Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, April 13–16, 2019; Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session Y02: NICER and its Implications
Sponsoring Units: DGRAV DAPChair: Sharon Morsink, University of Alberta, Canada
Room: Sheraton Plaza D
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y02.00001: NICER Observations of Neutron Stars and Black Holes Invited Speaker: Deepto Chakrabarty | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y02.00002: NICER Probes of Neutron Stars and Dense Matter Invited Speaker: Tod E Strohmayer | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y02.00003: Probing Extreme Gravity with NICER Invited Speaker: Hector O. Silva |
Session Y03: Selected Topics in Fundamental Symmetries and the Intensity Frontier
Sponsoring Units: DPF DNPChair: Nadia Fomin, University of Tennessee
Room: Sheraton Plaza E
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y03.00001: Lepton Number Violation and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Invited Speaker: Vincenzo Cirigliano | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y03.00002: Measuring the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon Invited Speaker: David J. Flay | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y03.00003: An Improved Measurement of the Neutron Decay Beta-Neutrino Correlation with the aCORN Experiment Invited Speaker: Fred E Wietfeldt |
Session Y04: Searching for Axions
Sponsoring Units: DAPChair: Guido Mueller, University of Florida
Room: Sheraton Plaza F
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y04.00001: First results from the Generation-2 Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) Invited Speaker: Rakshya Khatiwada | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y04.00002: The International Axion Observatory (IAXO): The Next Generation of Axion Helioscopes Invited Speaker: Julia K. Vogel | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y04.00003: ALPSII: Using Long Baseline Cavities to Probe the Hidden Sector Invited Speaker: Aaron D Spector |
Session Y05: Frontiers of Nuclear few-body Reactions
Sponsoring Units: DNP GFBChair: Dean Lee, FRIB and Michigan State University
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y05.00001: Clustering in Exotic Nuclei Invited Speaker: Grigory V Rogachev | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y05.00002: Ab initio calculations of few-body reactions Invited Speaker: Sofia Quaglioni | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y05.00003: Studying few-body fusion reactions with laser-generated high-energy-density plasmas Invited Speaker: Alex Zylstra |
Session Y06: The New SI System: Should 2 pi Have Units?
Sponsoring Units: FIPChair: Roy Jerome Peterson, University of Colorado, Boulder
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y06.00001: The New SI system and the Definition of Frequency Invited Speaker: Judah Levine | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y06.00002: Reaching international consensus on fundamental changes to the International System of Units (SI) Invited Speaker: Richard S Davis | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y06.00003: Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetic Field Strength, and the Permeability of Vacuum Invited Speaker: Ronald B Goldfarb |
Session Y07: Excellence in Physics Education Award: The Learning Assistants Alliance
Sponsoring Units: FEdChair: Laurie McNeil, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 2:06PM |
Y07.00001: The Learning Assistant Model for Building Equitable Learning Environments Invited Speaker: Valerie K Otero | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:42PM |
Y07.00002: The Learning Assistant Alliance for Supporting a Diversity of Institutions, Faculty, and Students Invited Speaker: Laurie Langdon | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:42PM - 3:18PM |
Y07.00003: Leveraging student expertise in the Learning Assistant (LA) Model: The importance of understanding diverse LA and Instructor Partnerships Invited Speaker: Mel S Sabella |
Session Y08: Computational Physics
Sponsoring Units: DCOMPRoom: Sheraton Governor's Square 10
Session Y09: Axion II
Sponsoring Units: DPFChair: LIndley Winslow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 11
Session Y10: Gravitational Waves: Data Analysis Techniques 2
Sponsoring Units: DGRAVChair: Karan Jani, Georgia Tech
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 12
Session Y11: Analytical Calculations and Approximations in General Relativity
Sponsoring Units: DGRAVChair: Steve Carlip, University of California, Davis
Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 17
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
Y11.00001: Coulombic contribution to angular momentum flux in general relativity Beatrice Bonga, Eric Poisson | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
Y11.00002: Non-axial angular momentum fluxes and black hole perturbation theory Karna Ashwin Morey, Scott A Hughes | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:54PM - 2:06PM |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:18PM |
Y11.00004: Horizon instability of the extremal BTZ black hole Samuel Gralla, Arun Ravishankar, Peter Zimmerman | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:18PM - 2:30PM |
Session Y12: Nuclear Astrophysics III
Sponsoring Units: DNPChair: Andrew Steiner, University of Tennessee
Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 1
Session Y13: Electroweak Nuclear Physics
Sponsoring Units: DNPChair: Steven R. Elliott, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 2
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:30PM - 1:42PM |
Y13.00001: The Parity-Violating Asymmetry in the N→∆ Transition at Very Low Q2 Thamraa A Alshayeb | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:42PM - 1:54PM |
Y13.00002: Parity-Violating and Parity-Conserving Asymmetries in Electron Scattering from 27Al David S Armstrong | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 1:54PM - 2:06PM |
Y13.00003: Maintaining a Magnetic Environment for a Nab Polarimetry Measurement Chelsea M Hendrus | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:06PM - 2:18PM |
Y13.00004: Precision Half-life Measurement of $^{13}$N Jacob Long, Maxime Brodeur | |
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 2:18PM - 2:30PM |
Y13.00005: Search for Tri-Nucleon Decay in the Majorana Demonstrator Xiaoyu Zhu, Pinghan Chu, Steve Elliott, Ralph J Massarczyk |
Session Y14: Detector R&D III
Sponsoring Units: DPFChair: Young-Kee Kim
Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3
Session Y15: Collider and BSM VI
Sponsoring Units: DPFChair: Fernanda Psihas, University of Texas, Austin
Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4
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