Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 2
Saturday–Tuesday, April 18–21, 2020; Washington D.C.
Invited Speakers
Abraham, Neal Mount Holyoke College |
Session R08.00002 Comprehensive review and strategic planning of a physics department: how to make it work for your program Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Abrams, Nancy |
Session M04.00001 Original Songs on Science: Composed and Performed by Storyteller and Satirist Nancy Ellen Abrams Room: Madison A/B |
Agullo, Ivan Louisiana State University |
Session Q06.00002 Quantum bounce as the origin of the anomalies in the CMB Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Albert, Felicie Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session D02.00001 Bright X-Ray and Gamma Sources From Self-Modulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration Room: Washington 1 |
Allen, Bruce Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany and U. of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee, USA |
Session X06.00003 The roots of LIGO data analysis and the GW stochastic background challenge Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Aprile, Elena Columbia Univ |
Session C04.00003 Measurement of two-neutrino double electron capture in $^{124}$Xe Room: Washington 3 |
Arzoumanian, Zaven NASA |
Session P01.00004 A NICER View: Physics and Astrophysics from the International Space Station Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Baessler, Stefan University of Virginia, and Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session C04.00001 Results from the aSPECT experiment Room: Washington 3 |
Balasubramanian, Rama Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 |
Session B08.00001 Career Path for Physicists. Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Banaji, Mahzarin Harvard |
Session J07.00003 Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Barletta, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T02.00004 DPB Service Award Room: Washington 1 |
Baryakhtar, Masha New York University |
Session X03.00003 Searching for Ultralight Axions with Gravitational Waves Room: Washington 2 |
Bauswein, Andreas GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH |
Session T06.00002 Compact object mergers and implications for nuclear physics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Bellis, Matthew Siena College |
Session H06.00002 CERN Open Data Portal for Science and Education Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Beloborodov, Andrei Columbia University |
Session L03.00003 FRBs and Neutron Stars Room: Washington 2 |
Bennett, Jake The University of Mississippi |
Session R02.00002 Measurements of Standard Model parameters in b and c decays Room: Washington 1 |
Berdichevsky, Daniel NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session B08.00002 Changing from academia to a contracting employment Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Berry, Christopher Northwestern University |
Session X07.00003 The great challenges of gravitational-wave analysis Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Bertolucci, Sergio University of Bologna and INFN |
Session C07.00001 An international project on neutrino science: LBNF/DUNE Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Bienenstock, Arthur Stanford University |
Session X08.00003 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Committee on International Scientific Partnerships Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Bilous, Anna Universiteit van Amsterdam; ASTRON |
Session J06.00002 What NICER tells us about pulsar emission and magnetic fields Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Biscari, Caterina ALBA Sycnchrotron |
Session C07.00003 Highlights of the Updated European Strategy for Particle Physics Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Blum, Kfir CERN and Weizmann Institute |
Session J03.00003 Neutrino signal of collapse-induced thermonuclear supernovae Room: Washington 2 |
Boddy, Kimberly Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y03.00003 Exploring the Nature of Dark Matter with Cosmology Room: Washington 2 |
Boeglin, Werner Dept. of Physics , Florida International University |
Session L08.00002 Probing the Deuteron Wave Function Using High Q$^2$ d(e,e'p)n Measurements Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Brandt, Terri NASA |
Session G05.00001 Gravitational Wave Science: Physics of the Cosmos Programmatic Perspective Room: Washington 6 |
Brewe, Eric Drexel University |
Session R08.00003 A toolkit for physics department advocacy (and survival) and its connection to EP3 Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Brodeur, Maxime University of Notre Dame |
Session Q04.00003 A Survey of Nuclear Experimental Results Towards a Vud Extraction Room: Washington 3 |
Brown, Duncan Syracuse University |
Session X07.00004 Data Analysis for Cosmic Explorer Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Brown, Ethan Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session Q02.00001 Dark Matter Searches with Liquid Noble Detectors Room: Washington 1 |
Bub, Jeffrey University of Maryland, College Park |
Session R07.00004 If relativity is about space and time, what is quantum mechanics about? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Cadonati, Laura Georgia Tech |
Session P01.00002 LIGO/Virgo and the Promise of Multi-Messenger Observations Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Cahill, Christopher The George Washington University |
Session X04.00002 The Science of Nuclear Materials: a one semester graduate course for policy students at GW Room: Washington 3 |
Capano, Collin Albert Einstein Institute Hannover |
Session T06.00003 Measuring the neutron-star equation of state from multimessenger observations Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Caprioli, Damiano University of Chicago |
Session H03.00002 Progress in Simulating Particle Acceleration: Different Flavors of Fermi Mechanism Room: Washington 2 |
Carlson, Carl William \& Mary |
Session D04.00003 Towards a Resolution of the Proton Radius Puzzle Room: Washington 3 |
Carlsten, Bruce Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session T02.00001 Wilson Prize Seminar Room: Washington 1 |
Cassidy, David Hofstra University |
Session L05.00002 Farm Hall 75 Years Later Room: Washington 6 |
Chael, Andrew Princeton University |
Session B06.00003 Towards Understanding Black Hole Accretion and Jet Launching: Linking Simulations to EHT Images Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Christian, Wolfgang Davidson College |
Session J08.00001 Heads, Hearts, and Hands in Computational Physics Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Cid, Ximena California State University, Dominguez Hills |
Session L07.00001 What is STEM and who gets to decide what scientific history is known? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Conklin, John University of Florida |
Session C05.00004 MMA SAG Final Report Room: Washington 6 |
Conklin, John University of Florida |
Session G05.00002 Status of the LISA Space Gravitational Wave Mission Room: Washington 6 |
Cook, Katelyn Florida State Univ |
Session T04.00001 Measurement of Low-Energy Nuclear Cross Sections using Inertial Confinement Fusion Room: Washington 3 |
Cordova, France National Science Foundation |
Session H08.00001 Reflections on Paths Taken Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Cornell, Eric Univ. of Colorado & NIST-JILA |
Session A01.00003 The Three-Legged Stool Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Craik, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B07.00003 Exotics at hadron machines Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Dalla Torre, Silvia CERN |
Session D07.00001 An Electron-Ion Collider: Physics Challenges and Opportunities Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Denton, Peter Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session G02.00003 Beyond the Standard Model physics with accelerator neutrino experiments Room: Washington 1 |
Detwiler, Jason University of Washington |
Session B04.00003 MAJORANA and LEGEND Room: Washington 3 |
Diddams, Scott National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session D03.00003 Precision Astronomical Spectroscopy with Laser Frequency Combs Room: Washington 2 |
Session L07.00004 Panel Discussion Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Doeleman, Sheperd Harvard University |
Session E01.00001 Seeing the Unseeable: Capturing an Image of a Black Hole Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Dolenec, Rok J. Stefan Institute |
Session D08.00004 Towards a Cherenkov Based TOF-PET Scanner Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Dolinski, Michelle Drexel University |
Session B04.00001 EXO-200 and nEXO Room: Washington 3 |
Downie, Evangeline Columbian College |
Session J07.00001 Highlight from CUWiP Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Dudek, Jozef College of William and Mary / Jefferson Lab |
Session G07.00002 The Hadronic Resonance Spectrum at Zero Temperature Room: Roosevelt 2 |
East, William Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session X06.00002 Fundamental Physics with Gravitational Waves: Probing the Dark Side Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Eichhorn, Astrid CP3-Origins, University of Southern Denmark & Heidelberg University |
Session Q06.00003 Towards phenomenological implications of asymptotically safe quantum gravity in particle physics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
El-Khadra, Aida University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D04.00002 The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon Room: Washington 3 |
Emigh, Paul Oregon State Univ |
Session T08.00001 Research-based Quantum Instruction: Paradigms and Tutorials Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Ent, Rolf Jefferson Lab |
Session C14.00006 EIC Science Overview Room: Virginia A |
Epelbaum, Evgeny Ruhr University Bochum |
Session Q07.00002 How Large is a Neutron? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Erbacher, Robin University of California, Davis |
Session Y02.00003 Remembering Winston Ko and His Contributions to Physics Room: Washington 1 |
Erzan, Ayse Istanbul Tech Univ |
Session H07.00002 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: For Peace and Human Rights Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Figueroa-Feliciano, Enectali Northwestern University |
Session Q02.00002 Searching for Particle Dark Matter from eV to GeV with Solid State Detectors Room: Washington 1 |
Fishbach, Maya University of Chicago |
Session C06.00002 Astrophysical Lessons from LIGO/Virgo's Black Holes Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Flauger, Raphael University of California, San Diego |
Session G09.00001 Searching for Primordial Gravitational Waves with CMB-S4 Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Fong, Wen-fai Northwestern University |
Session G06.00002 Electromagnetic Multimessenger Astrophysics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Fortson, Lucy University of Minnesota |
Session B03.00002 A Brief Tour of the Zooniverse: How Crowdsourcing Science is Solving Big Data Problems in Research Room: Washington 2 |
Freedman, Wendy University of Chicago |
Session R03.00001 Local Distance Ladder Measurements and Determination of the Hubble Constant Room: Washington 2 |
Furnstahl, Richard Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session L08.00003 Scale-Dependent View of d(e,e'p) Measurements Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Gabrielse, Gerald Northwestern University |
Session G03.00001 Tabletop Tests of the Standard Model and Beyond: A Tale of Two Electron Dipole Moments Room: Washington 2 |
Garrett, Laurie Pulitzer PrizeScience Writer |
Session C08.00001 Science, Security, and Pandemics Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Genzel, Reinhard MPE Garching (and UCB Berkeley) |
Session B06.00002 Testing the Massive Black Hole Paradigm and GR with Infrared Interferometry Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Gleyzer, Sergei Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa |
Session H06.00001 Machine Learning in Particle Physics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Goldston, David MIT |
Session Y07.00002 Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Science and Politics Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Golf, Frank University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session X02.00003 Discovery in the Fourth Dimension: Precision Timing in Particle Physics Room: Washington 1 |
Gori, Stefania University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session H02.00001 Phenomenology of Beyond the Standard Model Room: Washington 1 |
Gorski, Krzysztof NASA JPL |
Session D25.00004 Interplay of Foregrounds and Systematics: The Case for Low-Frequency Observations Room: Washington 2 |
Gould, Harvey Clark University |
Session J08.00002 Challenges in Computational Physics Education Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Gray, Lindsey CERN |
Session X02.00002 Modern AI Tools for Event Reconstruction Room: Washington 1 |
Gruszko, Julieta University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session C20.00001 Recent Progress on Understanding Neutrino Properties Room: Washington 5 |
Guiriec, Sylvain GWU & NASA GSFC |
Session V01.00002 Galactic and Extragalactic High-Energy Astrophysics from Ground to Space Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Guiriec, Sylvain GWU & NASA GSFC |
Session V01.00005 Open Discussion Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Guiriec, Sylvain GWU & NASA GSFC |
Session V01.00001 Welcome Remarks & Gamma-SIG Information Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Halverson, Jim Northeastern University |
Session H02.00002 String Theory and Deep Learning Room: Washington 1 |
Hanany, Shaul University of Minnesota |
Session D25.00002 PICO Update Room: Washington 2 |
Hanna, Chad Pennsylvania State University |
Session C06.00001 Compact Binaries in Advanced LIGO's Third Observing Run Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Harlow, Daniel MIT |
Session H02.00003 Quantum Gravity and Ads/CfT Room: Washington 1 |
Harrison, Fiona Caltech |
Session T03.00001 Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: Extremes of Accretion and the Search for Intermediate Mass Black Holes Room: Washington 2 |
Harrison, Fiona Caltech |
Session C05.00003 How will Astro2020 Affect PCOS Science and Missions Room: Washington 6 |
Harrison, Fiona Caltech |
Session Q03.00001 Decadal Survey: Process and Status Room: Washington 2 |
Hauenstein, Florian Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Old Dominion University |
Session J11.00001 From Quarks to Nuclei from JLab to the EIC Room: Maryland A |
Heath, Erin American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Session G04.00001 How do practitioners of science policy integrate history into their work? Room: Washington 3 |
Helmi, Amina University of Groningen |
Session P01.00003 New Views on the Galaxy from the Gaia Space Mission Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Henderson, Leah University of Groningen |
Session R07.00001 Pragmatism: A Natural Home for Information-Theoretic Interpretations of Quantum Theory? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Henderson, Rachel Michigan State Univ |
Session Y08.00002 The Learning Machines Lab: Using Innovative Methods to Analyze Large Educational Datasets Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Henderson, Stuart Jefferson Lab |
Session L02.00001 The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Room: Washington 1 |
Hertz, Paul NASA |
Session C05.00001 PCOS Update Room: Washington 6 |
Hessels, E. A. York University |
Session G03.00003 A measurement of the Lamb shift in atomic hydrogen: Towards a resolution of the proton-radius puzzle Room: Washington 2 |
Hickox, Ryan Dartmouth |
Session M01.00001 Overview of X-Ray Astrophysics Missions and Astro2020, and Discussion Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Hickox, Ryan Dartmouth College |
Session M01.00004 Science with The Lynx X-Ray Mission Concept Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Higinbotham, Douglas Jefferson Lab |
Session Y04.00002 Effective Neutron Polarization in Helium-3 Room: Washington 3 |
Ho, Wynn C.G. Haverford College |
Session J06.00001 NICER constraints on neutron star mass and radius Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session R08.00001 Improving your undergraduate major: Introduction to the Effective Practices for Physics Programs (EP3) Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Hoffmann, Dieter Max Planck Institute for the History of Science |
Session L05.00003 Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker and Farm Hall Room: Washington 6 |
Hogan, Jason Stanford Univ |
Session D03.00001 Atomic Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: Washington 2 |
Holmes, Natasha Cornell University |
Session T08.00002 Evaluating instructional labs' use of deliberate practice to teach critical thinking skills Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Horowitz, Gary University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D06.00001 A Mysterious Cosmic Censorship-Weak Gravity Connection Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Hughes, Scott Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D06.00003 Using the large mass-ratio limit to understand the two-body problem in general relativity Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Hyde, Charles Old Dominion University |
Session L12.00004 Challenges and Opportunities in Nucleon and Nuclear Femtography Room: Maryland B |
Isi, Maximiliano Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C06.00003 Some Highlights from LIGO and Virgo’s Third Observing Run Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Jaffe, Tess NASA GSFC - University of Maryland |
Session D25.00006 Connecting the CMB Foregrounds, Galactic ISM, and Magnetic Field Modeling with IMAGINE Room: Washington 2 |
Janas, Michael University of Minnesota |
Session R07.00002 Elliptopes and Polyhedra: Quantum Correlations and Their Classical Simulations Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Janssen, Michel University of Minnesota |
Session R07.00003 The Measurement Problem, "Big" and "Small" Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Jensen, James |
Session Y07.00001 Science and Politics in the US Congress Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Johnson, Michael Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian |
Session B06.00001 Imaging Supermassive Black Holes with the Event Horizon Telescope: Current Results and Future Prospects Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Jones, Benjamin University of Texas Arlington |
Session D20.00001 The NEXT Experiment Room: Washington 5 |
Jones, Gerceida New York Univ NYU |
Session L07.00002 Parallel Migration: Dogon People and the Incas Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Jung, Andreas Purdue University |
Session B02.00001 Top Physics at the LHC Room: Washington 1 |
Kamat, Ajinkya MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society |
Session B08.00003 Researching Innovation: a Transition to Science and Technology Policy Research Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Kaplan, David Johns Hopkins |
Session Y02.00002 What Nature Could Be Doing: A Tribute to Ann Nelson Room: Washington 1 |
Kasper, Justin Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session H03.00003 The Parker Solar Probe and Its Remarkable Findings Room: Washington 2 |
Kay, Benjamin Argonne Natl Lab |
Session R17.00001 Science Opportunities with Stable and Long-lived Beams Room: Delaware A |
Keiser, Rebecca National Science Foundation |
Session X08.00001 Current Challenges in International Scientific Cooperation Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Keppel, Cynthia Jefferson Lab |
Session D08.00001 Recent advances in proton therapy Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Keskitalo, Reijo Berkeley Lab |
Session D25.00005 Data Analysis - Do We Have All The Necessary Tools? Room: Washington 2 |
Knospe, Anders Univ of Houston |
Session G07.00003 Resonance formation in heavy ion collisions Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Kocevski, Daniel NASA MSFC |
Session C05.00005 GW-EM Follow-Up Final Report Room: Washington 6 |
Koerner, Lisa Univ of Houston |
Session G02.00001 Probing Neutrino Oscillations at Long Baselines Room: Washington 1 |
Kogut, Alan NASA GSFC |
Session D25.00003 Complementarity of Space and Ground- Based CMB Experiments Room: Washington 2 |
Krause, Elisabeth Univ. Airzona |
Session T03.00002 Maria Goeppart-Mayer Award Presentation: Cosmology with Large Galaxy Surveys Room: Washington 2 |
Kruecken, Reiner Triumf |
Session Q08.00001 Developing Mechanical Ventilators Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Larsen, Rasmus Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session R04.00003 QCD at non-zero temperature and density Room: Washington 3 |
Lehmkuhl, Dennis University of Bonn |
Session J04.00002 Theoretical Cosmology in the 1960s Room: Washington 3 |
Lesher, Shelly University of Wisconsin - La Crosse |
Session X04.00001 What health professionals need to know: Teaching nuclear physics without calculus Room: Washington 3 |
Lewitowicz, Marek GANIL and NuPECC |
Session D07.00003 The Roadmap of Nuclear Physics in Europe. Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Li, Siqi SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session T02.00002 Laser Applications in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Room: Washington 1 |
Lin, Herb Stanford University |
Session C08.00003 Cyber Issues and National Security Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Lin, Huey-Wen Michigan State University |
Session R04.00001 Overview of Lattice Calculations of Hadron Structure Room: Washington 3 |
Lin, Joshua Yao-Yu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X07.00001 Parameter Extraction for Black Hole Images with Neural Networks Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Lindberg, Ryan Argonne Natl Lab |
Session R06.00003 X-ray optical cavities for next generation XFELs Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Littenberg, Tyson NASA/MSFC |
Session G06.00001 Gravitational Wave Multimessenger Astrophysics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Luo, Xiao University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session G02.00002 Status and prospects of short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments Room: Washington 1 |
Majewski, Stanislaw University of California, Davis |
Session D08.00003 Developments in the Dedicated Brain PET Imagers & Why This is Important Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Manenti, Laura New York University Abu Dhabi |
Session X02.00001 ProtoDUNE. The how and the why. Room: Washington 1 |
Maries, Alexandru University of Cincinnati |
Session G08.00003 Active learning in an inequitable learning environment can increase the gender performance gap: The negative impact of stereotype threat and interventions to help mitigate it Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Marshall, Hermann MIT |
Session C05.00006 IXPE Mission Overview and Exciting Science Room: Washington 6 |
Mason, Bruce Univ of Oklahoma |
Session J08.00003 The Open Portal into the Open Source Physics Community Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Masui, Kiyoshi Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L03.00002 A Synoptic View of Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME Room: Washington 2 |
Mayor, Michel University of Geneva |
Session A01.00002 Exoplanets: Twenty-five years of discoveries Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
McKay, Timothy Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session G08.00002 SEISMIC: Using Equity and Inclusion Measurement to Motivate Change. Room: Roosevelt 3 |
McLerran, Larry University of Washington |
Session W01.00003 20 Years of RHIC and Beyond Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Meisel, Zach Ohio University |
Session G17.00001 The Nucleosynthesis of Proton-Rich Isotopes Room: Delaware A |
Metzger, Brian Columbia University |
Session T06.00001 Neutron Star Mergers as Sites of Heavy Element Synthesis Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Milner, Richard Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session T04.00002 Towards the Ideal Electron Scattering Experiment to Probe the Fundamental Structure of Matter Room: Washington 3 |
Mitchell, Ryan Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session B07.00002 Exotic Mesons at Electron-Positron Colliders Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Muir, Jessica Stanford University |
Session C03.00003 Understanding the Large-Angle CMB and Blinding DES Combined-Probe Analyses: Towards Precision Cosmology on the Largest Observable Scales Room: Washington 2 |
Mumpower, Matthew Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L04.00001 Nuclear inputs and their impact on the r-process Room: Washington 3 |
Murray, Cherry University of Arizona |
Session X08.00002 Challenges and Imperatives of International Scientific Cooperation : Working with the InterAcademy Partnership Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Nichols, Tiffany Harvard University |
Session G04.00002 Uneasy Alliances: Consideration of Military Sites by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) Room: Washington 3 |
Ogorzalek, Anna NASA GSFC |
Session C03.00002 Uncovering The Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei Feedback With High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Room: Washington 2 |
Ojalvo, Isobel Princeton University |
Session B02.00002 What We Now Know About the Higgs Boson Room: Washington 1 |
Okada, Yasuhiro KEK |
Session D07.00002 Prospect of Accelerator-based Nuclear and High Energy Physics Programs in Asia Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Pain, S.D. ORNL |
Session H17.00001 Informing (p,$\gamma )$ rates using the (d,p) reaction Room: Delaware A |
Papenbrock, Thomas University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session C04.00002 Discrepancy between experimental and theoretical $\beta$-decay rates resolved from first principles Room: Washington 3 |
Peebles, James Princeton University |
Session A01.00001 Exploring the Universe Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Peebles, Jim Princeton University |
Session J04.00003 The Social Construction of Physical Cosmology Room: Washington 3 |
Phillips, David Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian |
Session D03.00002 Mapping the dark matter distribution via stellar accelerations Room: Washington 2 |
Piarulli, M. Department of Physics, Washington University |
Session L08.00001 From Light-Nuclei to Neutron Matter Within Chiral Dynamics Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Polly, Chris FNAL |
Session W01.00002 Who Ordered That? Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Porter, Anne Marie American Institute of Physics |
Session G08.00001 Beyond Representation: Data to Improve the Situation of Women in Physics and Astronomy Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Session T08.00003 Learning about learning while learning physics: An analysis of 15 years of responsive curriculum development Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Primack, Joel UCSC |
Session T03.00003 Why Galaxies Start Pickle-Shaped An Historical Introduction to Dark Matter and Galaxy Formation Room: Washington 2 |
Prokudin, Alexei Penn State Berks and JLab |
Session H04.00001 Spin physics at the Electron Ion Collider Room: Washington 3 |
Psaltis, Dimitrios University of Arizona |
Session L06.00003 Tests of General Relativity with Black Hole Shadows Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Pufu, Silviu Princeton University |
Session Y02.00001 Remembering Steven Gubser and his contributions to physics Room: Washington 1 |
Pullen, Anthony New York University |
Session X03.00001 Intensity Mapping: a New Tool for Dark Matter (and more) Room: Washington 2 |
Pyle, Matt UC Berkeley |
Session J02.00001 Improving the Sensitivity of Photon and Athermal Phonon Sensors to Search for Dark Matter throughout the Mass Range from 50meV through 500MeV Room: Washington 1 |
Quaglioni, Sofia Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session Q07.00003 Unifying theories for the structure and dynamics of light nuclei. Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Queloz, Didier University of Geneva |
Session W01.00001 The Exoplanet Revolution Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Rani, Bindu NASA GSFC |
Session V01.00003 The Theory of Galactic and Extragalactic Very-High Energy Sources Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Ratti, Claudia Univ of Houston |
Session G07.00001 The Hadronic Resonance Spectrum and QCD at Finite Temperature and Density Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Roberts, Luke Michigan State University |
Session L04.00003 Nucleosynthesis in Binary Neutron Star Mergers Room: Washington 3 |
Rocha, Graca JPL |
Session D25.00001 IPSIG Update Room: Washington 2 |
Rocha, Graca JPL |
Session C05.00002 PhysPAG Update Room: Washington 6 |
Rodd, Nicholas University of California Berkeley |
Session C03.00001 Searching for Dark Matter in Distant Galaxies Room: Washington 2 |
Rodriguez, Maria J USU - ITF |
Session J07.00002 CSWP - Overview and Community Input Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Roiban, Radu Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q06.00001 Classical Gravitation from Quantum Scattering Amplitudes: high orders in the post-Minkowskian approximation for binary systems Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Rosa, Katemari Federal University of Bahia |
Session L07.00003 Decolonizing Thought: What Physics has to do with that? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Rosenzweig, James UCLA Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session R06.00001 Ultra-compact X-ray FEL Based on Advanced Cryogenic RF techniques Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Roser, Thomas Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L02.00003 The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Room: Washington 1 |
Rudolph, Matthew Syracuse University |
Session R02.00001 Beyond the Standard Model hints in b-hadron decays Room: Washington 1 |
Sachdeva, Natasha Northwestern University |
Session G03.00002 New Limit on the Permanent Electric Dipole Moment of $^{129}$Xe using $^{3}$He Comagnetometry and SQUID Detection Room: Washington 2 |
Safdi, Ben University of Michigan |
Session Y03.00002 X-ray Searches for Axions from Nearby Isolated Neutron Stars Room: Washington 2 |
Salehi, Shima Stanford University |
Session Y08.00003 Diversity and Inclusivity in STEM: Using Large Data Sets to Explore Underlying Mechanisms for Demographic Performance Gaps in Introductory STEM Courses Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Salvat, Daniel Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session Q04.00002 New results from the UCN$\tau$ experiment Room: Washington 3 |
Santander, Marcos University of Alabama |
Session V01.00004 The Future of Gamma-Ray Astrophysics from Space Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Schmidt-Wellenburg, Philipp Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session D04.00001 New limit of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron Room: Washington 3 |
Scholz, Bjorn University of Chicago |
Session T02.00005 Tanaka Dissertation Award Seminar Room: Washington 1 |
Schoonover, Rod Ecological Futures Group and Georgetown University |
Session C08.00002 Climate Change and National Security Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Schultz, Katelin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T02.00003 Sakurai Dissertation Award Seminar Room: Washington 1 |
Schutz, Bernard Cardiff University, Wales |
Session X06.00001 The roots of LIGO data analysis and the GW pulsar challenge Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Seng, Chien Yeah Univ Bonn |
Session Q04.00001 Radiative Corrections in Neutron and Nuclear Decay Room: Washington 3 |
Shaftan, Timur Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D02.00002 Cold ion beams in a storage ring as quantum computers. Room: Washington 1 |
Shanahan, Phiala Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y04.00001 Medium modification of nuclear currents in light nuclei from lattice QCD Room: Washington 3 |
Siegrist, James Department of Energy - US |
Session H07.00003 The DOE programs for particle physics Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Siemens, Xavier Oregon State University |
Session G05.00003 The NANOGrav search for nanohertz gravitational waves Room: Washington 6 |
Sikivie, Pierre University of Florida |
Session J02.00002 Encounters with the Axion Room: Washington 1 |
Slakey, Francis American Physical Society |
Session B03.00003 Outreach to Policymakers Room: Washington 2 |
Slatyer, Tracy Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y03.00001 Classic Approaches to Indirect Detection Room: Washington 2 |
Smeenk, Christopher Univ of Western Ontario |
Session J04.00001 Observational Cosmology in the 1960s Room: Washington 3 |
Smith, Wesley University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J02.00003 The Challenge of Triggering Collider Experiments Room: Washington 1 |
Snow, William Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session H11.00001 Experimental Searches for Time Reversal Violation Room: Maryland A |
Soni, Amarjit Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session R02.00003 Theory of Heavy Quark Decays Room: Washington 1 |
Speller, Danielle Yale University |
Session B04.00002 CUORE, CUPID, and Understanding the Nature of the Neutrino Mass Room: Washington 3 |
Spyrou, Artemis Michigan State Univ |
Session X04.00003 New approaches to nuclear science communication and public engagement Room: Washington 3 |
Staggs, Suzanne Princeton |
Session R03.00002 CMB measurements of $H_0$ Room: Washington 2 |
Stasto, Anna Pennsylvania State University |
Session H04.00002 Parton Saturation at Electron Ion Collider Room: Washington 3 |
Stein, Leo Univ of Mississippi |
Session L06.00002 Gravitational-wave tests of GR with simulations of beyond-GR theories Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Steiner, Andrew University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session J06.00003 Neutron Star Masses and Radii and the Equation of State of Dense Matter Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Stewart, John West Virginia University |
Session Y08.00001 Using Machine Learning and Big Data to Understand the Retention of STEM Students Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Streiffer, Stephen Argonne National Lab |
Session Q08.00002 Repurposing Physics Infrastructure Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Swanson, Eric Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session B07.00001 What do Exotic Hadrons Require of Theory? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Taboada, Ignacio Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J03.00001 Recent Results in High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics Room: Washington 2 |
Tamborra, Irene Niels Bohr Institute |
Session J03.00002 Recent Results From Supernova Neutrino Theory Room: Washington 2 |
Session Q03.00002 Particle Astrophysics Room: Washington 2 |
Session Q03.00003 Gravitation Room: Washington 2 |
Thais, Savannah Princeton University |
Session Q08.00003 Big Data and Open Science to Fight COVID-19 Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Thoennessen, Michael American Physical Society |
Session P01.00001 Remarks from Editor in Chief Room: Marriott Ballroom 2/3 |
Thomas, William American Institute of Physics |
Session G04.00003 Science Policy Past and Present: Perspectives from AIP's FYI Bulletin Room: Washington 3 |
Thomson, Evelyn University of Pennsylvania |
Session B02.00003 Beyond standard model physics at the CERN LHC Room: Washington 1 |
Timmins, Anthony R. University of Houston |
Session D16.00001 Correlations and fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions Room: Virginia C |
Toy-Edens, Vicki Self |
Session H06.00003 Transitioning from Astronomy to Tech Start-Ups Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Trimble, Virginia University of California, Irvine and Queen Jadwiga Observatory, Poland |
Session B03.00001 Astronomers have it easy: EPO when you are asking for no sacrifices or changes in behavior Room: Washington 2 |
Ullrich, Thomas Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H04.00003 EIC Detector Requirements and R{\&}D Room: Washington 3 |
Unger, Michael Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session H03.00001 Cosmic Particles at Extreme Energies Room: Washington 2 |
van Kolck, Ubirajara Univ of Arizona and CNRS |
Session T04.00003 "Wherever they may lead": Effective field theories in nuclear physics Room: Washington 3 |
Van Velzen, Sjoert New York University |
Session L03.00001 The Burgeoning Role of Tidal Disruption Events as Tools for Black Hole Astrophysics Room: Washington 2 |
Vassh, Nicole University of Notre Dame |
Session L04.00002 The impact of fissioning nuclei on $r$-process nucleosynthesis observables Room: Washington 3 |
Venumadhav, Tejaswi Institute for Advanced Study |
Session X07.00002 Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Villadoro, Giovanni ICTP |
Session X03.00002 Axion Cosmology and Dark Matter Abundance Room: Washington 2 |
Vines, Justin Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam |
Session D06.00002 Spinning Black Holes Versus Quantum Higher-Spin Particles Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Wagman, Michael Fermilab |
Session R04.00002 Nuclei from lattice QCD Room: Washington 3 |
Walker, Mark Union College |
Session L05.00001 Did Heisenberg Understand How an Atomic Bomb Would Work? Room: Washington 6 |
Weatherford, Charles Florida A&M University |
Session Q07.00001 Using Few-Body Systems to Promote Diversity Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Wei, Jie Michigan State Univ |
Session L02.00002 The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Room: Washington 1 |
Will, Clifford University of Florida |
Session L06.00001 Zombie alert! Solar system tests of GR are still alive Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Williams, Brian NASA |
Session M01.00002 The X-Ray Imaging Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Williams, Dawn University of Alabama |
Session G06.00003 Neutrino Multimessenger Astrophysics Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Winklehner, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session C07.00002 Cyclotrons for precision neutrino measurements Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Winslow, Lindley Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Q02.00003 Axions: A New Wave of Dark Matter Searches Room: Washington 1 |
Wong, John Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Session D08.00002 Evolution of Image Guidance and Adaptive Radiation Therapy Room: Roosevelt 3 |
Wong, Kenneth Univ of Tokyo |
Session R03.00003 An Independent Measurement of H0 from Lensed Quasars Room: Washington 2 |
Woolley, Mary Research!America |
Session Y07.00003 Role of Scientific Societies in Science and Politics Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Yakimenko, Vitaly SLAC - National Accelerator Lab |
Session D02.00003 FACET-II: Unprecedented Beam Properties Room: Washington 1 |
Zhang, Will NASA |
Session M01.00003 Progress on Silicon Metashell High-Resolution X-Ray Optics Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Zheng, Xiaochao Jefferson Lab |
Session Y04.00003 Nucleon spin structure results from Jefferson Lab Room: Washington 3 |
Zlobin, Alexander Fermilab |
Session R06.00002 Beyond 15 T: The Future of Superconducting Magnet Technology. Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Zwirner, Fabio University of Padua, Italy |
Session H07.00001 The ERC success story in the European funding landscape Room: Roosevelt 2 |
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