Bulletin of the American Physical Society
43rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 57, Number 5
Monday–Friday, June 4–8, 2012; Orange County, California
Invited Speakers
Adams, Charles Durham University |
Session C7.00001 Non-linear optics using Rydberg atoms Room: Terrace |
Anderson, Sarah E. University of Michigan |
Session C7.00003 Trapping Rydberg Atoms in an Optical Lattice Room: Terrace |
Aspelmeyer, Markus Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), University of Vienna |
Session C6.00004 Quantum optomechanics: exploring the interface between quantum physics and gravity Room: Garden 4 |
Bakr, Waseem Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J5.00001 Quantum gas microscopy: an atomic scale probe of strongly-correlated many-body systems Room: Garden 3 |
Barnat, Ed Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J3.00002 Two dimensional laser-collision induced fluorescence measurements in low pressure plasmas Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session J3.00004 Benchmark Calculations of Atomic Data for Modelling Applications Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Bostedt, Christoph SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session C4.00004 Clusters in intense x-ray pulses Room: Garden 1-2 |
Burke, Philip G. Queen's University Belfast |
Session A1.00003 Will Allis Prize for the Study of Ionized Gases Lecture: Electron and Photon Collisions with Atoms and Molecules Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Capogrosso-Sansone, Barbara University of Oklahoma |
Session C1.00004 Quantum phases of bosonic polar molecules in optical lattice geometries Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Cavalieri, Adrian University of Hamburg/MPSD/CFEL |
Session C4.00001 Optical laser-based THz streaking for full FEL pulse characterization Room: Garden 1-2 |
Chang, Zenghu University of Central Florida |
Session G4.00002 Time-dependent ac-Stark shift Room: Garden 1-2 |
Chevy, Frederic Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session U2.00003 Equation of state of strongly interacting fermions Room: Grand Ballroom GF |
Childress, Lily Bates College |
Session U1.00003 Spins and photons: connecting quantum registers in diamond Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Cing\"oz, Arman JILA and University of Colorado Boulder |
Session U1.00002 Frequency combs and precision spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Dalibard, Jean CNRS and ENS |
Session A1.00001 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics Lecture: Exploring Flatland with Cold Atoms Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
DeMarco, Brian University of Illinois |
Session G1.00002 Three-Dimensional Anderson Localization of Ultracold Matter Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
DiMauro, Louis The Ohio State University |
Session H4.00001 Strong-field atomic physics in the Classical Limit Room: Garden 1-2 |
Dujko, Sasa Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, PO Box 68, Zemun 11080, Belgrade, Serbia |
Session J3.00003 Transport and collisional processes for electrons in gases and their application to study non-equilibrium plasmas Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Federman, Steven University of Toledo |
Session B3.00003 The Need for Oscillator Strengths to Study the Molecular Universe Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Fischer, Daniel Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
Session T3.00001 Fully Differential Study of Fragmentation Dynamics of Li by Ion Impact Using a MOTRemi Apparatus Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Fogwell Hoogerheide, Shannon Harvard University |
Session B6.00002 Most Precise Determination of the Fine Structure Constant: Electron g and QED Room: Garden 4 |
Fontes, Christopher Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B3.00002 Atomic Data and the Modeling of Supernova Spectra Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Fortson, Norval University of Washington |
Session L1.00003 Norman Ramsey and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Frebel, Anna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B3.00001 Observing the chemical signatures of the oldest, most metal-poor stars Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Gabrielse, Gerald Harvard University |
Session L1.00001 Introduction: Norman Ramsey the Mentor, Colleague and Science Statesman Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Grant, Edward University of British Columbia |
Session T1.00003 How electron collisions shape an ultracold plasma Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University, Physics Dept. |
Session B7.00003 Synthetic Quantum Matter under the Microscope Room: Terrace |
Grimm, Rudolf Institute of Experimental Physics, Univ. Innsbruck, and IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria |
Session H1.00001 Universality of the Three-Body Parameter for Efimov States in Ultracold Cesium Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Guellati, Saida Conservatoire National des Ars et Metiers |
Session B6.00001 Determination of the fine structure constant from atom interferometry Room: Garden 4 |
Hall, David Amherst College |
Session A1.00002 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution Lecture: Research (Teaching) with Bose-Einstein Condensates Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Hu, S.X. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session B4.00004 Probing Ultrafast Processes in Intense Laser--Matter Interactions Room: Garden 1-2 |
Hung, Chen-Lung California Institute of Technology |
Session J5.00002 In situ probing of two-dimensional quantum gases Room: Garden 3 |
Isenhower, Larry Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session C7.00002 Towards Quantum Information Processing Using Rydberg Blockade Room: Terrace |
Islam, Rajibul Joint Quantum Institute and University of Maryland Department of Physics |
Session B7.00004 Quantum simulations of magnetism with large numbers of atomic ion spins Room: Terrace |
Ivanov, Misha Imperial College London |
Session H4.00002 High harmonic spectroscopy and time-resolved holography with photoelectrons Room: Garden 1-2 |
Jessen, Poul Center for Quantum Information and Control, College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona |
Session B7.00002 Quantum Control and Tomography in the 16-Dimensional Ground Manifold of Atomic Cesium Room: Terrace |
Jin, Deborah JILA/University of Colorado |
Session C1.00003 Ultracold Polar Molecules Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Jochim, Bethany J. R. Macdonald Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 |
Session M7.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Lecture: Strong-field dissociation dynamics of NO$^{2+}$: A multiphoton electronic or vibrational excitation? Room: Terrace |
Jones, Robert University of Virginia |
Session B4.00002 Combined Ion and Laser Field Effects in Intense Laser Ionization of Atoms and Molecules Room: Garden 1-2 |
Josse, Vincent LP2N - IOGS |
Session G1.00004 Simulating quantum transport with atoms and light Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Kasevich, Mark Stanford University |
Session C6.00001 Precision Atom Interferometry Room: Garden 4 |
Killian, Thomas Rice University |
Session T1.00001 Ultracold Neutral Plasma Density Waves Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Kippenberg, Tobias J. EPFL |
Session G7.00004 Cavity Optomechanics: Coherent Coupling of Light and Mechanical Oscillators Room: Terrace |
Kleppner, Dan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L1.00002 Norman Ramsey and the Hydrogen Maser Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Koehl, Michael University of Cambridge |
Session J1.00001 Two-dimensional Fermi Gases Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Laburthe-Tolra, Bruno CNRS |
Session C1.00002 Dipolar Chromium BECs Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Lan, Shau-Yu University of California, Berkeley |
Session B6.00004 A matter wave clock and new measurement of the fine structure constant Room: Garden 4 |
Lemeshko, Mikhail ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Harvard Physics Department, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA |
Session J5.00004 Molecular interactions in and with fields: thermal collisions, ultracold gases, supersymmetry Room: Garden 3 |
Lev, Benjamin Stanford University |
Session C1.00001 Quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of dysprosium Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Liedahl, Duane Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session M3.00001 Resonant Auger Destruction in X-ray Photoionized Plasmas Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Lopes, M. Cristina A. Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora |
Session C3.00004 Low Energy Electron Scattering from Fuels Room: Grand Ballroom E |
March, Anne Marie Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C4.00002 Capturing ultrafast molecular dynamics with time-resolved x-ray absorption, x-ray emission, and x-ray scattering Room: Garden 1-2 |
Martin, Michael JILA, NIST, and University of Colorado |
Session C6.00003 Ultrastable lasers for precision spectroscopy in a $^{87}$Sr optical lattice clock Room: Garden 4 |
Murray, Andrew University of Manchester, UK |
Session J3.00001 Differential cross sections for ionization and excitation of laser-aligned atoms by electron impact Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Nagele, Stefan Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Session G4.00001 Time-resolved photoemission by attosecond streaking Room: Garden 1-2 |
Nio, Makiko RIKEN |
Session B6.00003 A tenth-order QED coontribution to the lepton g-2 Room: Garden 4 |
Oates, Chris NIST |
Session C6.00002 Optical Lattice Clocks Room: Garden 4 |
Oks, Eugene Auburn University |
Session G3.00002 Broadening of Hydrogenic Spectral Lines in Magnetized Plasmas: Diagnostic Applications Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Painter, Oskar California Institute of Technology |
Session G7.00002 Optomechanical crystals Room: Terrace |
Palacios, Alicia Universidad Aut\'onoma de Madrid |
Session M4.00001 Clocking Ultrafast Wave Packet Dynamics in Molecules through UV-induced Symmetry Breaking Room: Garden 1-2 |
Pearson, John C. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Session B3.00004 Herschel and SOFIA Observations, Interpretations and the Laboratory Data Required Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Pfau, Tilman Universitaet Stuttgart |
Session T1.00002 Trilobites and other molecular animals: How Rydberg-electrons catch ground state atoms Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Pohl, Thomas MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany |
Session T1.00004 Nonlocal light-matter interactions in cold Rydberg gases Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Raimond, Jean-Michel Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie |
Session B7.00001 Quantum feedback experiments with atoms and cavities Room: Terrace |
Ralchenko, Yuri National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session G3.00004 Collisional-radiative analysis of neutral beam spectra in fusion plasmas Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Richerme, Phil Harvard University |
Session U1.00004 Antimatter Advances Include Trapped Antihydrogen in Its Ground State Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Sadeghpour, Hossein ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session C7.00004 Rydberg atom mediated polar molecule interactions Room: Terrace |
Safronova, Alla Physics Department, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 |
Session M3.00003 Spectroscopy of Z-pinch plasmas: how atomic and plasma physics merge and unfold new applications Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Sanchez-Palencia, Laurent Institut d'Optique and CNRS |
Session G1.00003 Coexistence of Localized and Extended States in a Disordered Trap Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Schleier-Smith, Monika Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and LMU Munich |
Session J5.00003 Cavity-Enabled Spin Squeezing for a Quantum-Enhanced Atomic Clock Room: Garden 3 |
Schneble, Dominik Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 |
Session G1.00001 Glassy Behavior in a Binary Atomic Mixture Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Sisourat, Nicolas Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France |
Session M4.00002 Ultralong-range energy transfer by interatomic Coulombic decay in the giant helium dimer Room: Garden 1-2 |
Spielman, Ian JQI, NIST and the University of Maryland |
Session B1.00001 Light induced gauge fields and spin orbital coupling in cold atomic gas Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Stambulchik, Evgeny Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G3.00003 A new method for line-shape modeling of hydrogen-like and Rydberg transitions in plasma Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan University of California, Berkeley |
Session G7.00001 Quantum aspects of cavity optomechanics with atomic ensembles and ensemble arrays Room: Terrace |
Tajima, Toshiki IZEST |
Session B4.00003 Optics in the Relativistic Regime Room: Garden 1-2 |
Teufel, John NIST Boulder |
Session G7.00003 Sideband Cooling Micromechanical Motion to the Quantum Ground State Room: Terrace |
Tewari, Sumanta Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 |
Session B1.00003 Topological quantum criticality in spin-orbit coupled fermions Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Thompson, James K. JILA, NIST, and Dept. of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session U1.00001 A steady-state superradiant laser with less than one intracavity photon Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Thumm, Uwe Kansas State University |
Session C4.00003 Time-resolved photoelectron emission from atoms and surfaces: the photoeffect revisited Room: Garden 1-2 |
Troyer, Matthias ETH Zurich |
Session U2.00001 Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and thermometry in ultracold quantum gases Room: Grand Ballroom GF |
Umstadter, Donald University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Session B4.00001 Gigavolt-Energy Electrons and Femtosecond-Duration Hard X-Rays Driven by Extreme Light Room: Garden 1-2 |
Walters, James Queen's University Belfast |
Session T3.00002 Pseudostate Methods for Treating Atomic Fragmentation Processes Induced by Heavy-Particle Impact Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Wang, Yujun JILA and Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session H1.00002 Few-body physics for bosonic and fermionic dipoles Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Wineland, David University of Colorado Boulder and JILA |
Session L1.00004 Norman Ramsey and Separated Oscillatory Fields Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Winget, D.E. Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory, University of Texas |
Session G3.00001 Line Broadening in White Dwarf Photospheres Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Winstead, Carl California Instute of Technology |
Session C3.00001 Low-energy electron interactions with biomolecules Room: Grand Ballroom E |
Zhai, Hui Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University |
Session B1.00004 Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Gases Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Zhang, Jing Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, P.R. China |
Session B1.00002 Experimental realization of spin-orbit coupling in degenerate Fermi gas Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00004 Evolution of Fermion Pairing from Three to Two Dimensions Room: Grand Ballroom BCD |
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