Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 6
Saturday–Tuesday, April 9–12, 2022; New York
Invited Speakers
Akindele, Tomi LLNL |
Session Y11.00001 Nuclear Physics for Nonproliferation and Safeguards Applications Room: Majestic |
Albert, Felicie Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session H07.00002 Development of x-ray sources driven by laser wavefield acceleration at LaserNetUS facilities Room: Salon 4 |
Alexander, Stephon Brown |
Session E01.00001 Theoretical and Observational Windows into Chiral Gravity Room: Broadway North |
Alexander, Stephon Brown University |
Session K05.00001 Jazz of Physics Room: Astor |
Anandakrishnan, Archana Spotify |
Session B06.00002 Highlights From Navigating the Industry - as a Immigrant Scientist Mom Room: Marquis A |
Arguelles, Carlos A Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y03.00003 From Beyond the Standard Model: searching for nu-friends Room: Salon 1 |
Arkani-Hamed, Nima Institute for Advanced Study |
Session E02.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics (2022): Spacetime, Quantum Mechanics and the Vacuum Room: Broadway South |
Askar, Abbas Lund Observatory |
Session S03.00003 Dynamical formation of GW190521 in stellar clusters Room: Salon 1 |
Bagger, Jonathan A American Physical Society |
Session X00.00004 APS Response to the Crisis Room: Broadway North & South |
Barthelemy, Ramón S University of Utah |
Session F03.00003 Panelist Room: Salon 1 |
Baryakhtar, Masha University of Washington |
Session G09.00001 LAMPOST: First Constraints on Dark Photon Dark Matter with an Optical Haloscope Room: Salon 3 |
Batell, Brian University of Pittsburgh |
Session E10.00001 Searching for Dark Matter with Proton Beams at High Intensities and High Energies Room: Salon 3 |
Becoulet, Alain ITER |
Session E05.00001 Overview and status of the ITER project Room: Astor |
Benedikt, Michael M CERN |
Session Y05.00001 The Future Circular Collider Feasibility Study Room: Astor |
Berthier, Ariadna UCSC |
Session H05.00002 Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Dissertation Award Finalist Room: Astor |
Berti, Emanuele Johns Hopkins University |
Session B01.00003 Gravitational Wave Astronomy: What's Next? Room: Broadway North |
Bertschinger, Edmund Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session L06.00003 2022 Excellence in Physics Education Award Recipient: Teaming Up to Change the Culture in Physics Room: Marquis A-B |
Blaine, Tegan U.S. Institute of Peace |
Session X06.00002 Climate and Conflict: Towards a Global Green Economy and a World of Societal Change Room: Marquis A-B |
Blue, Jennifer M Miami University |
Session F03.00002 Panelist Room: Salon 1 |
Brost, Elizabeth C Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H02.00001 Expected physics reach for the High-Luminosity LHC Room: Broadway South |
Brudvig, Gary Yale University |
Session Q06.00003 Learning from Nature How to Make Solar Fuels Room: Marquis A-B |
Buckingham, Robert UK Atomic Energy Authority |
Session E05.00003 Design 4 Remote: What happens when we can’t get hands on? Room: Astor |
Bulter, Joel Fermilab |
Session X03.00002 Overview of Snowmass Room: Salon 1 |
Burkhart, Blakesley Flatiron institute |
Session E03.00001 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award: TBD Room: Salon 1 |
Butter, Anja University of Heidelberg |
Session L02.00003 Generative Models for Particle Physics Room: Broadway South |
Campanelli, Manuela Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session Y01.00001 Numerical Relativity: Key Insights, Challenges, and Prospects for the Future Room: Broadway North |
Caplan, Matthew E Illinois State University |
Session K05.00002 How To Teach 10 Million People About Black Holes Room: Astor |
Casas, Brian W National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session L05.00003 Experiences from the first APS Bridge Program Cohort Room: Astor |
Caylor, Jimmy University of Tennessee |
Session T12.00001 The Neutron Lifetime Discrepancy Room: Shubert |
Chen, Jie Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y04.00002 Probing nuclear structures with light-ion induced reactions using SOLARIS at ReA Room: Salon 2 |
Christy, Michael E Hampton Univ |
Session B04.00002 New Results on Nucleon Structure in the Valence Quark Region at Large Bjorken-x Room: Salon 2 |
Cifarelli, Luisa University of Bologna, Department of Physics |
Session D05.00001 POLARQUEST – A Sailing Expedition to Measure Cosmic Rays (And Not Only) Beyond the Arctic Circle Room: Astor |
Coleman, Jonathon University of Liverpool |
Session K06.00001 Enter New Abstract Title Here Room: Marquis A-B |
Corbo, Joel C University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session X05.00003 Supporting Departmental Change Efforts with Departmental Action Leadership Institutes (DALIs) Room: Astor |
Corsi, Alessandra Texas Tech Univ |
Session B01.00001 Prospects for Multi-messenger Astronomy in the Era of 3G GW Detectors Room: Broadway North |
Courtoy, Aurore Instituto de Física, UNAM |
Session B04.00001 Overview of quark distributions at Large x Room: Salon 2 |
Curtis, Sanjana North Carolina State University |
Session X01.00001 Heavy element nucleosynthesis in neutron star mergers Room: Broadway North |
Dalcanton, Julianne Flatiron Institute |
Session E03.00002 An Overview of Astro2020 Room: Salon 1 |
Deasy, Joseph Department of Medical Physics, MSK |
Session B05.00002 Principles of physics and advanced computational analyses and the future of cancer care Room: Astor |
DEKENS, Wouter INT |
Session D04.00003 Chiral EFTs for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Salon 2 |
Dempsey, Jillian University of North Carolina |
Session Q06.00001 Making Fuels with Sunlight and Hybrid Photoelectrodes Room: Marquis A-B |
Dexter, Jason JILA |
Session T03.00002 Spatially resolving black holes with infrared interferometry Room: Salon 1 |
Diaz, Daniel C University of California, San Diego |
Session L05.00002 Experiences from the APS Bridge Program Room: Astor |
Diehl, Stefan University of Connecticut |
Session G11.00001 Exploring the 3D Nucleon Structure Room: Majestic |
Ding, Lin The Ohio State University |
Session T06.00001 Student reasoning in solving non-traditional physics problems Room: Marquis A-B |
Doran, Connemara Harvard University |
Session G03.00003 Visualizing and Historicizing Cosmic Radiation Room: Salon 1 |
Dunkley, Jo Princeton University |
Session P01.00002 Update on Cosmological Parameters Room: Broadway North & South |
Edelmann, Philipp Los Alamos |
Session T05.00003 The Challenge of Simulating Slow Flows in Stellar Astrophysics Room: Astor |
Elliott, Steve R Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session L04.00001 The Gallium Anomaly and the Question of Sterile Neutrinos Room: Salon 2 |
Evans, Matthew J Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session B01.00002 Cosmic Explorer Room: Broadway North |
Ezquiaga, Jose Maria University of Chicago |
Session E01.00003 Cosmological probes of gravity: the gravitational wave perspective Room: Broadway North |
Farah, Joseph University of California |
Session K03.00002 LeRoy Apker Award: Selective Dynamical Imaging of Interferometric Data Room: Salon 1 |
Farmer, Robert Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
Session S03.00002 Mind the gap: What can GW190521 tell us about stellar astrophysics? Room: Salon 1 |
Fedderke, Michael A Johns Hopkins University |
Session K06.00002 Magnetometer networks as dark-matter detectors Room: Marquis A-B |
Fischetti, Sebastian McGill Univ |
Session D01.00003 Classical Wormholes,Quenched Free Energy, and the Gravitational Replica Trick Room: Broadway North |
Formaggio, Joseph A Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session G01.00002 Current and future laboratory constraints on the neutrino mass Room: Broadway North |
Foster, George W US House of Representatives |
Session K02.00005 Wilson Prize Recipient (2022) Room: Broadway South |
Franciolini, Gabriele University of Geneva |
Session H03.00003 Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Wave Observations Room: Salon 1 |
Frank, Michelle The Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Session S05.00002 Beyond Beta: Unpacking the "Personal and Political" in the Life of Chien-Shiung Wu Room: Astor |
Freedman, Wendy L University of Chicago |
Session P01.00001 Increasing Accuracy in Measurements of the Hubble Constant: What is the Evidence for New Physics? Room: Broadway North & South |
Fritschel, Peter K Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session T01.00003 Richard A. Isaacson Award in Gravitational-Wave Science: Gravitational Wave Detectors in the Next Decade Room: Broadway North |
Gamota, George Sci & Tech Mgmt Asso |
Session X00.00001 Ukraine, Russia and the US: A Post Soviet History of Physics Collaborations and Challenges Room: Broadway North & South |
Garcia Garcia, Isabel KITP UCSB |
Session S02.00002 Gravitational Instabilities of Spacetime Room: Broadway South |
Garg, Ruchi Michigan State University |
Session Y04.00001 Measurements of nuclear reactions in stellar explosions with SECAR Room: Salon 2 |
Georgi, Howard Harvard University |
Session A01.00002 Steve Weinberg's journey from current algebra to effective field theory (with some interesting side trips) Room: Broadway North & South |
Giusti, Davide University of Regensburg |
Session L07.00001 GHP Dissertation Award: Hadronic Processes on the Lattice in the Era of Precision Flavor Physics Room: Salon 4 |
Glick-Magid, Ayala Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session D04.00001 Nuclear Ab Initio Calculations of Beta Decay Spectra Room: Salon 2 |
Gogami, Toshiyuki Kyoto Univ |
Session D12.00001 Hyperons and Hypernuclear Physics Room: Majestic |
Goldberger, Walter D Yale University |
Session Y02.00001 Non-Conservative Dynamics of Spinning Black Holes from Worldline Effective Field Theory Room: Broadway South |
Gorda, Tyler Universität Darmstadt |
Session Q04.00003 High-Density Quark Matter in the Cores of Neutron Stars Room: Salon 2 |
Goudzovski, Evgueni University of Birmingham |
Session X02.00002 Present and Future Kaon Experiments Room: Broadway South |
Gourlay, Stephen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Y05.00002 Snowmass Accelerator Frontier Room: Astor |
Graves, Amy L Swarthmore College |
Session G06.00002 Integrating computation into physics courses: Does it prepare students for computational physics research? Room: Marquis A-B |
Greene, Chris H Purdue University |
Session Q05.00003 Universality in The Three- and Four-Neutron Systems Room: Astor |
Gregory, Michael Particle Physics for Kids |
Session B03.00003 A teacher's perspective... Room: Salon 1 |
Gross, David J University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A01.00003 My Perspective on Steven Weinberg's Legacy Room: Broadway North & South |
Gueye, Paul L FRIB/NSCL |
Session L03.00003 Bouchet Award - Nuclei and Humans: two sides of the same coin Room: Salon 1 |
Hallman, Timothy J Department of Energy - US |
Session E04.00003 TBA Room: Salon 2 |
Hamilton, Phoebe University of Maryland |
Session W02.00001 Probing for Lepton Flavor Non-Universality at LHCb Room: Broadway South |
Han, Sophia Institute for Nuclear Theory/UC Berkeley |
Session Q04.00001 Prospects for constraining phase transition scenarios with neutron stars Room: Salon 2 |
Headrick, Matthew Brandeis Univ |
Session K01.00002 A Spacetime View of Entropy: From Black Holes to Holography Room: Broadway North |
Hecker, Siegfried S Stanford Univ |
Session X00.00003 Reflections on the nuclear dimensions of Putin's war in Ukraine Room: Broadway North & South |
Heitmann, Katrin Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T02.00001 AI/ML Methods for Simulations across HEP Frontiers Room: Broadway South |
Hertzog, David W University of Washington |
Session T04.00002 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics: Precision Muon Physics: Capturing a Moment in a Lifetime Room: Salon 2 |
Hilborn, Robert C American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session X05.00001 National Efforts to Enhance Undergraduate Physics Education: What Works. Room: Astor |
Ho, Anna University of California, Berkeley |
Session H05.00001 Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Dissertation Award Finalist Room: Astor |
Ho, Shirley Flatiron Institute |
Session L02.00001 Generative Models for Astrophysics and Cosmology Room: Broadway South |
Hobbs, Benjamin The Johns Hopkins Univresity |
Session H06.00003 Making Power Markets Designed for Fossil Generation Fit for Purpose When Renewables and Storage Dominate Room: Marquis A-B |
Holmes, Stephen D Fermilab |
Session K02.00004 Wilson Prize Recipient (2022): The Evolution of the Fermilab Accelerator Complex Room: Broadway South |
Horn, Tanja Catholic Univ of America |
Session G04.00002 EIC Central Detector Requirements Room: Salon 2 |
Horowitz, Gary T University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session S02.00001 Causality in Holographic Approaches to Quantum Gravity Room: Broadway South |
Houle, Frances A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q06.00002 Conversion of Solar Energy into Chemical Energy by Artificial Photosynthesis Room: Marquis A-B |
Hughes, Emlyn W Columbia Univ |
Session B05.00003 Hyperpolarized Noble Gas Imaging at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center Room: Astor |
Isenberg, James A University of Oregon |
Session Q01.00001 Strong Cosmic Censorship and the Stability of AVTD Behavior in Cosmological Space-Times Room: Broadway North |
Jackson, William M University of California, Davis |
Session L03.00001 Julius E. Lilienfeld Prize Lecture (2021): Laboratory studies using lasers and molecular beams and their application to astronomy over the past 60 years Room: Salon 1 |
Jackson Kimball, Derek F California State University, East Bay |
Session S06.00001 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution: Undergraduate Atomic Physics Research at the Tabletop's Edge Room: Marquis A-B |
Jaffe, Robert L Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y06.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award (2022): No Simple Trajectory: Navigating between Research in Theoretical Physics and the Civic Responsibility of a Scientist Room: Marquis A-B |
James, Mary B Reed College |
Session L06.00001 2022 Excellence in Physics Education Award Recipient: TEAM-UP: A Bold Initiative to Increase African American Students Earning Bachelor's Degrees on Physics and Astronomy Room: Marquis A-B |
Jentsch, Alexander M Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session G04.00003 EIC Far Forward Detector Design Room: Salon 2 |
Johnson, Angela St. Mary's College of Maryland |
Session D07.00003 Centering women of color in STEM: Where women from historically excluded groups do (and don't) complete physics degrees in the US and UK Room: Marquis B |
Johnson, Clifford V Univ of Southern California |
Session D01.00002 Quantum Black Hole Physics from Random Matrix Models Room: Broadway North |
Jung, Chang K State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session K03.00003 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize (2022): TBD Room: Salon 1 |
Kabat, Daniel Lehman College |
Session Q01.00002 Emergence of Spacetime from the Algebra of Modular Hamiltonians Room: Broadway North |
Kafka, Stella American Meteorological Society (AMS) |
Session X05.00002 SEA Change in Physics and Astronomy Room: Astor |
Kajita, Takaaki University of Tokyo |
Session G07.00001 The KAGRA Gravitational Wave Project Room: Salon 4 |
Kalantarians, Narbe Virginia Union University |
Session D06.00001 Building Identity in Physics through Teaching Room: Marquis A |
Kanungo, Rituparna Saint Mary's Univ |
Session Q05.00001 Searches for Two-Neutron Halos in Light and Medium-Mass Nuclei Room: Astor |
Kapec, Daniel S Harvard University |
Session L01.00002 Shadows and Soft Exchange in Celestial CFT Room: Broadway North |
Kaplan, David B University of Washington |
Session T04.00003 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics (2022): The curious physics behind the breakdown of an effective field theory. Room: Salon 2 |
Katori, Teppei King's College London |
Session Y03.00002 From Brave New Spacetime: Quantum Gravity Room: Salon 1 |
Katz, Max NVIDIA |
Session T05.00002 Accelerated Computing and its Implications for Computational Astrophysics Room: Astor |
Keirandish, Ali Penn State University |
Session Y03.00001 From far, far away: astrophysical sources Room: Salon 1 |
Khatiwada, Rakshya N Illinois Institute of Technology |
Session Z02.00001 Synergistic efforts between Dark Matter and quantum computing using Qubits Room: Broadway South |
King, Marcus George Washington University |
Session X06.00003 Climate Change and Water Weaponization in the Middle East and Africa Room: Marquis A-B |
Klinger, Julie University of Delaware |
Session H06.00002 Global Rare Earth Supply Chains: Persistent Myths and Possible Pathways Forward Room: Marquis A-B |
Koren, Seth University of Chicago |
Session K02.00001 Sakurai Dissertation Award: A Cosmological Lithium Solution Room: Broadway South |
Korytov, Andrey University of Florida |
Session H02.00003 Higgs Physics at the LHC Room: Broadway South |
Kovachy, Tim northwestern |
Session S08.00001 Emerging Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Quantum Sensor Technologies for Probing High Energy Physics Room: Juilliard |
Kravvaris, Konstantinos Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session Q05.00002 First-Principle Calculations of Astrophysical Reactions Room: Astor |
Kriesten, Brandon University of Virginia |
Session K07.00001 Overview of Physics Accessible at EIC Room: Salon 4 |
Krushelnick, Karl M University of Michigan |
Session H07.00001 Ultra-intense laser matter interaction experiments at the University of Michigan Room: Salon 4 |
Kuo, Eric University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session T06.00003 Teaching and assessing conceptual/mathematical coherence in introductory physics problem solving Room: Marquis A-B |
Kuske, Bettina Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin |
Session H01.00003 Sustainability Aspects of Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL) Room: Broadway North |
Landsberg, Greg Brown University |
Session H02.00002 Lepton Universality: ATLAS/CMS Measurements Room: Broadway South |
Lebanowski, Logan University of Pennsylvania |
Session L04.00002 Neutrino Physics with Large Liquid Scintillator Detectors Room: Salon 2 |
Lee, Hye Young Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session K04.00003 Directly Measured Neutron-Induced Reactions on Radioactive Nuclides for Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Salon 2 |
Lehmkuhl, Dennis Univ Bonn |
Session D02.00002 Theoretical Cosmology in the 1960s Room: Broadway South |
Leibrandt, David National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session K06.00003 TBD Room: Marquis A-B |
Lennarz, Annika TRIUMF |
Session K04.00002 Direct measurements of astrophysical reactions using the DRAGON recoil separator Room: Salon 2 |
Liao, Jinfeng Indiana University Bloomington |
Session S04.00001 Most Wanted: Chiral Magnetic Effect Room: Salon 2 |
Lobach, Ihar Argonne National Laboratory |
Session K02.00002 DPB Dissertation Award (2022): Statistical Properties of Undulator Radiation: Classical and Quantum Effects Room: Broadway South |
Long, Elena A University of New Hampshire |
Session D07.00002 Finding Community to Survive and Thrive as a Queer Trans Physicist Room: Marquis B |
Lowe, David Brown University |
Session D01.00001 Holographic Reconstruction of Black Hole Interiors Room: Broadway North |
Lundberg, Byron G Fermilab |
Session E02.00003 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics (2022): Observation of the Tau Neutrino Room: Broadway South |
Lyman, Edwin S Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session E06.00003 "Advanced" Isn't Always Better: Assessing the Safety, Security, and Environmental Impacts of Non-Light-Water Nuclear Reactors Room: Marquis A |
Lynne Smith, Krista SMU |
Session D03.00001 A Renaissance in Accretion Disk Physics: Optical Space-Based Timing from Exoplanet Satellites Room: Salon 1 |
Maccarone, Thomas J Texas Tech Univ |
Session D03.00002 Accretion in Black Hole X-ray Binaries Room: Salon 1 |
Machleidt, Ruprecht University of Idaho |
Session X04.00002 From Phenomenological to Chiral Interactions Room: Salon 2 |
Mann, Michael E Pennsylvania State University |
Session H06.00001 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award: The Right Path to Decarbonization Room: Marquis A-B |
Mapelli, Michela University of Padova |
Session S03.00001 Mass-gap black holes and the nursery of stars Room: Salon 1 |
Matthews, Nolan K University of Utah |
Session H05.00003 Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Dissertation Award Finalist Room: Astor |
McBride, Patricia L Fermilab |
Session H04.00003 EIC Detector Design: Outcomes from the EIC Detector Proposals Advisory Committee Room: Salon 2 |
McLaughlin, Maura West Virginia University |
Session G07.00003 The International Pulsar Timing Array: A Galactic-Scale Gravitational Wave Observatory Room: Salon 4 |
Mena, Olga Instituto de Física Corpuscular, IFIC (CSIC -UV) |
Session G01.00003 Neutrino mass scale from cosmological constraints Room: Broadway North |
Mensah, Felicia Columbia University |
Session D07.00001 Presenting Stories, Sharing Possibilities, Making Spaces: Black women in physics need their space. Room: Marquis B |
Meot, Francois G Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session B05.00001 Accelerator Technology for Medical Applications Room: Astor |
Messer, Bronson Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session T05.00001 Core-Collapse Supernova Simulation at the Dawn of the Exascale Era Room: Astor |
Meuren, Sebastian Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H07.00003 Light-matter interactions at extreme intensities and densities: reaching the Schwinger limit Room: Salon 4 |
Meyers, Joel Southern Methodist University |
Session Q11.00001 Cosmological Probes of Neutrino Mass Room: Majestic |
Modeste Knowles, Arlene American Institute of Physics |
Session L06.00002 Excellence in Physics Education Award Recipient (2022): Beyond the TEAM-UP Report: Implementation Workshops, Departmental Engagement, and Next steps toward Achieving the Doubling Goal Room: Marquis A-B |
Monaldi, Daniela York University |
Session S05.00001 Laura Chalk and the Stark Effect Room: Astor |
Montag, Christoph Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session G04.00001 EIC Accelerator Design Room: Salon 2 |
Montero, Migel Harvard |
Session S02.00003 Swampland Constraints on the Particle Spectrum with Positive Vacuum Energy Room: Broadway South |
Most, Elias R Princeton University |
Session G05.00003 Simulating extreme plasmas in neutron star mergers and beyond Room: Astor |
Muenster, Gernot Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster |
Session S05.00003 Lucy Mensing: Forgotten Pioneer of Quantum Mechanics Room: Astor |
Nachman, Benjamin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session E02.00005 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics (2022): Discovering Unanticipated New Physics with Machine Learning Room: Broadway South |
Nachman, Benjamin LBNL |
Session T02.00002 Machine Learning for Data Analysis Room: Broadway South |
Nanni, Emilio A SLAC |
Session Y05.00003 C3 (Cool Copper Collider): An Advanced Concept for a Future Linear Collider Room: Astor |
Nunes, Filomena Michigan State University |
Session E04.00001 Taking DEI from the trenches to the control room Room: Salon 2 |
Odden, Tor Ole B Univ of Oslo |
Session G06.00003 Using computational essays as an alternative mode of assessment in physics education Room: Marquis A-B |
Opper, Allena K National Science Foundation |
Session E04.00002 Broader impacts of STEM research and development of a diverse workforce Room: Salon 2 |
Otero, Valerie K University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session D06.00003 The role of identity in the learning process Room: Marquis A |
Ozel, Feryal University of Arizona |
Session T03.00001 TBA Room: Salon 1 |
Padmanabhan, Nikhil Yale University |
Session P01.00003 Constraining Cosmology with Large Galaxy Surveys Room: Broadway North & South |
Palmer, Mark A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X03.00001 Opportunities for a Future US HEP Collider Room: Salon 1 |
Pando, Jesus DePaul University |
Session B06.00001 Searching for Equilibrium: Integrating EDI in All Phases of a Career Room: Marquis A |
Paolone, Vittorio University of Pittsburgh |
Session E02.00002 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics (2022): Observing the Tau Neutrino Room: Broadway South |
Parra Martinez, Julio Caltech |
Session L01.00001 Collider Tools for Classical Gravity Room: Broadway North |
Pasham, Dheeraj R MIT |
Session D03.00003 Advances in studies of stellar tidal disruption events, AGN and quasi-periodic eruptions Room: Salon 1 |
Passante, Gina California State University, Fullerton |
Session S06.00003 Active Learning in Quantum Mechanics: Before, During, and After Lecture Room: Marquis A-B |
Pate, Monica I Harvard |
Session L01.00003 New Symmetries in Celestial Holography Room: Broadway North |
Pawlak, Alanna University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G06.00001 Learning assistant approaches to teaching computational physics problems in a problem-based learning course Room: Marquis A-B |
Peebles, P J E Princeton University |
Session D02.00001 The Social Construction of Physical Cosmology Room: Broadway South |
Pershey, Daniel Duke University |
Session G02.00001 Enter New Abstract Title Here Room: Broadway South |
Piarulli, Maria Washington University, St. Louis |
Session X04.00003 Chiral EFT for Electro-Weak Processes and the Role of the Delta Room: Salon 2 |
Polanyi, John Univ of Toronto |
Session K03.00001 Andrei Sakharov Prize: TBD Room: Salon 1 |
Polyakov, Ivan Syracuse University, USA |
Session X02.00003 Hadron Spectroscopy (present status and prospects) Room: Broadway South |
Pospelov, Maxim University of Minnesota |
Session Q02.00002 TBA Room: Broadway South |
Power, John G Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S01.00002 US Beam Test Facilities for Advanced Acceleration Concepts Room: Broadway North |
Prakash, Madappa Ohio University |
Session L03.00002 Hans A. Bethe Prize: Neutron star news in the multi-messenger era Room: Salon 1 |
Pratt, Scott E Michigan State University |
Session Y12.00001 Overview of Recent Developments in Heavy Ion Collisons Room: Shubert |
Preskill, John P Caltech |
Session A01.00001 Steve Weinberg's Universe Room: Broadway North & South |
Punturo, Michele University of Perugia/ INFN |
Session G07.00002 Einstein Telescope and the 3rd generation GW observatories: science, technologies and perspectives Room: Salon 4 |
Qian, Xin Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session G02.00003 Search for an Anomalous Excess in Neutrino-Induced Interactions in the MicroBooNE Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Room: Broadway South |
Quataert, Eliot Princeton University |
Session E03.00003 A Physicist’s Guide to Astro2020 Room: Salon 1 |
Radice, David Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y01.00002 General-Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics Effects in Neutron Star Mergers Room: Broadway North |
Raithel, Carolyn IAS |
Session X01.00003 Studying the Equation of State in the Post-Merger Phase of a Binary Neutron star Coalescence Room: Broadway North |
Raithel, Carolyn Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) |
Session T13.00001 Finite Temperature Effects in Neutron Star Mergers Room: Empire |
Rajendran, Surjeet Johns Hopkins University |
Session S08.00002 Applications of Quantum Sensing to Probe High Energy Physics Room: Juilliard |
Ramana, M.V. University of British Columbia |
Session E06.00001 An Infeasible Solution: Prospects for Nuclear Energy and its Potential Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation Room: Marquis A |
Rameika, Regina A Fermilab |
Session E02.00004 Panofsky Prize: Observing the Tau Neutrino Room: Broadway South |
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session K05.00003 Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach (2021): The Lamat Institute: Re-Imagining Leadership and Mentorship in Astronomy Room: Astor |
Richers, Sherwood A Berkeley |
Session Y01.00003 Neutrino Kinetics in Neutron Star Mergers Room: Broadway North |
Roudebush, Deborah NA |
Session B03.00002 Data Activities Portfolio: A Research Based Approach for Infusing 21st Century Physics into the High School Classroom Room: Salon 1 |
Rudolph, Matthew Syracuse Univerity, USA |
Session X02.00001 The latest in b-physics Room: Broadway South |
Ruth, Julia Freelance performer |
Session Y06.00003 The Gravity of Leaving Science for the Circus Room: Marquis A-B |
Sachmpazidi, Diana University of Maryland, College Park. |
Session D07.00004 Understanding the challenges experienced by women and racially marginalized students in physics graduate programs Room: Marquis B |
Safdi, Benjamin R University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q08.00001 Laboratory searches for GUT-scale axion dark matter beyond the magnetoquasistatic limit Room: Juilliard |
Sakellariadou, Mairi King's College London |
Session H03.00001 Primordial black holes in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy Room: Salon 1 |
Salur, Sevil Rutgers |
Session Z12.00001 New Horizons for Jet and Heavy Flavor Measurements Room: Shubert |
Sandoval, Andres Instituto de Física, UNAM, Mexico |
Session D05.00003 HAWC the Mexico-US Collaboration to build the highest energy gamma ray observatory Room: Astor |
Sentore, Leonardo ETH Zurich |
Session Y02.00002 Black Holes as Probes of an Effective Field Theory Extension to General Relativity Room: Broadway South |
Shanahan, Phiala E Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session W04.00001 Lattice QCD Inputs for BSM Searches Room: Salon 2 |
Shanahan, Phiala E Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session L02.00002 Generative Models for Lattice Field Theory Room: Broadway South |
Shen, Chun Wayne State University |
Session G05.00002 Computational Challenges for Multi-Messenger Heavy-ion Physics Room: Astor |
Shepherd, Ben STFC Daresbury |
Session H01.00002 Sustainable Accelerator R&D Room: Broadway North |
Shiells, Kyle L Center for Nuclear Femtography |
Session K11.00001 On the Model Independent Extraction of Compton Form Factors from Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Room: Majestic |
Siegel, Daniel Perimeter Institute |
Session X01.00002 Neutron-star mergers and r-process nucleosynthesis Room: Broadway North |
Sievert, Matthew D New Mexico State University |
Session H04.00002 EIC Science: Overview and Recent Developments Room: Salon 2 |
Silk, Joseph Johns Hopkins University |
Session H03.00002 New Perspectives on Primordial Black Hole Contributions to Dark Matter Room: Salon 1 |
Simon, Anna University of Notre Dame |
Session K04.00001 CASPAR: Nuclear Astrophysics a Mile Underground Room: Salon 2 |
Skulberg, Emilie University of Cambridge |
Session G03.00002 History of Black Hole Visualizations Room: Salon 1 |
Smeenk, Christopher Univ of Western Ontario |
Session D02.00003 Observational Cosmology in the 1960s Room: Broadway South |
Smith, Mallory K NSCL |
Session X11.00001 Developments in Nuclear Physics for Stellar and Explosive Burning Room: Majestic |
Solon, Mikhail UCLA |
Session Y02.00003 Quantum Field Theory Tools for Gravitational Wave Science Room: Broadway South |
Sonin, Konstantin University of Chicago |
Session X00.00002 Ukraine and Russia: Separating Fact from Fiction Room: Broadway North & South |
Speck, Jared Vanderbilt |
Session Q01.00003 Stable Big Bang Formation in General Relativity: The Sub-Critical Regime Room: Broadway North |
Speirs, John C University of New England |
Session T06.00002 Leveraging dual-process theories of reasoning to understand and support student reasoning Room: Marquis A-B |
Springer, Roxanne P Duke University |
Session D04.00002 EFTs for Hadronic Parity Violation Room: Salon 2 |
Stanley, Matthew New York University |
Session G03.00001 Merging the Sun and the Stars: the hybrid images of the 1919 eclipse Room: Salon 1 |
Stepanyan, Stepan Jefferson lab |
Session Q02.00001 Dark matter searches at Jefferson Lab Room: Broadway South |
Stephenson, Sharon DOE NP |
Session B13.00001 Fostering Nuclear Science at Minority Serving Institutions Room: Shubert |
Stiavelli, Massimo Space Telescope Science Institute |
Session X03.00003 JWST First Light Room: Salon 1 |
Sun, Ling ANU |
Session T01.00001 Hunting for Continuous Gravitational Waves: Recent Searches and Astrophysical Implications Room: Broadway North |
Sunda-Meya, Anderson Xavier University of Louisiana |
Session D06.00002 TBD Room: Marquis A |
Tadepalli, Arun Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat |
Session D09.00001 Recent Results in Nucleon Structure at Large x Room: Juilliard |
Tanedo, Flip University of California, Riverside |
Session B06.00003 Equity as an Early Career Academic Room: Marquis A |
Tang, Aihong Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S04.00002 Overview of the Experimental Results on the CME signal Room: Salon 2 |
Terao, Kazuhiro Columbia University |
Session T02.00003 Machine Learning and Data Reconstruction in Experimental Physics Room: Broadway South |
Titley, David U.S. Navy (retired) |
Session X06.00001 Climate Change and National Security: People not Polar Bears Room: Marquis A-B |
Tribedy, Prithwish Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S04.00003 Results on charge correlations with respect to the reaction plane from STAR Room: Salon 2 |
Tsukada, Leo Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q04.00002 Observation of neutron stars during LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA's observing runs Room: Salon 2 |
Uttley, Phil University of Amsterdam |
Session T03.00003 X-ray interferometry Room: Salon 1 |
Vaccarezza, Cristina INFN Frascati |
Session S01.00003 SPARC_LAB & EuPRAXIA Room: Broadway North |
Valente-Feliciano, Anne-Marie Jefferson Lab |
Session H01.00001 SRF Cavity Development for Lower Cost and Sustainable Accelerators Room: Broadway North |
Valishev, Alexander Fermilab |
Session S01.00001 Intense-Beam Accelerator Research Room: Broadway North |
Vallari, Zoya Caltech |
Session G02.00002 Prospects for long-baseline neutrino physics in the 2020s Room: Broadway South |
van Kolck, Ubirajara CNRS and University of Arizona |
Session T04.00001 "Wherever they may lead": Effective field theories in nuclear physics (Feshbach 2020 Prize Talk) Room: Salon 2 |
van Kolck, Ubirajara CNRS and University of Arizona |
Session X04.00001 Weinberg and a New Nuclear Physics Room: Salon 2 |
Vega, Laura D NASA |
Session L05.00001 The APS Bridge Program and my journey to the PhD Room: Astor |
Verma, Aditi University of Michigan |
Session E06.00002 The role of nuclear energy in a decarbonized world: Examining and addressing equity, environmental justice, and governance constraints in the reactor design process Room: Marquis A |
Vicario, Carlo Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session K02.00003 DPB Outstanding Paper Award: Two-color X-ray FEL by photocathode laser emittance spoiler Room: Broadway South |
Vissani, Francesco INFN- Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sass |
Session G01.00001 Theory overview: Why is the neutrino mass important Room: Broadway North |
Volpe, Francesco Renaissance Fusion (France) |
Session E05.00002 Bringing fusion energy to the grid: the role of start-ups Room: Astor |
Wald, Robert D University of Chicago |
Session K01.00001 Black Holes, Thermodynamics, and Entropy Room: Broadway North |
Whitehorn, Nathan Michigan State University |
Session D05.00002 Looking Down at the Sky with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Room: Astor |
Willeke, Ferdinand J Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H04.00001 EIC Accelerator Design: Challenge and Opportunities Room: Salon 2 |
Witek, Helvi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E01.00002 Gravity Detectives for Fundamental Physics: Probing Strong-Field Gravity with Compact Objects and Gravitational Waves Room: Broadway North |
Wood, Shane NA |
Session B03.00001 Quark Net: Bringing 21st Century Physics Directly to Teachers and Students Room: Salon 1 |
Xu, Wenqin University of South Dakota |
Session L04.00003 New Results from the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR Room: Salon 2 |
Yu, Jaehoon University of Texas at Arlington |
Session Q02.00003 Dark Sector Particle Searches at Accelerator Facilities Room: Broadway South |
Yuan, Yajie Simons Foundation |
Session G05.00001 Simulations of relativistic plasma processes in neutron star magnetospheres relevant for fast radio bursts Room: Astor |
Zheng, Xiaochao Univ of Virginia |
Session B04.00003 Polarized Nucleon Structure at Large x Room: Salon 2 |
Zimmerman, Aaron University of Texas |
Session T01.00002 Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries in LIGO and Virgo's Third Observing Run Room: Broadway North |
Zoldi, Scott Product and Technology Organization FICO |
Session Y06.00002 Responsible AI: Combatting Blind Faith in Machine Learning Room: Marquis A-B |
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