Bulletin of the American Physical Society
55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 58, Number 16
Monday–Friday, November 11–15, 2013; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
Afeyan, Bedros Polymath Research Inc. |
Session GI3.00004 Methods of Optimal Control of Laser-Plasma Instabilities Using Spike Trains of Uneven Duration and Delay (STUD Pulses) Room: Plaza F |
Agarwal, Ankur Applied Materials Inc. |
Session VI3.00003 Advances in Plasma Process Equipment Development using Plasma and Electromagnetics Modeling Room: Plaza F |
Ampleford, David Sandia National Laboratories |
Session CI2.00003 Contrasting physics in sources of 1-20keV emission on the Z facility Room: Plaza E |
ArchMiller, Matthew C. Auburn University |
Session BI2.00004 Plasma Disruption Avoidance and Mitigation using Strong Non-Axisymmetric Shaping with Stellarator Fields Room: Plaza E |
Awe, Thomas Sandia National Laboratories |
Session CI2.00002 Observations of altered instability structure for imploding z-pinch liners that are premagnetized with a uniform axial field Room: Plaza E |
Baalrud, Scott D. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa |
Session NI3.00005 Effective Potential Theory for Transport Coefficients across Coupling Regimes Room: Plaza F |
Bass, E.M. University of California San Diego |
Session KI3.00004 Predictions of the Transport-limited Fusion Alpha Profile in ITER Room: Plaza F |
Battaglia, D.J. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session YI2.00003 Kinetic Neoclassical Transport in the H-mode Pedestal Room: Plaza E |
Bellei, Claudio Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00006 Multi-species and kinetic effects in ICF plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Belli, E.A. General Atomics |
Session PI2.00004 Neoclassical Flows, Transport, and Non-Axisymmetric Effects in the Tokamak Plasma Edge Room: Plaza E |
Benedetti, Carlo Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session GI2.00001 Wakefield excitation and electron injection using multiple laser pulses in plasmas Room: Plaza E |
Berkery, Jack Columbia University |
Session TI2.00002 Measured Improvement of Global MHD Mode Stability at High-beta, and in Reduced Collisionality Spherical Torus Plasmas Room: Plaza E |
Bertelli, Nicola Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session PI2.00001 Fast wave heating and edge power losses in NSTX and NSTX-U Room: Plaza E |
Cerutti, Benoit University of Colorado |
Session DI3.00004 Gamma-ray Flares in the Crab Nebula: A Case of Relativistic Reconnection? Room: Plaza F |
Chapman, Brett University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session NI2.00004 Unified parametric dependence, control, and reconstruction of 3D equilibria in the RFP Room: Plaza E |
Chen, X. University of California Irvine |
Session NI2.00002 Enhanced Localized Energetic Ion Losses Resulting from First-orbit Linear and Nonlinear Interactions with Alfv\'en Eigenmodes in DIII-D Room: Plaza E |
Chrystal, C. University of California San Diego |
Session PI2.00003 Testing Neoclassical and Turbulent Effects on Poloidal Rotation in the Core of DIII-D Room: Plaza E |
Commaux, N. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00002 Understanding the Physics of Thermal Quench Mitigatio Room: Plaza E |
Daly, Edward Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session WE1.00002 ITER ELM Control Coils Room: Plaza D |
Danielson, J.R. University of California, San Diego |
Session JI2.00002 Progress Towards a Practical Multicell Positron Trap Room: Plaza E |
de Vries, Peter JET / FOM DIFFER |
Session BI2.00001 The influence of an ITER-like wall on disruptions at JET Room: Plaza E |
Dimits, Andris Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session TI2.00005 Landau-Fluid Closures for Edge Plasma Simulation: Models and Implementation Room: Plaza E |
Di Stefano, Carlos University of Michigan |
Session BI3.00005 Observation and modeling of mixing-layer development in HED blast-wave-driven shear flow Room: Plaza F |
Doyle, E.J. University of California, Los Angeles |
Session PI2.00006 Electron Particle Transport on DIII-D - Testing Theory-Based Models and Implications for ITER Room: Plaza E |
Ebrahimi, Fatima Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences and Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University |
Session PI2.00002 Physics of fast flux closure in coaxial helicity injection experiments in NSTX Room: Plaza E |
Falk, Katerina Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00002 Full Equation of State Measurements of Warm Dense Carbon Using a Novel Technique of Shock and Release Room: Plaza F |
Fang, Yun University of Southern California |
Session GI2.00002 First experimental results on the self modulation instability (SMI) of long electron bunches in dense plasmas Room: Plaza E |
Fredrickson, Eric Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI2.00003 Fast-ion energy loss during TAE avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Room: Plaza E |
Galante, Matthew West Virginia University |
Session JI2.00003 Two-Photon Absorption Laser Induced Fluorescence Measurements of Neutral Density in Helicon Plasma Room: Plaza E |
Giuliani, John Naval Research Laboratory |
Session CI2.00004 Effective vs Thermal Ion Temperatures in the Weizmann Ne Z-Pinch: Modeling and Stagnation Physics Room: Plaza E |
Goldston, Robert Princeton Plasma Physis Laboratory |
Session YI2.00001 The Heuristic Drift Model of the Scrape-Off Layer: Physics Issues and Implications Room: Plaza E |
Golfinopoulos, Theodore Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session YI2.00005 External Excitation of a Drift-Alfv\'{e}n Wave Response in the Alcator C-Mod Edge Plasma and its Relationship to the Quasi-Coherent Mode Room: Plaza E |
Goncharov, V.N. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session GI3.00001 Demonstrating Ignition Hydrodynamic Equivalence in Cryogenic DT Implosions on OMEGA Room: Plaza F |
Gourdain, Pierre-Alexandre Cornell University |
Session BI3.00002 The impact of Hall physics on magnetized high energy density plasma jets Room: Plaza F |
Grabowski, Paul Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00003 Charged Particle Stopping Power in Dense Plasmas: Improvements, Validation, and Practical Implications Room: Plaza F |
Granetz, Robert ITPA MHD MDC-16 group, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session BI2.00003 ITPA Joint Experiment to Measure Threshold E-fields and Densities for Runaway Electron Onset and Suppression Room: Plaza E |
Graves, David University of California at Berkeley |
Session UT3.00001 Low Temperature Plasma Medicine Room: Plaza F |
Greenwald, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session AR1.00001 Twenty Years of Research on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Room: Grand Ballroom |
Guo, Houyang Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS |
Session UI2.00005 Recent Advances in Long Pulse High Confinement Plasma Operations in EAST Room: Plaza E |
Haberberger, D. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session GI3.00003 Measurement of Two-Plasmon--Decay Dependence on Plasma Density Scale Length Room: Plaza F |
Hanson, J.M. Columbia University |
Session TI2.00003 Feedback-Assisted Extension of the Tokamak Operating Space to Low Safety Factor Room: Plaza E |
Hartwig, Zachary MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session NI3.00003 The in-situ diagnosis of plasma-wall interactions on magnetic fusion devices with accelerators Room: Plaza F |
He, Wenlong Department of Physics, SUPA, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 0NG, UK |
Session YI3.00002 A High Power Wide-band Gyro-BWO for Terahertz Operation Room: Plaza F |
Holland, C. University of California San Diego |
Session JT3.00001 Validation Metrics for Improving Our Understanding of Turbulent Transport -- Moving Beyond Proof by Pretty Picture and Loud Assertion Room: Plaza F |
Hurricane, Omar Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00004 The High-Foot Implosion Campaign on the National Ignition Facility Room: Plaza F |
Hyde, Truell CASPER - Baylor University |
Session JI2.00006 Confinement and Structural Changes in Vertically Aligned Dust Structures Room: Plaza E |
Ishizawa, Akihiro National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session KI3.00002 Electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence in high-beta helical plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Kaneko, Toshiro Department of Electronic Engineering, Tohoku University |
Session VI3.00002 Gas-Liquid Interfacial Non-Equilibrium Plasmas for Structure Controlled Nanoparticles Room: Plaza F |
Koenig, Michel Laboratoire LULI - CNRS |
Session TI3.00003 Isentropic compression experiments on LIL and their applications to planetary physics Room: Plaza F |
Kosuga, Yusuke WCI Center for Fusion Theory, NFRI, Korea |
Session JI2.00001 How the Propagation of Heat-Flux Modulations Triggers $E\times B$ Flow Pattern Formation Room: Plaza E |
LaBombard, Brian MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session YI2.00006 New insights on boundary plasma turbulence and the Quasi-Coherent Mode in Alcator C-Mod using a Mirror Langmuir Probe Room: Plaza E |
Lapenta, Giovanni KULeuven |
Session DI3.00002 3D instabilities connected with reconnection in full 3D PIC simulations Room: Plaza F |
Lebedev, Sergey Imperial College |
Session BI3.00006 Formation of reverse shocks in magnetized high energy density supersonic plasma flows Room: Plaza F |
Lee, Hae Ja SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session TI3.00005 Exploring the matter of extremes at the Linac Coherent Light source Room: Plaza F |
Lee, Jungpyo MIT PSFC |
Session PI2.00005 Ion intrinsic rotation in a tokamak caused by momentum transport due to diamagnetic flow effects Room: Plaza E |
Leonard, A.W. General Atomics |
Session XR1.00001 Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) in Tokamaks Room: Grand Ballroom |
Lin, Liang UCLA |
Session NI2.00001 Energetic-particle-driven instabilities and induced fast-ion transport in a reversed field pinch Room: Plaza E |
Liu, Yueqiang Euratom/CCFE Association, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB, UK |
Session BI2.00006 Self-consistent modelling of energetic particle effects on RWM: anisotropy and finite orbit width Room: Plaza E |
Luginsland, John Air Force Office of Scientific Research |
Session MR1.00001 100 Years of the Physics of Diodes Room: Grand Ballroom |
Ma, Tammy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00001 Observations of strong ion-ion correlations in dense plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Mackinnon, Andy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session YI3.00005 Performance of high-density-carbon (HDC) ablator implosion experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Room: Plaza F |
Maron, Yitzhak Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Session NI3.00006 Experimental discrimination between ion temperature and hydromotion in turbulent plasmas. Room: Plaza F |
Menard, Jonathan Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session BI2.00005 Rotation and kinetic resonance effects on the spherical tokamak ideal-wall limit Room: Plaza E |
Merritt, Elizabeth C. Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of New Mexico |
Session BI3.00001 Experimental Characterization of the Stagnation Layer between Two Obliquely Merging Supersonic Plasma Jets Room: Plaza F |
Milchberg, Howard University of Maryland |
Session PT3.00001 The extreme nonlinear optics of gases and femtosecond optical/plasma filamentation Room: Plaza F |
Moody, John D. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00001 The Hohlraum Drive Campaign on the National Ignition Facility Room: Plaza F |
Myatt, J.F. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session FR1.00001 The Deleterious Effects of Multibeam Laser--Plasma Interactions on Inertial Confinement Fusion and Their Mitigation Room: Grand Ballroom |
Nagayama, Taisuke Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 |
Session CI2.00006 Experimental Validation of Modeled Fe Opacities at Conditions Approaching the Base of the Solar Convection Zone Room: Plaza E |
Neculaes, V. Bogdan GE Global Research |
Session VI3.00001 Novel multi-beam X-ray source for vacuum electronics enabled medical imaging applications Room: Plaza F |
Ni, Pavel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00004 Initial experimental evidence of self-collimation of TNSA proton beam in a stack of conducting foils Room: Plaza F |
Nora, R. Fusion Science Center, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, and Dept. of Physics, U. of Rochester |
Session GI3.00002 Theory of Hydro-Equivalent Ignition for Inertial Fusion and Its Applications to OMEGA and the NIF Room: Plaza F |
Nornberg, M.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization |
Session NI3.00004 Direct measurement of turbulent resistivity Room: Plaza F |
Orlov, D.M. University of California San Diego |
Session YI3.00006 Suppression of Type-I ELMs with a Reduced I-coil Set in DIII-D Room: Plaza F |
Park, Hyeon K. POSTECH |
Session UI2.00006 Enhanced understanding of the MHD dynamics and ELM control experiments in KSTAR Room: Plaza E |
Park, J.M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session UI2.00002 Projecting High Beta Steady-State Scenarios from DIII-D Advanced Tokamk Discharges Room: Plaza E |
Paz-Soldan, C. Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
Session TI2.00001 Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award Talk: Control of Non-Axisymmetric Fields With Static and Dynamic Boundary Conditions Room: Plaza E |
Pitts, Richard ITER Organization |
Session WE1.00001 Physics Basis and Design of the ITER Full Tungsten Divertor Room: Plaza D |
Pueschel, M.J. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session KI3.00003 An Explanation for the High-$\beta$ Runaway: the Non-Zonal Transition Room: Plaza F |
Ricketson, Lee UCLA |
Session YI3.00004 Multi-level Monte Carlo Methods for Efficient Simulation of Coulomb Collisions Room: Plaza F |
Rinderknecht, Hans Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session GI3.00005 Quantitative studies of kinetic effects in direct- and indirect-drive Inertial Confinement Fusion implosions Room: Plaza F |
Robertson, Scott University of Colorado - Boulder, CO 80309 |
Session CT3.00001 Sheaths -- Where Plasma Meets a Surface Room: Plaza F |
Rochau, Gregory Sandia National Laboratories |
Session CI2.00005 The Z Astrophysical Plasma Properties Collaboration Room: Plaza E |
Rosenberg, Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session DI3.00001 Studies of Magnetic Reconnection in Colliding Laser-Produced Plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Sahai, Aakash A. Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA |
Session GI2.00006 Relativistically Induced Transparency Acceleration (RITA) - laser-plasma accelerated quasi-monoenergetic GeV ion-beams with existing lasers? Room: Plaza E |
Sauter, Olivier CRPP-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session TI2.00004 On the non-stiffness of edge transport in L-modes Room: Plaza E |
Sauthoff, Ned US ITER Project Office |
Session WE1.00003 US ITER Project Status Room: Plaza D |
Schaeffer, Derek University of California, Los Angeles |
Session TI3.00006 Laboratory Experiments on the Generation of Perpendicular, Magnetized Collisionless Shocks by a Laser-Ablated Piston Room: Plaza F |
Schmidt, Andrea Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI2.00005 Dense Plasma Focus Z-Pinch Fully Kinetic Modeling and Ion Probe-Beam Experiments Room: Plaza E |
Schumaker, Will University of Michigan |
Session GI2.00004 Short-pulse, high-energy radiation generation from laser-wakefield accelerated electron beams Room: Plaza E |
Sefkow, Adam Sandia National Laboratories |
Session CI2.00001 Design of MagLIF experiments using the Z facility Room: Plaza E |
Shadwick, B.A. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session JI2.00005 A Variational Formulation of Macro-Particle Algorithms for Kinetic Plasma Simulations Room: Plaza E |
Shafer, M.W. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00006 Plasma Response Measurements of Non-Axisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations on DIII-D Room: Plaza E |
Shankar, Sadasivan Intel Corporation |
Session VI3.00004 Challenges in bridging theory and applications with examples from Materials Design Room: Plaza F |
Shneider, Mikhail Princeton University |
Session YI3.00003 Application of Nonresonant Optical Lattices for Advanced Plasma and Gas Remote Nonintrusive Diagnostics Room: Plaza F |
Smalyuk, Vladimir Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00003 Hydrodynamic instability and mix experiments at National Ignition Facility Room: Plaza F |
Smith, S.P. General Atomics |
Session NI2.00005 Magnetic Flutter Plasma Transport Induced by 3D Fields in DIII-D Room: Plaza E |
Spizzo, Gianluca Consorzio RFX, Euratom-ENEA Association, Corso Stati Uniti, 4 35127 Padova - Italy |
Session YI2.00004 Edge ambipolar potential in toroidal fusion plasmas Room: Plaza E |
Sprangle, Phillip Naval Research Laboratory and University of Maryland |
Session SR1.00001 James Clerk Maxwell Prize Address: High Intensity Laser Propagation and Interactions Room: Grand Ballroom |
Staebler, G.M. General Atomics |
Session UI2.00004 Resolving the Mystery of Transport Within Internal Transport Barriers Room: Plaza E |
Taylor, Chase Idaho National Laboratory |
Session NI3.00002 Differentiating the role of lithium and oxygen in retaining deuterium on lithiated plasma-facing components Room: Plaza F |
Tokuzawa, Tokihiko National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session KI3.00001 Observation of multi-scale turbulence and non-local transport in LHD plasmas Room: Plaza F |
Town, R.P.J. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00002 Dynamic Symmetry of Indirectly Driven ICF Capsules on NIF Room: Plaza F |
Tsumori, Katsuyoshi National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session NI3.00001 Hydrogen Ionic Plasma and Particle Dynamics in Negative Ion Source for NBI Room: Plaza F |
Vieira, Jorge Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Session GI2.00003 Ion motion and hosing suppression in self-modulated plasma wakefield acceleration Room: Plaza E |
Wahlstrand, Jared University of Maryland, College Park |
Session YI3.00001 Absolute measurements of high field generation of plasmas in gases with femtosecond time- and micron space-resolution Room: Plaza F |
Walk, John MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session UI2.00003 ELM Suppression and Pedestal Structure in I-Mode Plasmas Room: Plaza E |
Wang, Yuhou University of California, Los Angeles |
Session JI2.00004 Destruction of a Magnetic Mirror-Trapped Hot Electron Ring by a shear Alfv\'{e}n Wave Room: Plaza E |
Wehrenberg, Christopher Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00004 Compression dynamics and lattice kinetics in laser driven shocks of BCC metals using dynamic Laue diffraction Room: Plaza F |
Xi, Pengwei PKU \& LLNL |
Session YI2.00002 The impact of peeling-ballooning turbulence on ELMs Room: Plaza E |
Yan, Z. University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session TI2.00006 The Dynamics of Turbulence and Shear Flow Across the L-H Transition on DIII-D Room: Plaza E |
Yoo, Jongsoo Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session DI3.00003 Particle heating and acceleration during collisionless reconnection in a laboratory plasma Room: Plaza F |
Zohm, Hartmut MPI f\"ur Plasmaphysik |
Session UI2.00001 Research on DEMO Physics Issues at High Density on ASDEX Upgrade Room: Plaza E |
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