Bulletin of the American Physical Society
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 60, Number 19
Monday–Friday, November 16–20, 2015; Savannah, Georgia
Session CM9: Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales I |
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Chair: John Sarff, University of Wisconsin-Madison Room: 100/101 |
Monday, November 16, 2015 2:00PM - 2:30PM |
CM9.00001: Hybrid simulations of ion acceleration at shocks Damiano Caprioli I present the results of large hybrid (kinetic ions - fluid electrons) simulations of particle acceleration at non-relativistic collisionless shocks. Ion acceleration efficiency and magnetic field amplification are investigated in detail as a function of shock inclination and strength, and compared with predictions of diffusive shock acceleration theory. In particular, I discuss how ions are injected in the acceleration process, also outlining a minimal model able to reproduce spectrum and normalization of the supra-thermal particles; such a model bridges the gap between thermal (MHD) and non-thermal (kinetic) particles. Finally, I outline the observational counterparts of such a theory of ion acceleration in supernova remnants and heliospheric shocks. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 2:30PM - 3:00PM |
CM9.00002: Laboratory astrophysical collisionless shock experiments with interpenetrating plasma flows on Omega and NIF James Ross, H.-S. Park, C. Huntington, D. Ryutov, R.P. Drake, D. Froula, G. Gregori, M. Levy, D. Lamb, F. Fiuza, R. Petrasso, C. Li, A. Zylastra, H. Rinderknecht, Y. Sakawa, A. Spitkovsky Shock formation from high-Mach number plasma flows is observed in many astrophysical objects such as supernova remnants and gamma ray bursts. These are collisionless shocks as the ion-ion collision mean free path is much larger than the system size. It is believed that seed magnetic fields can be generated on a cosmologically fast timescale via the Weibel instability when such environments are initially unmagnetized. Here we present laboratory experiments using high-power lasers whose ultimate goal is to investigate the dynamics of collisionless shock formation in two interpenetrating plasma streams. Particle-in-cell numerical simulations have confirmed that the strength and structure of the generated magnetic field are consistent with the Weibel mediated electromagnetic nature and that the inferred magnetization level could be as high as $\sim$ 1{\%}. This paper will review recent experimental results from various laser facilities as well as the simulation results and the theoretical understanding of these observations. Taken together, these results imply that electromagnetic instabilities can be significant in both inertial fusion and astrophysical conditions. We will present results from initial NIF experiments, where we observe the neutrons and x-rays generated from the hot plasmas at the center of weakly collisional, counterstreaming flows. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 3:00PM - 3:20PM |
CM9.00003: Laboratory studies of magnetized collisionless flows and shocks using accelerated plasmoids T.E. Weber, R.J. Smith, S.C. Hsu Magnetized collisionless shocks are thought to play a dominant role in the overall partition of energy throughout the universe, but have historically proven difficult to create in the laboratory. The Magnetized Shock Experiment (MSX) at LANL creates conditions similar to those found in both space and astrophysical shocks by accelerating hot (100s of eV during translation) dense (10$^{22}$ -- 10$^{23}$ m$^{-3})$ Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) plasmoids to high velocities (100s of km/s); resulting in $\beta \approx $ 1, collisionless plasma flows with sonic and Alfv\'{e}n Mach numbers of $\approx $10. The FRC subsequently impacts a static target such as a strong parallel or anti-parallel (reconnection-wise) magnetic mirror, a solid obstacle, or neutral gas cloud to create shocks with characteristic length and time scales that are both large enough to observe yet small enough to fit within the experiment. This enables study of the complex interplay of kinetic and fluid processes that mediate cosmic shocks and can generate non-thermal distributions, produce density and magnetic field enhancements much greater than predicted by fluid theory, and accelerate particles. An overview of the experimental capabilities of MSX will be presented, including diagnostics, selected recent results, and future directions. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 3:20PM - 3:50PM |
CM9.00004: Collision-less Coupling between Explosive Debris Plasmas and Magnetized Background Plasmas Anton Bondarenko, Derek Schaeffer, S. Eric Clark, Erik Everson, Bo Ram Lee, Carmen Constantin, Christoph Niemann The explosive expansion of debris plasma into magnetized background plasma characterizes a variety of astrophysical and space environments, including supernova remnants, interplanetary coronal mass ejections, and ionospheric explosions. In these and other related phenomena, collision-less electro-magnetic processes rather than Coulomb collisions typically mediate the transfer of momentum and energy from the debris to the background. A unique experiment that jointly utilizes the Large Plasma Device (LAPD) and the Phoenix laser facility at UCLA has investigated the super-Alfv\'{e}nic, quasi-perpendicular expansion of a laser-produced carbon (C) debris plasma through a preformed, magnetized helium (He) background plasma via a variety of diagnostics, including emission spectroscopy, wavelength-filtered imaging, and magnetic field probes. Collision-less coupling is directly observed via Doppler shifts in the He II 468.6 nm spectral line, which indicate that the He II ions are accelerated by the laminar electric field that develops due to the expanding C debris. By utilizing an early-time model of the C debris density and velocity, the laminar electric field is calculated and used in combination with the measured magnetic field to simulate He II ion trajectories and velocities. A synthetic Doppler-shifted wavelength spectrum of the He II 468.6 nm spectral line is generated from the simulated He II ion velocities and found to agree well with the measurements. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 3:50PM - 4:10PM |
CM9.00005: Particle acceleration in astrophysical collisionless shocks Anatoly Spitkovsky I will review the properties of astrophysical shocks related to their roles as accelerators of energetic particles. Ab-initio simulations of collisionless shock structure reveal different regimes of particle injection and acceleration as a function of shock parameters, including magnetization of the flow and magnetic geometry in the upstream. These regimes can be used to interpret high-energy observations of astrophysical sources, such as supernova remnants and gamma-ray bursts, and can guide the design of experiments to study shock acceleration physics in the laboratory. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 4:10PM - 4:40PM |
CM9.00006: Experimental studies of collisional plasma shocks and plasma interpenetration via merging supersonic plasma jets S.C. Hsu, A.L. Moser, E.C. Merritt, C.S. Adams Over the past 4 years on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX) at LANL, we have studied obliquely and head-on-merging supersonic plasma jets of an argon/impurity or hydrogen/impurity mixture. The jets are formed/launched by pulsed-power-driven railguns. In successive experimental campaigns, we characterized the (a) evolution of plasma parameters of a single plasma jet as it propagated up to $\sim 1$~m away from the railgun nozzle, (b) density profiles and 2D morphology of the stagnation layer and oblique shocks that formed between obliquely merging jets, and (c) collisionless interpenetration transitioning to collisional stagnation between head-on-merging jets. Key plasma diagnostics included a fast-framing CCD camera, an 8-chord visible interferometer, a survey spectrometer, and a photodiode array. This talk summarizes the primary results mentioned above, and highlights analyses of inferred post-shock temperatures based on observations of density gradients that we attribute to shock-layer thickness. We also briefly describe more recent PLX experiments on Rayleigh-Taylor-instability evolution with magnetic and viscous effects, and potential future collisionless shock experiments enabled by low-impurity, higher-velocity plasma jets formed by contoured-gap coaxial guns. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 4:40PM - 5:00PM |
CM9.00007: Magnetic Field Generation, Particle Energization and Radiation at Relativistic Shear Boundary Layers Edison Liang, Wen Fu, Jake Spisak, Markus Boettcher Recent large scale Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations have demonstrated that in unmagnetized relativistic shear flows, strong transverse d.c. magnetic fields are generated and sustained by ion-dominated currents on the opposite sides of the shear interface. Instead of dissipating the shear flow free energy via turbulence formation and mixing as it is usually found in MHD simulations, the kinetic results show that the relativistic boundary layer stabilizes itself via the formation of a robust vacuum gap supported by a strong magnetic field, which effectively separates the opposing shear flows, as in a maglev train. Our new PIC simulations have extended the runs to many tens of light crossing times of the simulation box. Both the vacuum gap and supporting magnetic field remain intact. The electrons are energized to reach energy equipartition with the ions, with 10{\%} of the total energy in electromagnetic fields. The dominant radiation mechanism is similar to that of a wiggler, due to oscillating electron orbits around the boundary layer. [Preview Abstract] |
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