Bulletin of the American Physical Society
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 60, Number 19
Monday–Friday, November 16–20, 2015; Savannah, Georgia
Session BI3: Turbulent Fluctuations at Large and Small ScalesInvited Session
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Chair: Mike Brown, Swarthmore College Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Monday, November 16, 2015 9:30AM - 10:00AM |
BI3.00001: Dynamics of Fluctuations, Flows and Global Stability Under Electrode Biasing in a Linear Plasma Device Invited Speaker: Tiffany Desjardins Various bias electrodes have been inserted into the Helicon-Cathode (HelCat) device at the University of New Mexico, in order to affect intrinsic drift-wave turbulence and flows. The goal of the experiments was to suppress and effect the intrinsic turbulence and with detailed measurements, understand the changes that occur during biasing. The drift-mode in HelCat varies from coherent at low magnetic field (\textless 1kG) to broad-band turbulent at high magnetic fields (\textgreater 1kG). The first electrode consists of 6 concentric rings set in a ceramic substrate; these rings act as a boundary condition, sitting at the end of the plasma column 2-m away from the source. A negative bias has been found to have no effect on the fluctuations, but a positive bias (Vr\textgreater 5Te) is required in order to suppress the drift-mode. Two molybdenum grids can also be inserted into the plasma and sit close to the source. Floating or grounding a grid results in suppressing the drift-mode of the system. A negative bias (\textgreater -5Te) is found to return the drift-mode, and it is possible to drive a once coherent mode into a broad-band turbulent one. From a bias voltage of -5Te\textless Vg\textless 5Te, the plasma is found to be quiescent. A positive bias greater the 5Te is found to excite a new mode, which is identified as a parallel-driven Kelvin-Helmholtz mode. At high positive bias, Vg\textgreater 10Te, a new large-scale global mode is excited. This mode exhibits fluctuations in the ion saturation current, as well as in the potential, with a magnitude \textgreater 50{\%}. This mode has been identified as the potential relaxation instability (PRI). In order to better understand the modes and changes observed in the plasma, a linear stability code, LSS, was employed. As well, a 1D3V-PIC code utilizing Braginskii's equations was also utilized to understand the high-bias instability. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 10:00AM - 10:30AM |
BI3.00002: The End of the Turbulent Cascade?: Exploring possible signatures of MHD turbulent dissipation beyond spectra in a magnetically-dynamic laboratory plasma Invited Speaker: David Schaffner A typical signature of dissipation in conventional fluid turbulence is the steepening power spectrum of velocity fluctuations, signaling the transition from the inertial range to the dissipation range where scales become small enough for fluid viscosity effects to be dominant and convert flow energy into thermal energy. In MHD fluids, resistivity can play an analogous role to viscosity for magnetic field fluctuations, where collisional scales determine the onset of dissipation. However, turbulent plasmas can exhibit other mechanisms for converting magnetic energy into thermal energy such as through the generation of current sheets and magnetic reconnection or through coupling to kinetic scale fluctuations such as Kinetic Alfven waves or Whistler waves. In collisionless plasmas such as the solar wind, only these alternative dissipation mechanisms are likely active. Recent experiments with MHD turbulence generated in the wind-tunnel configuration of the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment (SSX) provide an environment in which various potential non-resistive signatures of magnetic turbulent energy dissipation can be studied. SSX plasma is magnetically dynamic with no background field. Previous work has demonstrated that a steepening in the magnetic fluctuation spectrum is observed which can be roughly interpreted as a transition from inertial range to a dissipation range magnetic turbulence. The frequency range at which this steepening occurs can be correlated to the ion inertial scale of the plasma, a length which is characteristic of the size of current sheets in MHD plasmas. Detailed intermittency and structure function analysis presented here coupled with appeals to fractal scaling models support the hypothesis that the observed turbulence is being affected by a global dissipation mechanism such as the generation of current sheets. Information theory based analysis techniques using permutation entropy and statistical complexity are also applied to seek dissipation signatures. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 10:30AM - 11:00AM |
BI3.00003: Intermittent Energy Dissipation in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Applications to the Solar Corona and Solar Wind Invited Speaker: Vladimir Zhdankin Energy dissipation is highly intermittent in large-scale turbulent plasmas, being localized in space and in time. This intermittency is manifest by the presence of coherent structures such as current (and vorticity) sheets, which account for a large fraction of the overall energy dissipation and may serve as sites for magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration. The statistical analysis of these dissipative structures is a robust and informative methodology for probing the underlying dynamics, both in numerical simulations and in observations. In this talk, the statistical properties of current sheets in numerical simulations of driven magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence are described, including recent results obtained from applying new methods for characterizing their morphology. Instantaneously, the overall energy dissipation is found to be evenly spread among current sheets spanning a continuum of energy dissipation rates and inertial-range sizes, while their thicknesses are localized deep inside the dissipation range. The temporal dynamics are then investigated by tracking the current sheets in time and considering the statistics of the resulting four-dimensional spatiotemporal structures, which correspond to dissipative events or flares in astrophysical systems. These dissipative events are found to exhibit robust power-law distributions and scaling relations, and are often highly complex, long-lived, and weakly asymmetric in time. Based on the distribution for their dissipated energies, the strongest dissipative events are found to dominate the overall energy dissipation in the system. These results are compared to the observed statistics of solar flares, and some possible implications for the solar wind are also described. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 11:00AM - 11:30AM |
BI3.00004: Laboratory study of avalanches in a magnetized plasma Invited Speaker: Bart Van Compernolle Results of a basic heat transport experiment\footnote{In collaboration with G. J. Morales, J. E. Maggs and R. D. Sydora}$^,$\footnote{B. Van Compernolle \textit{et al}, Phys. Rev. E 91, 031102(R) (2015)} involving an off-axis heat source are presented. Experiments are performed in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD) at UCLA. A ring-shaped electron beam source injects low energy electrons (below ionization energy) along a strong magnetic field into a preexisting, large and cold plasma. The injected electrons are thermalized by Coulomb collisions within a short distance and provide an off-axis heat source that results in a long, hollow, cylindrical region of elevated electron temperature embedded in a colder plasma, and far from the machine walls. It is demonstrated that this heating configuration provides an ideal environment to study avalanche phenomena under controlled conditions. The avalanches are identified as sudden rearrangements of the pressure profile following the growth of fluctuations from ambient noise. The intermittent collapses of the plasma pressure profile are associated with unstable drift-Alfv\'en waves and exhibit both radial and azimuthal dynamics. After each collapse the plasma enters a quiescent phase in which the pressure profile slowly recovers and steepens until a threshold is exceeded, and the process repeats. The use of reference probes as time markers allows for the visualization of the 2D spatio-temporal evolution of the avalanche events. Avalanches are only observed for a limited combination of heating powers and magnetic fields. At higher heating powers the system transitions from the avalanche regime into a regime dominated by sustained drift-Alfv\'en wave activity. The pressure profile then transitions to a near steady-state in which anomalous transport balances the external pressure source. [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 11:30AM - 12:00PM |
BI3.00005: Spontaneous Profile Self-Organization in a Simple Realization of Drift-Wave Turbulence Invited Speaker: Lang Cui We report the observation of a net inward, up-gradient turbulent particle flux from two independent diagnostics in collisional drift-ITG plasma turbulence. At low magnetic fields (B $\le $ 1.0 kG), particle transport is outward at all radii and the predominantly collisional electron drift wave turbulence drives a sheared ExB zonal flow. As the magnetic field is further increased (B $\ge $ 1.2 kG) the drift-waves persist, an up-gradient inward particle flux develops [1], fluctuations propagating in the ion diamagnetic drift direction develop and a pronounced steepening of the ion temperature and mean density gradients occurs. The two different types of fluctuation features modulate and compete with each other and dominate in different radial location and magnetic field region. Linear stability analyses show that a robust ITG instability is excited for these conditions. The onset of net inward flux also coincides with the development of a strong intrinsic parallel flow shear that can drive an inward pinch when it is coupled with grad-T$_{\mathrm{i}}$. However, we find that the ITG-driven inward pinch is more dominant in our experiments. This basic experiment provides for a detailed examination of turbulent-driven particle pinches and up-gradient fluxes in the presence of multiple free-energy sources. Moreover, the coexistence and competition of DWs and ITG have been observed to influence tokamak transport and remains a topic of interest for both magnetically confined fusion plasmas and space plasma systems. A detailed experimental study complemented by theory and linear and nonlinear simulations of these experiments is used to elucidate the physics of up-gradient particle transport. \\[4pt] [1] L. Cui et al, Phys. Plasmas 22, 050704 (2015). [Preview Abstract] |
Monday, November 16, 2015 12:00PM - 12:30PM |
BI3.00006: Observation of Rayleigh--Taylor-instability growth in a plasma regime with magnetic and viscous stabilization Invited Speaker: Colin Adams Rayleigh--Taylor-instability (RTI) growth during the interaction between a high-Mach-number, unmagnetized plasma jet [1] and a stagnated, magnetized plasma is observed in a regime where the growth of short-wavelength modes is influenced by plasma viscosity and magnetic fields [2]. The time evolution of mode growth at the mostly planar interface is captured by a multi-frame fast camera. Interferometry, spectroscopy, photodiode, and magnetic probe diagnostics are employed to experimentally infer $n_i$, $T_e$, $\bar{Z}$, acceleration, $\vec{B}$, and ion viscosity in the vicinity of the evolving interface. As the instability grows, an evolution from mode wavelengths of $\approx1.7$~$\mathrm{cm}$ to $\approx2.8$~$\mathrm{cm}$ is observed. The growth time ($\sim 10$~$\mathrm{\mu s}$) and wavelength ($\sim 1$~$\mathrm{cm}$) of the observed modes agree with theoretical predictions computed from the experimentally inferred density ($\sim 10^{14}$~$\mathrm{cm^{-3}}$), deceleration ($\sim 10^{9}$~$\mathrm{m/s^2}$), and magnetic field ($\approx 15$~$\mathrm{G}$ in direction of wavevector). Furthermore, comparisons of experimental data with idealized magnetohydrodynamic simulations (which include a physical viscosity model) suggest that both magnetic and viscous stabilization contribute to the observed mode evolution. These data are relevant for benchmarking astrophysical and magneto-inertial-fusion-relevant computations of RTI.\\[4pt] [1] S. C. Hsu et al., Phys.\ Plasmas {\bf 19}, 123514 (2012).\\[0pt] [2] C. S. Adams, A. L. Moser, and S. C. Hsu, submitted (2015); http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6033. [Preview Abstract] |
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