Bulletin of the American Physical Society
63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 66, Number 13
Monday–Friday, November 8–12, 2021; Pittsburgh, PA
Session Index
Session NO08: MFE: Research in Support of ITEROn Demand
Show Abstracts |
Chair: Alex Creely, Commonwealth Fusion Systems Room: Rooms 317-318 |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
NO08.00001: Status of the US contributions to the ITER Project Kathryn McCarthy | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
NO08.00002: Correlation of the scrape-off layer (SOL) power width with edge electron pressure gradients at ASDEX Upgrade Davide Silvagni, Thomas Eich, Michael Faitsch, Tim Happel, Bernhard Sieglin, Pierre David, Dirk Nille, Luis Gil, Ulrich Stroth | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
NO08.00003: Impurity leakage and radiative cooling in the first nitrogen and neon seeding study in the slot divertor at DIII-D Livia Casali, David Eldon, Thomas Osborne, Anthony W Leonard, Adam G McLean, Brian A Grierson | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
NO08.00004: Research in Support of the Development of a Plasma Pulse-Resolving, Fuel-Cycle Exhaust-Gas Analyzer for the ITER Divertor C.Christopher Klepper, Ephrem Delabie, Ionut Jepu, Chris Marcus, Georg Schlisio, Stephane Vartanian, Kurt G Vetter, Theodore M Biewer, Jeffrey H Harris, Uron Kruezi, Fabio A Ravelli | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
NO08.00005: Fluid turbulence simulations of ELM characteristics and divertor heat load for ITER scenarios using BOUT++ Xueqiao Xu, Xueyun Wang, Xiaoxue He, Zeyu Li, Philip B Snyder, Ben Zhu | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
NO08.00006: Nonlinear two-fluid modeling of plasma response for the RMPs ELMs control in ITER baseline scenarios Qiming Hu, Jong-Kyu Park, Raffi M Nazikian, Nikolas C Logan, SeongMoo Yang, Brian A Grierson, Qingquan Yu | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
NO08.00007: Optimal strategy for RF stabilization of NTMs in ITER Richard Nies, Allan Reiman, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
NO08.00008: Alfvén Eigenmode stability measurements in recent JET H, D, T, and DT plasmas Roy A Tinguely, Miklos Porkolab, Paulo Puglia, Ambrogio F Fasoli, Nicolas Fil, Stuart Dowson, Michael Fitzgerald, David Keeling, Sergei Sharapov, Remi Dumont, Javier Gonzalez Martin, Zhihong Lin, Yevgen Kazakov, Jef Ongena, Massimo Nocente, Mario L Podesta, Anna Teplukhina, Ziga Stancar | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
NO08.00009: Dependence of the L-H power threshold on the alignment of externally applied non-axisymmetric MPs Matthias Willensdorfer, Ulrike Plank, Marco Cavedon, Garrard D Conway, David Ryan, Wolfgang Suttrop, Rico Buchholz, Mike Dunne, Michael Griener, Jörg Hobrik, Andrew Kirk, Rachael M McDermott, Thomas Pütterich, Giovanni Tardini, Rainer Fischer, Qingquan Yu, Dominik Brida, Sergei Kasilov | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
NO08.00010: Thermal transport in hydrogen plasmas at high Te/Ti in DIII-D relevant to ITER PFPO-1 Brian A Grierson, Shaun R Haskey, Gary M Staebler, Arash Ashourvan, Terry L Rhodes, Francesca M Poli, George R McKee, Tom H Osborne | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
NO08.00011: Reduced L-H Transition Power Threshold in ITER-Similar-Shape DIII-D Hydrogen Plasmas* Lothar W Schmitz, K. Callahan, T. L Rhodes, L. Zeng, Z. Yan, G. R McKee, Y. Q Liu, T. Osborne, C. Chrystal, P. Gohil, B. C Lyons, C. C Petty, R. S Wilcox, D Shiraki, F. Laggner, S. R Haskey, B. A Grierson | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
NO08.00012: Modeling the impact of disruption induced heat loads on ITER plasma-facing components Lei Chen, Richard Pitts, Michael Lehnen, Jonathan Coburn, Gregor Simic, Matic Brank, Svetlana Ratynskaia | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
NO08.00013: Disruption mitigation by multiple shattered pellet injections in KSTAR Jayhyun Kim, Larry R Baylor, Michael Lehnen, Nicholas Eidietis, Soohwan Park, Daisuke Shiraki, Jaewook Kim, Jeongwon Yoo, Juhyeok Jang, Jun-Gyo Bak, Kwangpyo Kim, Kwanchul Lee, Young-chul Ghim, Gunsu S Yun, Kunsu Yi, Junewoo Juhn, Donggeun Lee, Min Uk Lee, Sehyun Bae, Shekar Thatipamula, Jeffery Herfindal | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
NO08.00014: Deuterium shattered pellet assimilation in DIII-D Daisuke Shiraki, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Larry R Baylor, Eric M Hollmann, Zana Popovic, Claudio Marini, Jose A Boedo, Dmitry L Rudakov, Renato Perillo, Thomas B O'Gorman, Nicholas Eidietis, Andrey Lvovskiy, Charles J Lasnier | |
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
NO08.00015: Extrapolation of the Runaway Electron Benign Termination Scenario to ITER Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Ksenia Aleynikova, Pavel Aleynikov, Matthew T Beidler, Diego del-Castillo Negrete, Cedric Reux, Yueqiang Liu, Nicholas Eidietis, Eric M Hollmann |
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