, Darrell Armstrong, George Laity, Michael E Cuneo | |
NP11.00113: A Solid-State High Voltage Trigger for HEDP Application James R Prager, Kenneth E Miller, Chris Bowman, Kyle McEleney | |
NP11.00114: Constraining magnitudes of nonzero temperature and density gradients using absorption spectra of radiatively heated target-foil plasma Gregory A Riggs, Mark E Koepke, Theodore S Lane, Pawel M Kozlowski | |
NP11.00115: Development of broadband hard x-ray radiography for pulsed power-driven warm dense plasmas Hiroshi Sawada, Lei Chen | |
NP11.00116: Overview of the General Atomics LAboratory for Developing Rep-rated Instrumentation and Experiments with Lasers (GALADRIEL) Gilbert W Collins, Mario J Manuel, Christopher McGuffey, Alicia Dautt-Silva, Brian Sammuli, Devin Vollmer | |
NP11.00117: Laser-accelerated protons for the study of fission in exotic nuclei Jeffrey Burggraf, Pascal Boller, Alex B Zylstra, Thomas Küehl, Dieter H G Schneider | |
NP11.00118: Fresnel Zone Plate Imaging of Laser-Driven Hydrodynamic Instabilities Benjamin J Tobias, Sam Myren, Alexandria Strickland, Justin Jorgenson, Thomas Archuleta, John J Ruby, Alexandre Do, Steven T Ivancic, Frederic J Marshall, Alexander Rasmus, Elizabeth C Merritt, Kirk A Flippo | |
NP11.00119: Pulsed power produced cylindrically convergent shockwaves in water at the Mega-Ampere Level Simon N Bland, Jergus Strucka, Savva P Theocharous, David Yanuka, Jeremy P Chittenden, Luis Sebastian Caballero Bendixsen, Joshua Read, Cristian Dobranszki, Hugo W Doyle, Yakov Krasik, Daniel Maler, Alexander Rososhek | |
NP11.00120: Investigation of Geometric and Radiative Effects in a Shock-Driven Shear Flow Sonya Dick, Griffin S Cearley, Matthew Trantham, Carolyn C Kuranz, Eric Johnsen | |
NP11.00121: Using data science methods to efficiently and effectively plan HED experiments and analyze data Codie Y Fiedler Kawaguchi, Eric Johnsen, Xun Huan, Michael J Wadas, Kirk A Flippo, Elizabeth C Merritt, Benjamin J Tobias, Alexander Rasmus, Joseph M Levesque, Alexander Cram, Sam Myren, Anthony Palmer, Noah Dunkley | |
NP11.00122: Anode Shape and Hollow Effects on Neutron Yield in a 4.4 kJ Dense Plasma Focus Device Veronica Eudave, Eric Hahn, Swarvanu Gosh, Jeff Narkis, Fabio Conti, Farhat Beg | |
NP11.00123: Hydrodynamic Density Functional Theory of Dense, Heterogeneous Plasmas Chris M Gerlach, Michael S Murillo, Liam G Stanton | |
NP11.00124: Study of neutron production from a 4.4 kJ dense plasma focus May Ghosh, Eric Hahn, Veronica Eudave, Fabio Conti, Jeffrey Narkis, Farhat Beg | |
NP11.00125: Implementation and Verification of Braginskii Viscosity in the FLASH Code Abigail Armstrong, Adam Reyes, Marissa B Adams, Periklis Farmakis, Edward C Hansen, Yingchao Lu, David Michta, Kasper Moczulski, Don Q Lamb, Petros Tzeferacos | |
NP11.00126: Implementation and Verification of LC Circuit for Z-pinch FLASH Simulations Kasper Moczulski, Adam Reyes, Marissa B Adams, Abigail Armstrong, Pericles S Farmakis, Edward C Hansen, Yingchao Lu, David Michta, Don Q Lamb, Petros Tzeferacos | |
NP11.00127: Simulating Dynamic Triggering Events in Field Distortion Spark Gap Switches Imani Z West-Abdallah, James Young, Matthew Evans, Hannah R Hasson, Marissa B Adams, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
NP11.00128: Design of Radiation Transport through Heterogeneous, Stochastic Media Tom Byvank, Chris Fryer, Chris J Fontes, Shane X Coffing, Corey Skinner, Andy S Liao, Suzannah R Wood, Pawel M Kozlowski, Heather M Johns, Harry F Robey, David D Meyerhofer, Todd Urbatsch | |
NP11.00129: GPU-accelerated particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of laser-ablated HED plasmas with the PSC code John Donaghy, Kai Germaschewski, William R Fox, Derek B Schaeffer | |
NP11.00130: Expanding the Tabulated Equation-of-State Implementations in the FLASH Code for the SESAME Database Pericles S Farmakis, Mary McMullan, Adam Reyes, Jordan T Laune, Marissa B Adams, Abigail Armstrong, Edward C Hansen, Yingchao Lu, David Michta, Kasper Moczulski, Don Q Lamb, Petros Tzeferacos | |
NP11.00131: VISRAD, 3-D Target Design and Radiation Simulation Code Igor E Golovkin, Joseph MacFarlane | |
NP11.00132: Automated Iterative Forward Analysis for Pressure Determination in Dynamic Compression Experiments Connor Krill, Raymond F Smith, Suzanne J Ali, Jim A Gaffney, June K Wicks | |
NP11.00133: Kinetic model for a collisionless ionization wave launched by a high energy-density plasma Haotian Mao, Kathleen Weichman, Todd Ditmire, Hernan J Quevedo, Alexey Arefiev | |
NP11.00134: Development of spin polarization-dependent quantum radiation reaction in Osiris QED module Qian Qian, Daniel Seipt, Marija Vranic, Thomas Grismayer, Alexander G Thomas | |
NP11.00135: Constructing frequency dependent spectra sources for use in high energy density physics and inertial confinement fusion simulations Ryan F Sacks, Paul A Bradley, Robert E Tipton | |
NP11.00136: Synthetic phase-contrast imagining using CRASH simulation results Matthew Trantham, Mario Balcazar, Julian Kinney, Rachel Young, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
NP11.00137: Short Characteristics Radiation Transport in SPECT3D Timothy Walton, Joseph MacFarlane, Igor E Golovkin | |
NP11.00138: A self-consistent study of the electron cyclotron maser instability as a source of coherent radiation Pablo J Bilbao, Charles D Arrowsmith, Robert Bingham, Gianluca Gregori, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00139: Plasma formation from micron-scale defects on ultra-pure aluminum rods* Maren W Hatch, Thomas J Awe, Edmund P Yu, Trevor M Hutchinson, Kevin Yates, William Tatum, Kurt Tomlinson, Bruno S Bauer, Mark A Gilmore | |
NP11.00140: Enhanced collisionless energy absorption in plasma with strong background magnetization Lili Manzo, Yuan Shi, Matthew R Edwards | |
NP11.00141: The impact of anomalous resistivity in vacuum contaminant plasmas on the electrothermal instability Robert L Masti, Bhuvana Srinivasan, William A Farmer | |
NP11.00142: Neutrino-electron magnetohydrodynamics in an expanding Universe Lorenzo Maria Perrone, Gianluca Gregori, Brian Reville, Luis O Silva, Robert Bingham | |
NP11.00143: Systematic measurements of quasi-static B-fields from laser-driven coil targets in intensity regime relevant for magneto-inertial fusion experiments CHRISTOS VLACHOS, Valeria Ospina-Bohorquez, Gabriel Perez Callejo, Michael Ehret, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Sophia Malko, Channprit Kaur, Morgane Lendrin, Pierre Guillon, Matthew Gjevre, Eitan Soussan, Michel Koenig, Xavier Vaisseau, Laurent Gremillet, Bruno Albertazzi, Robert Fedosejevs, Joao J Santos | |
NP11.00144: X-ray spectroscopic studies of Hybrid X-pinches Ahmed T Elshafiey, Sergei Pikuz, Tatiana Shelkovenko, David A Hammer | |
NP11.00145: PrismSpect and Spect3D with Flexible Atomic Code Data Ming F Gu, Igor E Golovkin, Timothy Walton, James L Sebald, Joseph MacFarlane | |
NP11.00146: Limitations on Plasma Optics due to Non-Linear Ion Wave Physics Robert K Kirkwood, Patrick Poole, Daniel H Kalantar, Thomas D Chapman, Scott Wilks, Matthew R Edwards, Pierre A Michel, Laurent Divol, Nathaniel J Fisch, Peter A Norreys, Wojciech Rozmus, Jeff Bude, Brent E Blue, Kevin B Fournier, Bruno Van Wonterghem | |
NP11.00147: Effect of small normalized magnetic fields on rescatter of SRS in the kinetic regime Roman Lee, Benjamin J Winjum, SJ Spencer, Frank S Tsung, Warren B Mori, Simon Bolanos | |
NP11.00148: Water droplet characterization and broadband microwave emission from laser plasmas generated in water droplets Anna M Janicek, Jennifer Elle, Erin A Thornton, Adrian P Lucero, Ralph Apodaca, Chris Urbina, Andreas Schmitt-Sody | |
NP11.00149: PIC simulations characterizing the THz radiation response of a copper target excited by an ultra-short laser pulse Alexander C Klepinger, Pedro Spingola, Nashad Rahman, Douglass W Schumacher | |
NP11.00150: EMP Characteristics in HERCULES and Lambda Cubed Laser Facilities Joshua L Latham, Marko W Mayr, Yong Ma, Patrick Skrodzki, Jon Murphy, Milos Burger, Anatoly M Maksimchuk, John Nees, Alexander G Thomas, Peter A Norreys, Karl M Krushelnick | |
NP11.00151: Charge and energy confinement of strongly coupled plasma within a phase-coexisting supercritical fluid Seungtaek Lee, Juho Lee, Dong-Eon Kim, Gunsu S Yun | |
NP11.00152: Approaches towards cross-beam energy transfer for short laser pulses Kirill Lezhnin, Nathaniel J Fisch, Kenan Qu | |
NP11.00153: Pump depletion in four-photon collinear laser frequency multiplication in plasma Vladimir M Malkin, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP11.00154: Characterization of Plasma for Raman Amplification Kyle R McMillen, Jessica Shaw, Dustin H Froula | |
NP11.00155: Collisional and transport parameters of Cu in the Warm Dense Matter regime calculated using the Average Atom Model George M Petrov, Asher Davidson | |
NP11.00156: Ultrashort pulsed laser atmospheric filament electrical conductivity and radius measurements by guided wave attenuation in an S-band waveguide and visible light imaging Edward L Ruden, Jennifer A Elle, Alexander C Englesbe, Adrian P Lucero, Erin A Thornton, James E Wymer, Andreas Schmitt-Sody | |
NP11.00157: High-energy-density Targets Fabricated by The University of Michigan Sallee Klein, dave Gillespie, Kwyntero Kelso, Heath J LeFevre, R P Drake, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
NP11.00158: A Robust Algorithm for Orbital-Free Average Atom Models of Dense Plasmas Tyler J Dorsey, Michael S Murillo, Liam G Stanton | |
NP11.00159: Isotope Effects on High-Pressure Water Heather M Pantell, Linda E Hansen, Grigoriy Tabak, Margaret F Huff, Gerrit Bruhaug, J. Ryan Rygg, Gilbert Collins | |
NP11.00160: High Repetition Rate Investigation of the Biermann Battery Effect in Laser Produced Plasmas Over Large Spatial Regions Jessica J Pilgram, Carmen G Constantin, Robert S Dorst, Marissa B Adams, Petros Tzeferacos, Peter V Heuer, Derek B Schaeffer, Marietta Kaloyan, Sofiya Ghazaryan, Christoph Niemann | |
NP11.00161: Radiative heating and cooling of laboratory photoionized plasmas Jeffrey Rowland, Roberto C Mancini | |
NP11.00162: A laser-driven experimental platform to study angular momentum transport in disk-jet transitions Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, George F Swadling, Chris Walsh, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca | |
NP11.00163: Studying the collimation of outflows in radially converging plasmas from a 3D printed load Hannah R Hasson, Marissa B Adams, Matthew Evans, Imani Z West-Abdallah, James Young, David A Hammer, Bruce Kusse, William Potter, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
NP11.00164: Influence of the azimuthal B-field distribution on the formation of the ring structures in the ion images on GIT-12 Vojtech Munzar, Daniel Klir, Alexander V Shishlov, Rustam K Cherdizov, Jakub Cikhardt, Fedor I Fursov, Volody A Kokshenev, Jozef Kravarik, Pavel Kubes, Nikolai E Kurmaev, Jakub Malir, Jan Novotny, Nikolai A Ratakhin, Karel Rezac | |
NP11.00165: Ideal MHD and two-fluid axisymmetric free-boundary equilibrium Luca Guazzotto, Riccardo Betti |
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