Bulletin of the American Physical Society
41st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 55, Number 5
Tuesday–Saturday, May 25–29, 2010; Houston, Texas
Invited Speakers
Adams, Charles Durham University |
Session Q1.00006 Cooperative optical non-linearity using Rydberg atoms Room: Imperial East |
Artamonov, Maxim Northwestern University |
Session B4.00005 Towards Control of 3D Alignment of Polyatomic Molecules Room: Regency Ballroom |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session W2.00001 Quantum computation for quantum chemistry Room: Imperial Center |
B\"uchler, Hans Peter University of Stuttgart |
Session S1.00004 A Rydberg Quantum Simulator for Dissipative Dynamics Room: Imperial East |
Bauer, Dieter University of Rostock |
Session S2.00004 Relativistic Attosecond Electron Bunches from Laser-Illuminated Droplets Room: Imperial Center |
Berrah, Nora Western Michigan University |
Session Q2.00003 First Results on Ultrafast and Ultraintense X-Ray Studies of Molecular Photoabsorption using the LCLS Free Electron Laser Room: Imperial Center |
Blume, D. Washington State University |
Session R2.00002 Universality of few-body systems: Four-body and beyond Room: Imperial Center |
Bozek, John SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Q2.00001 AMO Instrumentation for the LCLS Free Electron Laser Room: Imperial Center |
Brown, Kenneth Georgia Tech |
Session C2.00001 Laser-cooled atomic ions as tools for molecular ion spectroscopy Room: Imperial Center |
Bucksbaum, Philip PULSE Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Session B4.00001 Ultrafast strong field xray interactions with aligned molecules at LCLS Room: Regency Ballroom |
Burgd\"orfer, Joachim Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Session K2.00002 Probing and Controlling Electronic Dynamics on the Attosecond Scale Room: Imperial Center |
Campbell, Wesley JQI and Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session J2.00003 Quantum Information Processing with Atomic Qubits and Optical Frequency Combs Room: Imperial Center |
Cates, Gordon University of Virginia |
Session W1.00004 Laser-polarized noble gases: a powerful probe for biology, medicine, and subatomic physics Room: Imperial East |
Chang, Zenghu Kansas State University and University of Central Florida |
Session X1.00002 Probing two-electron dynamics in helium with isolated attosecond pulses Room: Imperial East |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session J1.00001 Quantum Microscopy of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices Room: Imperial East |
Chutjian, Ara JPL/Caltech, Pasadena, CA |
Session J4.00004 The Atomic and Molecular Universe: Collisions in Hot Plasmas to the Building Blocks of Life Room: Regency Ballroom |
Clark, Brian Schlumberger Sugar Land Product Center |
Session P1.00003 Physics and the Search for Hydrocarbons Room: Imperial Ballroom |
Corkum, Paul University of Ottawa |
Session W3.00002 How Initial State Correlation Controls Sequential Laser Tunnel Ionization Room: Imperial West |
D\"urr, Stephan Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany |
Session S1.00003 Strong dissipation inhibits losses and induces correlations in cold molecular gases Room: Imperial East |
Ditmire, Todd University of Texas at Austin |
Session S2.00003 High Intensity Femtosecond XUV and X-ray Pulse Interactions with Atomic Clusters Room: Imperial Center |
Donner, Tobias JILA, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session S3.00002 Nanomechanical motion measured with an imprecision below the standard quantum limit Room: Imperial West |
Douberly, Gary E. University of Georgia |
Session X1.00004 Spectroscopy and Reactions of Hydrocarbon Radicals in 0.4 Kelvin Helium Nanodroplets Room: Imperial East |
Eichmann, Ulli Max Born Institute, Berlin |
Session S2.00001 Acceleration of neutral atoms in strong short-pulse laser fields Room: Imperial Center |
Esslinger, Tilman ETH Z\"urich |
Session K1.00001 Interacting Fermions in Optical Lattices: Entropy and Temperature Room: Imperial East |
Gaarde, Mette Louisiana State University |
Session S2.00002 High harmonics and attosecond pulses emerging from laser filament Room: Imperial Center |
Gemelke, Nathan James Franck Institute, University of Chicago |
Session Q3.00001 Few-body Atomic Systems in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime Room: Imperial West |
Glenzer, Siegfried Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session R1.00002 X-ray characterization of high energy density plasmas produced in mega-joule laser experiments on the National Ignition Facility Room: Imperial East |
Grant, Edward University of British Columbia |
Session Q1.00002 Charge, density and electron temperature in a molecular ultracold plasma Room: Imperial East |
Greene, Chris University of Colorado |
Session A1.00001 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics Talk: Few-body processes in the quantum limit Room: Imperial Ballroom |
Greiner, Markus Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms and Physics Department, Harvard University |
Session J1.00002 Quantum Gas Microscope - A Next Generation Quantum Simulator Room: Imperial East |
Grimm, Rudolf Inst. of Experimental Physics, Univ. Innsbruck, and IQOQI, Austrian Acad. of Sciences |
Session R2.00001 Efimov physics: what we can learn from cesium atoms Room: Imperial Center |
Hansen, Stephanie Sandia National Laboratories |
Session R1.00004 Hybrid-structure atomic models for HED laboratory plasma diagnostics and simulations Room: Imperial East |
Happer, William Princeton University |
Session W1.00001 Optically Pumped Atoms with Velocity- and Spin-Changing Collisions at Low Gas Pressures Room: Imperial East |
Hazzard, Kaden Cornell University |
Session J1.00003 RF spectra of lattice bosons: a probe of correlations, fluctuations, and quantum criticality Room: Imperial East |
Ho, Tin-Lun The Ohio State University |
Session J1.00004 Algorithms deducing thermodynamic and quantum critical properties of homogenous bulk systems from the data of trapped gases Room: Imperial East |
Jessen, Poul University of Arizona |
Session L3.00004 Quantum Chaos and Entanglement in Atomic Spin Systems Room: Imperial West |
Jones, Robert Department of Physics, University of Virginia |
Session C3.00006 Exploration and Control of Molecular Dissociation in Strong Asymmetric Laser Fields Room: Imperial West |
Ketterle, Wolfgang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L1.00001 Towards quantum magnetism with ultracold atoms Room: Imperial East |
Killian, T.C. Rice University |
Session B3.00001 Quantum Degenerate Gases of Atomic Strontium Room: Imperial West |
Kim, Kihwan Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland Department of Physics and National Institute of Standards and Technology, College Park, MD 20742 |
Session L3.00003 Quantum Simulation of Frustrated Ising Spins with Trapped Ions Room: Imperial West |
Kirby, Kate American Physical Society and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session J4.00003 Atomic Astrophysics in 3-D: Discovery, Data and Diagnostics Room: Regency Ballroom |
Knappe, Svenja NIST |
Session W1.00003 Chip-Scale Atomic Magnetometers Room: Imperial East |
Kreckel, Holger University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B1.00002 Molecular hydrogen formation in the early universe: new implications from laboratory measurements Room: Imperial East |
Kushner, Mark University of Michigan |
Session A1.00002 Will Allis Prize for the Study of Ionized Gases Talk: Controlling the Properties of Low Temperature Plasmas: The Role of Modeling in Investigating the Science and Developing the Technology Room: Imperial Ballroom |
Lawler, James E. Univ. of Wisconsin |
Session J4.00002 Lab Astro and the Origins of the Chemical Elements Room: Regency Ballroom |
Le, Anh-Thu Kansas State University |
Session W3.00005 Extraction of Fixed-in-Space photoionization cross section and phase with high-order harmonic generation from aligned molecules Room: Imperial West |
Leibfried, Dietrich NIST Boulder |
Session L3.00002 Trapped ions: A precise toolbox for quantum engineers Room: Imperial West |
Lev, Benjamin L. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X1.00001 Trapping ultracold dysprosium: A highly magnetic gas for dipolar physics Room: Imperial East |
Lin, Yu-Ju Joint Quantum Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and University of Maryland |
Session Q3.00003 Optically synthesized magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms Room: Imperial West |
Maeda, Kenji University of Tokyo |
Session Q3.00002 Simulating dense QCD matter with ultracold atomic boson-fermion mixtures Room: Imperial West |
Malinovskaya, Svetlana Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session J2.00004 Adiabatic Control of Two-Photon Transitions via Optical Frequency Comb Room: Imperial Center |
Mashiko, Hiroki Chemical Sciences Division and Ultrafast X-Ray Science Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA |
Session K2.00004 Generation of isolated attosecond pulses with double optical gating and electronic dynamics in molecules studied via attosecond pump-probe experiment Room: Imperial Center |
Molmer, Klaus University of Aarhus |
Session L3.00001 Rydberg blockade schemes for entanglement of atoms and light Room: Imperial West |
Mourou, G\'erard A. Director of the Institut de Lumi\`ere Extr\^eme, ENSTA |
Session H1.00001 Extreme Light Laser: Analyzing the texture of matter from the atom to vacuum Room: Imperial Ballroom |
Mueller, Holger UC Berkeley |
Session K3.00001 Studying Gravity and Gravitational Waves with Atom Interferometry Room: Imperial West |
Murnane, Margaret JILA and Departments of Physics and ECE, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session R1.00001 Science at the Time-scale of the Electron Room: Imperial East |
N\"agerl, Hanns-Christoph University of Innsbruck and Austrian Academy of Science |
Session X2.00002 Ultracold ground state molecules in an optical lattice Room: Imperial Center |
Ni, Kang-Kuen California Institute of Technology |
Session C1.00001 A Quantum Gas of Polar Molecules Room: Imperial East |
O'Hara, Kenneth M. The Pennsylvania State University |
Session R2.00003 Efimov Physics in a Fermi Gas Room: Imperial Center |
Ogilvie, Jennifer University of Michigan |
Session C2.00002 Studies of Photosynthetic Energy and Charge Transfer by Two-dimensional Fourier transform electronic spectroscopy Room: Imperial Center |
Oktel, Mehmet Bilkent University |
Session Q3.00004 Many-body physics in optical lattices under a synthetic magnetic field Room: Imperial West |
Olmschenk, Steven University of Michigan, and the JQI at the University of Maryland and NIST |
Session C1.00003 Quantum Information Processing with Ions and Photons Room: Imperial East |
Orel, Ann University of California, Davis |
Session L2.00001 Symmetry Breaking in Dissociative Electron Attachment to Molecules Room: Imperial Center |
Orozco, Luis University of Maryland, JQI, Physics |
Session S1.00001 Dissipation and Coherence; an example in Cavity QED Room: Imperial East |
Pfeifer, Thomas Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Session K2.00001 Attosecond Spectral Interferometry and Quantum Control of Electron Dynamics Room: Imperial Center |
Pradhan, Anil The Ohio State University |
Session R1.00003 Atomic Astrophysics Under Extreme HED Conditions Room: Imperial East |
Pritchard, Jonathan Harvard University |
Session B1.00004 Atomic physics and the cosmological 21 cm signal Room: Imperial East |
Pupillo, Guido University of Innsbruck and IQOQI, Austria |
Session X2.00001 Strongly correlated phases with moderately strong dipole moments Room: Imperial Center |
Rabitz, Herschel Princeton University |
Session C3.00007 Exploring Quantum Control Landscapes with Gun and Camera Room: Imperial West |
Reichenbach, Iris Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session B3.00004 Optical Feshbach resonances in 171 Yb: a versatile tool for the implementation of quantum information processing and study of superfluids Room: Imperial West |
Rescigno, Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L2.00002 Symmetry breaking puzzles in inner-shell photoionization of symmetric linear molecules Room: Imperial Center |
Rey, Ana Maria JILA, NIST and Department of Physics, University of Colorado |
Session B3.00002 Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms Room: Imperial West |
Romalis, Michael Princeton University |
Session K3.00002 New limits on spin-dependent Lorentz and CPT-violating interactions Room: Imperial West |
Sansone, Giuseppe Dipartimento di Fisica Politecnico Milano Italy; Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik Heidelberg Germany |
Session K2.00003 Attosecond dynamics in simple molecular systems Room: Imperial Center |
Schaefer, Thomas North Carolina State University |
Session K1.00002 Dissipative Fluid Dynamics for the Dilute Fermi Gas at Unitarity Room: Imperial East |
Schippers, Stefan IAMP, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany |
Session J4.00001 Laboratory astrophysics with ion-beams: Cross sections for dielectronic recombination, photoionization and electron-impact ionization from heavy-ion storage-rings and synchrotron light-sources Room: Regency Ballroom |
Schmiedmayer, Joerg TU-Wien |
Session R3.00002 Coupling Spin Ensembles to Micro Wave Photons Room: Imperial West |
Schulz, Joachim Center for Free-Electron Laser Science |
Session Q2.00004 Coherent Diffractive Imaging at LCLS Room: Imperial Center |
Schunck, Christian MIT |
Session C1.00002 Pairing and Superfluidity in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases Room: Imperial East |
Sengstock, Klaus Universitaet Hamburg |
Session L1.00002 Ultracold Quantum Gases in Hexagonal Optical Lattices Room: Imperial East |
Shapiro, Moshe University of British Columbia |
Session J2.00002 Optical separation and purification of enantiomers using coherent pulse sequences Room: Imperial Center |
Southworth, Steve Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00002 Multiphoton absorption processes using the LCLS x-ray free-electron laser Room: Imperial Center |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S3.00001 Quantum cavity opto-mechanics with cold atoms: measuring and controlling a mechanical oscillator with light Room: Imperial West |
Takahashi, Yoshiro Kyoto University |
Session B3.00003 Ultracold ytterbium atoms in an optical lattice Room: Imperial West |
Tan, Shina Yale University |
Session R2.00004 Effective interaction of three bosons at low energy Room: Imperial Center |
Taylor, Jacob Joint Quantum Institute/National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session R3.00001 Coupling hybrid quantum systems: from atomic to solid-state qubits Room: Imperial West |
Tsigutkin, Konstantin University of California, Berkeley |
Session X1.00003 Observation of an unusually large atomic parity-violation effect Room: Imperial East |
Urbain, Xavier Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |
Session B1.00003 Low-Energy Mutual Neutralization Studies for Early Universe Hydrogen Chemistry Room: Imperial East |
Verstraete, Frank University of Vienna |
Session S1.00002 Dissipative processes for quantum simulation and computation Room: Imperial East |
Walker, Thad University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session W1.00002 Rydberg-mediated quantum manipulation of atoms Room: Imperial East |
Whaley, K. Birgitta Univ Calif. Berkeley |
Session W2.00002 Stroboscopic Generation of Topological Protection Room: Imperial Center |
Ye, Jun JILA, NIST and Univ. of Colorado |
Session J2.00001 Coherent frequency combs and spectroscopy Room: Imperial Center |
Yoshida, Naoki IPMU, University of Tokyo |
Session B1.00001 Primordial gas chemistry and the formation of the first stars Room: Imperial East |
Zhou, Qi Joint Quantum Institute and Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Maryland |
Session C1.00004 Overcoming the grand challenges in Quantum Simulations Room: Imperial East |
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