Bulletin of the American Physical Society
16th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 54, Number 8
Sunday–Friday, June 28–July 3 2009; Nashville, Tennessee
Invited Speakers
Anderson, Charles Southwest Research Institute |
Session Y4.00003 Interface Defeat, Dwell and Penetration of Long Rods on Borosilicate Glass Targets Room: Hermitage D |
Ao, Tommy Sandia National Laboratories |
Session K4.00001 Quasi-isentropic compression of materials using the magnetic loading technique Room: Hermitage D |
Barton, Nathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H5.00001 Bringing together computational and experimental capabilities at the crystal scale Room: Cheekwood GH |
Borg, John Marquette University |
Session Q5.00003 A review of mesoscale simulations of granular materials Room: Cheekwood GH |
Bourne, Neil AWE, Aldermaston |
Session E4.00005 On failure in polycrystalline and amorphous brittle materials Room: Hermitage D |
Brannon, Rebecca University of Utah |
Session G1.00001 Theoretical and computational challenges in blast loading and penetration of geological materials Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Cawkwell, Marc Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D2.00003 An abundance of mechanisms for plastic flow in an extremely brittle material: dislocations and phase transformations in RDX Room: Hermitage AB |
Clements, Brad Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L2.00001 Non-Equilibrium Volumetric Response of Shocked Polymers Room: Hermitage AB |
Collins, G.W. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session Z2.00003 Exotic Behavior of Materials at Ultra-High Densities Room: Hermitage AB |
Cox, Geoffrey AWE |
Session W3.00003 Empirical Multiphase EoS Modelling Issues Room: Hermitage C |
Curran, Don SRI International |
Session S1.00001 George E. Duvall Shock Compression Science Award Talk: Mesomechanical Modeling of Fracture Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Deemyad, Shanti Harvard University |
Session J2.00003 Melting curve of molecular hydrogen Room: Hermitage AB |
Desjarlais, Michael Sandia National Laboratories |
Session U2.00003 Shock-Wave Exploration of the High-Pressure Phases of Carbon Room: Hermitage AB |
Dolan, Daniel Sandia National Laboratories |
Session D3.00005 What does ``velocity'' interferometry really measure? Room: Hermitage C |
Eakins, Dan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session V3.00001 The Configurationally-dependent Mechanochemical Behavior of Reactive Powder Mixtures Room: Hermitage C |
Fanget, Alain Centre d'Etudes de Gramat, 46500 France |
Session D1.00001 Presentation of an approach for the analysis of the mechanical response of propellant under a large spectrum of loadings: numerical and mechanical issues Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Fortov, Vladimir Russian Academy of Science |
Session Q4.00005 Shock Waves and High-Energy-Density States of Matter in the GSI FAIR Team Project Room: Hermitage D |
Gangopadhyay, Shubhra The University of Missouri |
Session C2.00003 Drug Delivery and Cell Transfection Using Shock Waves Produced by Nanothermites Room: Hermitage AB |
Glumac, Nick University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session B3.00003 Optical Spectroscopy of Fireballs from Aluminized High Explosives Room: Hermitage C |
Gray III, George Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y2.00005 The effects of shockwave profile shape and shock obliquity on spallation: studies of kinetic and stress-state effects on damage evolution and spallation Room: Hermitage AB |
Henson, Bryan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y1.00001 Modeling thermal ignition and the initial conditions for internal burning in PBX 9501 Room: Magnolia Ballroom |
Hicks, Damien Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session W4.00005 Signatures of multi-Megabar chemistry Room: Hermitage D |
Jensen, Brian Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E2.00003 Shock Wave Experiments to Examine the Multiphase Properties of Metals Room: Hermitage AB |
Jones, Ian University of Birmingham |
Session B2.00005 Transmission Electron Microscopy in the study of Shock Compression Room: Hermitage AB |
Lemke, R.W. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session E3.00001 A new strip-line design for multi-megabar dynamic loading experiments on the Z-machine Room: Hermitage C |
Lookman, Turab Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Physics of Materials and Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division |
Session U3.00001 Mesoscopic studies of shock compression involving structural phase transformations and plasticity Room: Hermitage C |
Maillet, Jean-Bernard CEA-DAM |
Session Q1.00007 Shock and detonation processes studied at the nanoscale Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Menikoff, Ralph LANL |
Session P1.00001 Beyond the Standard Model for High Explosives: Challenges \& Obstacles to Surmount Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Meyers, Marc U C San Diego |
Session L3.00005 Laser Compression of Nanocrystalline Metals Room: Hermitage C |
Moore, David Los Alamos National Lab |
Session Z1.00001 Unraveling Shock-Induced Chemistry Using Ultrafast Lasers Room: Magnolia Ballroom |
Orphal, Dennis International Research Associates |
Session Q2.00001 Some Recent Results on Propagation of the Failure Front Associated with Rod Penetration of Borosilicate Glass Room: Hermitage AB |
Pavarin, Daniele Departmenet of Mechancial ENgineering / CISAS University of Padua |
Session E5.00007 Analysis of the vibration environment induced on spacecraft components by hypervelocity impact Room: Magnolia Ballroom |
Ping, Yuan LLNL |
Session C3.00001 Dielectric function of non-equilibrium warm dense gold Room: Hermitage C |
Porter, David University of Oxford |
Session L2.00006 Predicting the Highly Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of Polymeric Materials Room: Hermitage AB |
Redmer, Ronald University of Rostock, Institute of Physics, D-18051 Rostock, Germany |
Session J4.00001 Interior structure of solar and extrasolar giant planets Room: Hermitage D |
Root, Seth Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H4.00003 Physical and Chemical Changes in Liquid Benzene Multiply Shock Compressed to 25 GPa Room: Hermitage D |
Sharpe, Gary University of Leeds |
Session K1.00003 Steady non-ideal detonations Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Shukla, Arun Simon Ostrach Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, The University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 |
Session W2.00001 Dynamic Fracture of Nanocomposites and Response of Fiber Composite Panels to Shock Loading Room: Hermitage AB |
Stewart, Sarah Harvard University |
Session T3.00001 Advances in Modeling Impacts onto H$_{2}$O Ice Room: Hermitage C |
Utkin, Alexander Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS |
Session Z4.00005 Tension of liquids by shock waves Room: Hermitage D |
Vandersall, Kevin S. Energetic Materials Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B1.00001 Recent Research Efforts in Shock Initiation of Energetic Materials Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Yoo, Choong-Shik Institute for Shock Physics and Department of Chemistry, Washington State University |
Session A1.00002 High Energy Density Extended Solids Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
Yoo, Choong-Shik Institute for Shock Physics and Department of Chemistry, Washington State University |
Session A1.00001 Tribute to Malcom Nicol Room: Tennessee Ballroom C |
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