Bulletin of the American Physical Society
19th Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 60, Number 8
Sunday–Friday, June 14–19, 2015; Tampa, Florida
Chair Index
A1 Plenary Session I Jun 15 2015 8:00AM Grand E/F |
Ramon Ravelo, University of Texas at El Paso |
B1 Detonation and Shock-Induced Chemistry I: DDT Chemistry Jun 15 2015 9:15AM Grand E |
Harold Sandusky, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, Steven Son, Purdue University |
B2 Equation of State I: Sound Speed and Grüneisen Parameter Jun 15 2015 9:15AM Grand F |
Guruswami Ravichandran, California Institute of Technology, Thomas Duffy, Princeton University |
B3 Velocimetry I: Velocimetry, Ranging and Position Measurement Jun 15 2015 9:15AM Grand G |
Michael Furnish, Sandia National Laboratories, Marylesa Howard, National Security Technologies |
B4 Materials Strength I: Instability Growth Jun 15 2015 9:15AM Grand H |
Scott Alexander, Sandia National Laboratories, Robert Rudd, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
B5 First-Principles and MD I: Polycrystalline and Porous Materials Jun 15 2015 9:15AM Grand I/J |
Riad Manaa and Babak Sadigh, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
B6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials I: Foams and Composites Jun 15 2015 9:15AM 8/9/10 |
Christopher Braithwaite, University of Cambridge, Jeff LaJeunesse, Marquette University |
C1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry II: Reactive Burn Models Jun 15 2015 11:15AM Grand E |
Craig Tarver, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Scott Jackson, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
C2 Equation of State II: Very High Pressure Jun 15 2015 11:15AM Grand F |
Neal Bourne, University of Manchester, Dawn Flicker, Sandia National Laboratories |
C3 Velocimetry II: PDV Analysis and Energetics Jun 15 2015 11:15AM Grand G |
Ed Daykin, National Security Technologies, Michael Furlanetto, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
C4 Materials Strength II: Dynamic Experimetal Methods Jun 15 2015 11:15AM Grand H |
Wayne Chen, Purdue University, Justin Brown, Sandia National Laboratories |
C5 First-Principles and MD II: Damage and Defects in Metals Jun 15 2015 11:15AM Grand I/J |
Mark Elert, United States Naval Academy, Luis Zepeda-Ruiz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
C6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials II: Particle Interactions Jun 15 2015 11:15AM 8/9/10 |
Greg Kennedy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Merit Schumaker, Marquette University |
D1 Experimental Developments I: Pulsed-Power Experiments Jun 15 2015 2:00PM Grand E |
Todd Haines, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Marcus Knudson, Sandia National Laboratories |
D2 Energetic and Reactive Materials I: Reactive Materials I Jun 15 2015 2:00PM Grand F |
Scott Stewart, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Christopher Molek, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin |
D3 Grain Scale to Continuum Modeling I: Coarse Graining Jun 15 2015 2:00PM Grand G |
Jean-Bernard Maillet, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Guirong Liu, University of Cincinnati |
D4 Materials Strength III: High-Rate Material Strength Jun 15 2015 2:00PM Grand H |
Bruce Remington, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Jeremy Millet, Atomic Weapons Establishment |
D5 Equation of State III: Models Jun 15 2015 2:00PM Grand I/J |
Damian Swift, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oliver Heuze, Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) |
D6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall I Jun 15 2015 2:00PM 8/9/10 |
Michael Winey, Washington State University, Eugene Zaretsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
E1 Experimental Developments II: Energetic Materials I Jun 15 2015 3:30PM Grand E |
William Bassett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brandon Terry, Purdue University |
E2 Energetic and Reactive Materials II: Shocked Materials Jun 15 2015 3:30PM Grand F |
Jon Maienschein, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Shawn McGrane, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
E3 Grain Scale to Continuum Modeling II: Porous Explosives Jun 15 2015 3:30PM Grand G |
Betsy Rice and Michael Sellers, Army Research Laboratory |
E4 High Energy Density Physics/Warm Dense Matter I Jun 15 2015 3:30PM Grand H |
Tommy Ao and Gordon Leifeste, Sandia National Laboratories |
E5 Equation of State IV: Compression, Off-Hugoniot, Off-Isentrope Jun 15 2015 3:30PM Grand I/J |
Jon Eggert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Jean-Paul Davis, Sandia National Laboratories |
E6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall II: Ejecta Jun 15 2015 3:30PM 8/9/10 |
Nicola Bonora, University of Cassino, Danny Sorenson, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
F1 Experimental Developments III: Energetic Materials II Jun 15 2015 5:00PM Grand E |
Kevin McNesby, Army Research Laboratory, Joshua Felts, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head |
F2 Energetic and Reactive Materials III: Static and Ramp Loading Jun 15 2015 5:00PM Grand F |
Margo Greenfield, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kevin Vandersall, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
F3 Grain Scale to Continuum Modeling III: Methodology I Jun 15 2015 5:00PM Grand G |
Laurence Fried, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Arunachalam Rajendran, University of Mississippi |
F4 High Energy Density Physics/Warm Dense Matter II Jun 15 2015 5:00PM Grand H |
Tom Boehly, University of Rochester, John Benage, Sandia National Laboratories |
F5 Equation of State V: Metals Jun 15 2015 5:00PM Grand I/J |
Brandon La Lone, NNSA Nevada Test Site, Dayne Fratanduono, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
F6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall III: Critical Conditions Jun 15 2015 5:00PM 8/9/10 |
George Gray, Los Alamos National Laboratory, James Walker, Southwest Research Institute |
G1 Plenary Session II Jun 16 2015 8:00AM Grand E/F |
Gilbert Collins, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
H1 Experimental Developments IV: X-ray I Jun 16 2015 9:15AM Grand E |
Todd Hufnagel, Johns Hopkins University, Allen Dalton, Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
H2 Energetic and Reactive Materials IV: Novel Materials Jun 16 2015 9:15AM Grand F |
Timothy Weihs, Johns Hopkins University, Rebecca Wilson, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head |
H3 Velocimetry III: Spatially Resolved Methods & Fiber Bragg Grating Jun 16 2015 9:15AM Grand G |
Matthew Briggs and John Lang, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
H4 Turbulence and Mixing I Jun 16 2015 9:15AM Grand H |
Bertrand Rollin and Thomas Jackson, University of Florida |
H5 Equation of State VI: Ramp Compression Jun 16 2015 9:15AM Grand I/J |
William Anderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jim Hawreliak, Washington State University |
H6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall IV: Copper Jun 16 2015 9:15AM 8/9/10 |
Ernest Baker, Army Research Laboratory, Benjamin Morrow, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
J1 Experimental Developments V: Novel Techniques Jun 16 2015 11:15AM Grand E |
Raymond Lemke, Sandia National Laboratories, Matthew Biss, Army Research Laboratory |
J2 Energetic and Reactive Materials V: Materials by Design I Jun 16 2015 11:15AM Grand F |
Thomas Klapoetke, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Samuel Emery, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head |
J3 Velocimetry IV: Multiplexed PDV and Novel Velocimetry Methods Jun 16 2015 11:15AM Grand G |
Ryan Wixom, Sandia National Laboratories, David Erskine, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
J4 Turbulence and Mixing II Jun 16 2015 11:15AM Grand H |
Allen Kuhl, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, H.S. Udaykumar, University of Iowa |
J5 Equation of State VII: Multiphase Systems Jun 16 2015 11:15AM Grand I/J |
Brian Jensen, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Amit Samanta, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
J6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall V: Extreme Loading Jun 16 2015 11:15AM 8/9/10 |
Cyril Williams, Army Research Laboratory, Gennady Kanel, Institute for High Temperatures RAS |
K1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry III: Detonation Products Jun 16 2015 2:15PM Grand E |
Suresh Menon, Georgia Institute of Technology, Jeffrey Kay, Sandia National Laboratories |
K2 Experimental Developments VI: X-ray II Jun 16 2015 2:15PM Grand F |
Christopher Seagle, Sandia National Laboratories, David Montgomery, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
K3 Energetic and Reactive Materials VI: PBX Jun 16 2015 2:15PM Grand G |
Donald Littrell, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin, David Chavez, Naval Research Laboratory |
K4 Turbulence and Mixing III Jun 16 2015 2:15PM Grand H |
Justin Wagner, Sandia National Laboratories, David Frost, McGill University |
K5 Phase Transitions I: Molecular Dynamics Jun 16 2015 2:15PM Grand I/J |
Carl Greeff, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Paulo Rigg, Washington State University |
K6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials III Jun 16 2015 2:15PM 8/9/10 |
John Borg and Peter Sable, Marquette University |
L1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry IV: Propagation Modeling Jun 16 2015 3:45PM Grand E |
Caroline Handley, Atomic Weapons Establishment, Santanu Chaudhuri, University of Illinois |
L2 Experimental Developments VII: Diagnostic Development Jun 16 2015 3:45PM Grand F |
Dana Dlott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Joseph Zaug, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
L3 Soft Matter I: Polymers Jun 16 2015 3:45PM Grand G |
Eric Brown, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jennifer Jordan, Air Force Office of Scientific Research |
L4 Turbulence and Mixing IV Jun 16 2015 3:45PM Grand H |
Daniel Livescu, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sivaramakrishnan Balachandar, University of Florida |
L5 First-Principles and MD III: Warm Dense Matter Jun 16 2015 3:45PM Grand I/J |
Aidan Thompson, Sandia National Laboratories, Stanimir Bonev, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/Dalhousie |
L6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Mateials IV: Sand Jun 16 2015 3:45PM 8/9/10 |
Tracy Vogler, Sandia National Laboratories, Michael Rauls, California Institute of Technology |
M1 Poster Session I (17:30 - 19:30) Jun 16 2015 5:30PM Grand ABCD |
Marcia Cooper, Sandia National Laboratories, Jeremy Danielson, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
N1 Plenary Session III: Duvall Award Talk Jun 17 2015 8:00AM Grand E/F |
Suhithi Peiris, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Jonathan Eggert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
O1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry V: Initiation Chemistry Jun 17 2015 9:15AM Grand E |
Kathryn Brown, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mario Fajardo, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin |
O2 Energetic and Reactive Materials VII: Sensitivity Jun 17 2015 9:15AM Grand F |
Cynthia Bolme, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Brian Little, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin |
O3 Geophysics and Planetary Science I: Planetary Interiors and Impacts Jun 17 2015 9:15AM Grand G |
William Nellis, Harvard University, Suzanne Ali, University of California, Berkeley |
O4 Phase Transitions II: Metals I Jun 17 2015 9:15AM Grand H |
Nenad Velisavljevic, Los Alamos National Laboratory, John Carpenter, Sandia National Laboratories |
O5 First-Principles and MD IV: Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Jun 17 2015 9:15AM Grand I/J |
Tim Germann, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Matthew Lane, Sandia National Laboratories |
O6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall VI Jun 17 2015 9:15AM 8/9/10 |
Naresh Thadhani, Georgia Institute of Technology, K.T. Ramesh, Johns Hopkins University |
P1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry VI: Shock Propagation Jun 17 2015 11:15AM Grand E |
Terry Salyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Richard Lee, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren |
P2 Energetic and Reactive Materials VIII: Reactive Materials II Jun 17 2015 11:15AM Grand F |
Lori Groven, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Alexander Tappan, Sandia National Laboratories |
P3 Geophysics and Planetary Science II: Giant Planets and Planetary Ices Jun 17 2015 11:15AM Grand G |
Dylan Spaulding, Harvard University, Arianna Gleason, Stanford University |
P4 Phase Transitions III: Molecular Dynamics Jun 17 2015 11:15AM Grand H |
Frank Cherne, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Luke Shulenburger, Sandia National Laboratories |
P5 First-Principles and MD V: Melting & Energy Transport Jun 17 2015 11:15AM Grand I/J |
Eduardo Bringa, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Igor Schweigert, Naval Research Laboratory |
P6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall VII: Rods and Cylinders Jun 17 2015 11:15AM 8/9/10 |
Daniel Eakins, Imperial College London, James Cazamias, Engility Corporation |
R1 Plenary Session IV Jun 18 2015 8:00AM Grand E/F |
Ivan Oleynik, University of South Florida |
S1 X-ray Free Electron Lasers and Materials I Jun 18 2015 9:15AM Grand E |
Hae Ja Lee, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Ulf Zastau, Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet |
S2 Energetic and Reactive Materials IX: Microstructural Effects Jun 18 2015 9:15AM Grand F |
Laura Smilowitz, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fan Zhang, Defence R&D Canada-Suffield |
S3 Grain Scale to Continuum Modeling IV: Granular Materials Jun 18 2015 9:15AM Grand G |
Zhen Chen, University of Missouri, Sunil Dwivedi, Georgia Insititute of Technology |
S4 Materials Strength IV: Dynamic Material Strength Jun 18 2015 9:15AM Grand H |
William Buttler, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Christopher Neel, Air Force Research Laboratory |
S5 Equation of State VIII: Reactive Materials Jun 18 2015 9:15AM Grand I/J |
Peter Celliers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Thomas Mattsson, Sandia National Laboratories |
S6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall VIII: Brittle Glasses Jun 18 2015 9:15AM 8/9/10 |
Dennis Grady, Applied Research Associates, Sidney Chocron, Southwest Research Institute |
T1 X-ray Free Electron Lasers and Materials II Jun 18 2015 11:15AM Grand E |
Raymond Smith, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Bob Nagler, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
T2 Energetic and Reactive Materials X: Simulations Jun 18 2015 11:15AM Grand F |
Joseph Hooper, Naval Postgraduate School, Cole Yarrington, Sandia National Laboratories |
T3 Grain Scale to Continuum Modeling V: Methodology II Jun 18 2015 11:15AM Grand G |
Ryan Austin and Keo Springer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
T4 Materials Strength V: High-Rate Strength Modeling Jun 18 2015 11:15AM Grand H |
Jow Ding, Washington State University, Channing Huntington, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
T5 Equation of State IX: Gases Jun 18 2015 11:15AM Grand I/J |
Marius Millot, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Dana Dattelbaum, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
T6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall IX: Brittle Ceramics Jun 18 2015 11:15AM 8/9/10 |
James Hogan, Johns Hopkins University, Min Zhou, Georgia Institute of Technology |
U1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry VII: Low Density Explosive Reactivity Jun 18 2015 2:15PM Grand E |
Joel Carney, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head, Millicent Firestone, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
U2 Experimental Developments VIII: Optical Diagnostics Jun 18 2015 2:15PM Grand F |
Jennifer Gottfried, Army Research Laboratory, Michael Armstrong, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
U3 Geophysics and Planetary Science III: Planetary and Prebiotic Materials Jun 18 2015 2:15PM Grand G |
Rick Kraus, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Stephane Mazevet, Observatoire de Paris |
U4 Phase Transitions IV: Modeling Jun 18 2015 2:15PM Grand H |
James Hammerberg and Abigail Hunter, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
U5 First-Principles and MD VI: Chemical Reactivity Jun 18 2015 2:15PM Grand I/J |
Marc Cawkwell and Joel Kress, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
U6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials V Jun 18 2015 2:15PM 8/9/10 |
Anthony Fredenburg, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Christopher Lammi, Georgia Institute of Technology |
V1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry VIII: Detonation Science Jun 18 2015 3:45PM Grand E |
Carlos Chiquete, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Robert Knepper, Sandia National Laboratories |
V2 Experimental Developments IX: Ultrafast Compression Jun 18 2015 3:45PM Grand F |
Norimasa Ozaki, Osaka University, Nicholas Glumac, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
V3 Soft Matter II: Polymers & Bio Jun 18 2015 3:45PM Grand G |
Clive Siviour, University of Oxford, Kyle Ramos, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
V4 Phase Transitions V: Metals II Jun 18 2015 3:45PM Grand H |
Malcolm McMahon, University of Edinburgh, Turab Lookman, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
V5 First-Principles and MD VII: New Materials Jun 18 2015 3:45PM Grand I/J |
Iskander Batyrev, Army Research Laboratory, Maija Kukla, National Science Foundation |
V6 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials VI Jun 18 2015 3:45PM 8/9/10 |
Mukul Kumar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Leora Cooper, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
W1 Poster Session II (17:30 - 19:30) Jun 18 2015 5:30PM Grand ABCD |
Marcia Cooper, Sandia National Laboratories, Jeremy Danielson, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
X1 Plenary Session V Jun 19 2015 8:00AM Grand E/F |
David Moore, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Y1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry IX: Spectroscopic Studies Jun 19 2015 9:15AM Grand E |
Trevor Willey, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Raja Chellappa, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Y2 Energetic and Reactive Materials XI: Metals Jun 19 2015 9:15AM Grand F |
Michael Lindsay, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin, David Williamson, University of Cambridge |
Y3 Equation of State X: Energetic Materials Jun 19 2015 9:15AM Grand G |
Gerrit Sutherland, Army Research Laboratory, Patrick Bowden, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Y4 Phase Transitions VI: Advances Jun 19 2015 9:15AM Grand H |
Saryu Fensin, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Brad Steele, University of South Florida |
Y5 First-Principles and MD VIII: Reactive Molecular Dynamics Jun 19 2015 9:15AM Grand I/J |
Tommy Sewell, University of Missouri, Nir Goldman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Y6 Inelastic Deformations, Fracture and Spall X: New Models, Techniques, and Targets Jun 19 2015 9:15AM 8/9/10 |
Michael Greenfield, Army Research Laboratory, Nathan Barton, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Z1 Detonation and Shock-induced Chemistry X: Ignition and Growth Jun 19 2015 11:15AM Grand E |
Rick Gustavsen and Tariq Aslam, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Z2 Energetic and Reactive Materials XII: Materials by Design II Jun 19 2015 11:15AM Grand F |
Bryce Tappan, Los Alamos National Laboratory, John Brennan, Army Research Laboratory |
Z3 Particulate, Porous and Composite Materials VII Jun 19 2015 11:15AM Grand G |
William Proud, Imperial College London, Joseph Bass, University of Texas |
Z4 Phase Transitions VII: Low Z Materials Jun 19 2015 11:15AM Grand H |
Lawrence Hull, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jonathan Belof, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Z5 First-Principles and MD IX: Energy Relaxation Jun 19 2015 11:15AM Grand I/J |
Alejandro Strachan, Purdue University, Avinash Dongare, University of Connecticut |
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