Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Invited Speakers
Abrams, Tyler General Atomics |
Session JI2.00003 Application of a Kinetic-Analytic Model for Edge Localized Modes to Fast Tungsten Sputtering Measurements in the DIII-D Divertor Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Alves, E. Paulo SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session DI3.00004 Efficient non-thermal particle acceleration mediated by the current-driven kink instability in jets Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Ampleford, David Sandia National Laboratories |
Session KI3.00001 Improved Stability and Reproducibility of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Implosions Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Anderegg, Francois Univ of California - San Diego |
Session UI2.00001 Plasma Heating Due to Cyclic Diffusion Across a Separatrix Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Antiochos, Spiro K NASA/GSFC |
Session AR1.00001 The Origins of Explosive Solar Activity Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 201-203 |
Baek, Seung-Gyou MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session JI2.00006 First demonstration of efficient lower hybrid current drive at reactor relevant densities in a tokamak Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Barada, Kshitish University of California, Los Angeles |
Session TI2.00003 Long-lived predator-prey dynamics in the pedestal of near-zero torque high performance DIII-D plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Bonofiglo, P. J. University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session YI2.00004 Fast Ion Transport in the Quasi-Single Helical Reversed-Field Pinch Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Bose, Arijit Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session NI2.00002 Multi-objective data analysis of performance-degradation trends in ICF implosions, and implications for hydro-scaling to ignition conditions Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Bourdelle, Clarisse CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France |
Session PI2.00001 Predict first: turbulent transport validation within integrated modeling on JET and ASDEX Upgrade Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Burrell, Keith General Atomics - San Diego |
Session SR1.00001 Sheared ExB Flow Produces Self-Organized, Improved Confinement States In Magnetized Plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 201-203 |
Buttery, Richard J General Atomics |
Session UT3.00001 Physics Principles Behind a Compact Advanced Tokamak Power Plant Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Candy, Jeff General Atomics - San Diego |
Session PI2.00006 Theoretical requirements for calculating heavy impurity transport in rotating plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Catto, Peter J MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Center |
Session JT3.00001 Practical Gyrokinetics Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Chang, Jane UCLA |
Session GI2.00003 Plasma Processing of Functionally Enhanced Complex Material Systems at the Atomic Scale Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Chu, Feng Univ of Iowa |
Session UI2.00003 Determining metastable ion lifetime and history using wave-particle interaction and laser-induced fluorescence Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Clay, Raymond C Sandia National Laboratories |
Session QI3.00002 The Deuterium Hugoniot from Scratch – What Matters in Thermodynamic Sampling with Quantum Monte Carlo Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Collins, Gilbert W University of Rochester, Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, and Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Session XR1.00001 Matter at extreme energy density: exotic solids to inertial fusion Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 201-203 |
Cvejic, Marko Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session CI2.00003 Current re-distribution in an experiment of magnetic flux compression by an imploding plasma Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Davidovits, Seth Princeton Univ |
Session TI3.00001 Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award Talk: Preventing or exploiting turbulence during plasma compression Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Davies, Jonathan Univ of Rochester |
Session KI3.00004 Laser-Driven Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion on OMEGA Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Delabie, Ephrem Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session TI2.00005 Reconciling L-H threshold dependencies on JET-ILW with the ErxB shear mechanism Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Dewald, Eduard L. Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session CI2.00004 Pushered Single Shell (PSS) implosions for mix and radiation trapping studies using high-Z layers on National Ignition Facility Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Ding, Rui Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, General Atomics |
Session JI2.00004 Modeling of plasma-wall interaction in tokamak experiments with high-Z materials Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Di Siena, Alessandro Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session YI2.00003 Fast ion effects on gyrokinetic turbulence Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Du, Xiaodi University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA |
Session GI3.00001 Direct Measurements of Internal Structures of Born-locked Modes and the Key Role in Triggering Tokamak Disruption Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Dubin, Daniel Univ of California - San Diego |
Session UI2.00002 Parametric Instability Driven by Weakly Trapped Particles in Nonlinear Plasma Waves Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Fiuza, Frederico SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session BI2.00001 Thomas H. Stix Award for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Plasma Physics Research Talk: Particle acceleration in plasmas: from astrophysics to the laboratory in silico Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Follett, Russell Univ of Rochester |
Session NI2.00005 Suppressing Parametric Instabilities with Laser-Frequency Detuning and Bandwidth Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Francisquez, Manaure Dartmouth College |
Session YI3.00001 Gyrokinetic study of slab universal modes and suppression of the Gradient Drift Coupling (GDC) instability Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Froula, Dustin H Univ of Rochester |
Session BI3.00001 Flying Focus: Spatiotemporal control of intensity for laser applications Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gaffney, Jim A Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session TI3.00003 Making ICF Models More Predictive: Combining Simulations, Experiments and Expert Knowledge using Machine Learning and Bayesian Statistics Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gilson, Erik P Princeton Plasma Phys Lab |
Session YI3.00006 The Magnetorotational Instability (MRI): Observation in a Mass/Spring System and the Effects of Conductive Boundaries on a Free Stewartson-Shercliff Layer as a Step Towards MRI in a Liquid Metal Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gopalaswamy, Varchas Lab for Laser Energetics |
Session TI3.00002 Optimization of Direct-Drive Inertial Fusion Implosions Through Predictive Statistical Modeling Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gorelenkov, Nikolai Princeton Plasma Phys Lab |
Session YI2.00005 Quasi-linear resonance broadened model for fast ion relaxation in the presence of Alfvénic instabilities Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Grierson, Brian A Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI3.00001 Observations of main-ion toroidal rotation and turbulence fluctuations across the ITG/TEM transition in DIII-D and comparison to gyrokinetic simulations Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gueroult, Renaud CNRS, Laplace |
Session GI2.00002 Magnetized plasmas for high-throughput mass separation Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Hammond, Kenneth Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session TI2.00006 Application of transient CHI plasma start-up to future ST and AT devices Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Harvey-Thompson, Adam Sandia Natl Labs |
Session KI3.00002 Demonstration of High-Energy, Low-Mix Laser Preheat for MagLIF Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Hegna, Chris Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session GI3.00006 Using Turbulent Saturation Physics to Optimize Stellarator Confinement Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Henchen, Robert Univ of Rochester |
Session QI3.00004 Direct Measurements of Nonlocal Heat Fux by Thomson Scattering Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Higginson, Drew Pitney Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00003 Application of Kinetic-Ion Magnetohydrodynamic Particle-in-Cell Modeling to Laboratory Plasmas Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Hurricane, Omar A Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session NI2.00001 Approaching a burning plasma on the NIF Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Hurst, Noah C Univ of California - San Diego |
Session BI2.00002 Dynamics of electron plasma vortices subject to time-dependent external flows* Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Izumi, Nobuhiko Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session TI3.00005 Visualizing x-ray drive symmetry using detailed measurements in NIF hohlraums* Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Jiang, Sheng Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session QI3.00003 Solving the Polarity Riddle in Dense Plasma Focus Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Karbashewski, Scott University of Alberta, Canada |
Session BI2.00004 Stimulated Excitation Of Thermal Waves In A Magnetized Plasma Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Kaur, Manjit Swarthmore College |
Session YI3.00003 Magnetothermodynamics: An experimental study of the equations of state applicable to a magnetized plasma Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kendl, Alexander Innsbruck University |
Session PI2.00004 Full-F gyrofluid simulation of large-amplitude instabilities, vortices and turbulence Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Kim, Charlson ChiSun SLS2 Consulting - San Diego, SLS2 Consulting - San Diego |
Session GI3.00004 Shattered Pellet Injection Simulations With NIMROD Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Koepke, Mark E West Virginia Univ |
Session TI3.00006 The off-campus research experience as a professional-development learning platform Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kolemen, Egemen Princeton University |
Session GI3.00003 Path to Stable Tokamak Operation: Plasma stability analysis using physics-based and data-based approaches for real-time control Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Landreman, Matt Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session GI3.00005 Computing local sensitivities and tolerances of stellarators using shape gradients Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Langendorf, Samuel Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session YI3.00002 Experimental Measurements of Ion Heating in Collisional Plasma Shocks and Interpenetrating Supersonic Plasma Flows Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Lau, Cornwall Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session JI2.00005 Electron and ion heating physics for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment plasma source concept Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Lemos, Nuno Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session BI3.00002 Hard X-ray sources from Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Lichko, Emily R Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session DI3.00002 Quantifying heating by magnetic pumping through in situ spacecraft observations Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Logan, Nikolas C Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI3.00004 Rotation Profile Control Enabled by Multi-modal Response to 3D Fields Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Lvovskiy, Andrey Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
Session VI3.00004 The role of kinetic instabilities in post-disruption runaway electron beam formation after argon injection in DIII-D Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Macchi, Andrea CNR/INO, Pisa, Italy |
Session CI2.00002 Extreme high field plasmonics: electron acceleration and XUV harmonic generation from ultrashort surface plasmons Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
MacGowan, Brian James Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session NI2.00006 Mitigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering in NIF experiments Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Marinoni, Alessandro Massachusetts Institute of Technology - PSFC |
Session TI2.00001 H-mode grade confinement with L-mode edge in negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Mariscal, Derek Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session BI3.00003 First Demonstration of ARC-Accelerated Proton Beams at the National Ignition Facility Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Masse, Laurent Pierre LLNL, Livermore, CA 94550, USA |
Session TI3.00004 A Green’s function analysis for understanding the time-dependent x-ray drive asymmetries and error bars in indirectly driven implosions on the NIF Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Mclean, Adam LLNL |
Session JI2.00002 Validating Divertor Power Exhaust Models with Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy in DIII-D Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Merritt, Elizabeth Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session NI2.00004 Experimental study of energy and shape transfer in double shell implosions Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Moser, Auna General Atomics - San Diego |
Session GI2.00004 Separating divertor closure effects in the SOL and pedestal Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Murakami, Masakatsu ILE, Osaka Univ. |
Session VI3.00001 Generation of ultrahigh field by micro-bubble implosion Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Nishizawa, Takashi Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session NI3.00002 Impurity transport and zonal flows in improved-confinement reversed field pinch plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
O'Connell, Deborah York Plasma Institute, Department of Physics, University of York |
Session GI2.00001 Activation of stem cell identity by low temperature plasma in primary prostate cells Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
ONGENA, Jozef P LPP/ERM-KMS, Brussels |
Session YI2.00001 Three-ion ICRH scenarios: new and efficient schemes for plasma heating and fast particle generation in current and future fusion devices Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Peterson, Ethan E Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session DI3.00003 Creation of a Hall-MHD Parker Spiral in the Lab Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Phan, Tai Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session DI3.00001 MMS Observations of Electron Magnetic Reconnection without Ion Coupling in the Turbulent Magnetosheath Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Pitchford, Leanne C LAPLACE, Univ Toulouse and CNRS |
Session MR1.00001 Solving the Boltzmann equation for electrons in weakly ionized gases Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 201-203 |
Raman, Kumar S. Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session CI2.00006 The NIF Re-Shock platform for studying Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities in a planar geometry Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Rasmus, Alexander Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CI2.00005 Shock-driven discrete vortex evolution on a high-Atwood number oblique interface Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Ridgers, Christopher P Univ of York |
Session BI3.00006 Towards experimental measurements of strong-field QED effects with high-intensity lasers Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Rodriguez-Fernandez, Pablo Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session PI2.00003 Understanding Cold-Pulse Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas Using Local Turbulent Transport Models Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Rossi, Giovanni University of California, Los Angeles |
Session BI2.00006 Electromagnetic turbulence in increased beta LAPD plasmas Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Saarelma, Samuli CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB, UK |
Session TI2.00002 Self-consistent pedestal prediction for JET Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Sabbagh, Steven Anthony Columbia University |
Session GI3.00002 Disruption Event Characterization and Forecasting in Tokamaks Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Shaffer, Nathaniel R University of Iowa |
Session YI3.00005 The Barkas Effect in Plasma Transport Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Shipley, Gabriel Alan Sandia National Laboratories, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of New Mexico |
Session KI3.00003 Megagauss-level premagnetization field production in helically-wound auto-magnetizing liners for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Stark, David J. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00004 Effects of dimensionality and laser polarization on kinetic simulations of laser-ion acceleration in the transparency regime Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Tarkeshian, Roxana Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Laboratory |
Session VI3.00002 Micron-cubed Particle Beam Induced Plasma Dynamics on Femto to Microsecond Timescales Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Tripathi, Shreekrishna Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session UI2.00005 Excitation and dissipation of Alfvén waves and current-driven instabilities in arched magnetized plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Tummel, Kurt Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session NI3.00006 Establishing Stability Conditions for Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z-Pinch Plasmas via Fully Kinetic 2-D Simulations1 Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Van Zeeland, Michael A General Atomics - San Diego |
Session YI2.00002 Electron Cyclotron Heating Modification of Alfvén Eigenmode Activity in the DIII-D and ASDEX-Upgrade Tokamaks Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Verhaegh, Kevin York Plasma Institute, University of York, United Kingdom, Swiss Plasma Center, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session JI2.00001 An improved understanding of the roles of atomic processes and power balance in target ion current loss during detachment Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Vranic, Marija Inst Superior Tecnico (IST) |
Session BI3.00005 Are we close to transfering optical power into gamma-rays and pairs? Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Walsh, Christopher Alexander Imperial College London |
Session NI2.00003 Magnetic Fields in Indirect-drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Wang, Zhirui Princeton Plasma Phys Lab |
Session NI3.00003 Multi-mode plasma response and experimental validation Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Weidl, Martin S. Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session BI2.00005 Parallel Ion-Beam Instabilities at LAPD and in Space Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Weiland, Markus Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching |
Session YI2.00006 Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Whelan, Garth G Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session PI2.00002 Accounting for Saturation Efficiency in Quasilinear Transport Models Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Wilkie, George J Chalmers University of Technology |
Session VI3.00003 First principles analysis of interactions between fast ions and microturbulence Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Williams, Zachary R Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session PI2.00005 On Multi-Scale Interactions Among Microturbulence, Tearing Modes, and Zonal Flows Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Willingale, Louise Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session CI2.00001 Magnetic field generation, dynamics, and reconnection driven by relativistic intensity laser-plasma interactions Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Wingen, Andreas Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session NI3.00005 Helical core formation and evolution in high-field tokamaks and its extrapolation to ITER Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Wolf, Robert Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session FR1.00001 Performance of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator during the first divertor operation phase Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 201-203 |
Wu, Hui-Chun Institute for Fusion Theory and Simulation and Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China |
Session UI2.00006 A new theory of ball lightning Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Wukitch, Stephen James MIT PSFC |
Session PT3.00001 So you wanna build an RF driven tokamak? Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Xaver Bronold, Franz University Greifswald |
Session GI2.00005 Electron kinetics at the plasma-solid interface Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Xu, Liang Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Session GI2.00006 Three regimes of high voltage breakdown in a high current plasma switch for modern electric grid Room: OCC Ballroom 203 |
Yan, Zheng Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session TI2.00004 Safety Factor and Turbulence Dynamics Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on DIII-D Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Yoo, Jongsoo Princeton Plasma Phys Lab |
Session UI2.00004 Excitation and propagation of whistler and lower-hybrid drift waves during reconnection in space and laboratory plasmas Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Zaghoo, Mohamed Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Session QI3.00001 Breakdown of Fermi-degeneracy in the simplest liquid metal Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Zhou, Yao Princeton Plasma Physics Lab |
Session YI3.00004 Current Singularity Formation in Line-tied Magnetic Fields: the Parker Problem Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Zhou, Ye Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session CT3.00001 Turbulent Mixing and Transition Criteria of Flows Induced by Hydrodynamic Instabilities Room: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204 |
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