Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 10:45AM
G2.00001: High-pressure phase synthesis of Si using femtosecond laser-driven shock wave
Tomokazu Sano, Masashi Tsujino, Norimasa Ozaki, Tomoaki Kimura, Ryosuke Kodama, Akio Hirose, Osami Sakata, Masayuki Okoshi, Narumi Inoue
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:45AM - 11:00AM
G2.00002: Dynamic mechanical behavior of boron carbide-based composites
Shmulik Hayun, Nahum Frage, Moshe Dariel, Eugene Zaretsky
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:30AM
G2.00003: Shock compression properties of hard materials
Invited Speaker:
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G2.00004: Comparison of High Strain Rate Properties of Tantalum Processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
Philip Flater, Joel House, James O'Brien, William Hosford
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G2.00005: Shock compression of magnesium silicon nitride
Toshimori Sekine, Takamichi Kobayashi, Bert Hintzen
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
G2.00006: Laser-induced damages to sapphire single crystals
Pedro Peralta, Sheng-Nian Luo, Chi Ma, Dennis Paisley
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:15PM - 12:30PM
G2.00007: Phase transitions, high-rate straining and fracture of iron under spherical explosive loading.
A.V. Petrovtsev, E.A. Kozlov, C.A. Brichikov, V.V. Dremov, G.V. Kovalenko, D.A. Varfolomeev, A.M. Bragov, A.K. Lomunov, A.V. Dobromyslov, N.I. Taluts, A. Juanicotena, M. Gatulle, C. Voltz
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 10:45AM
G3.00001: Effects of Processing Techniques on the Shock Response of Be
Eric Loomis, Shengnian Luo, Damian Swift, Scott Greenfield, Dennis Paisley, Randall Johnson
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:45AM - 11:00AM
G3.00002: Dynamic Compression of a Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Confined by a 304 Stainless Steel Sleeve
Morgana Martin, Laszlo Kecskes, Naresh Thadhani
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:15AM
G3.00003: Dislocation Patterning and Dynamic Fracture in Shock-Loaded Tantalum and Uranium Alloys
Luke Hsiung
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:15AM - 11:30AM
G3.00004: Shock Wave Profile and Bauschinger Effect in Depleted Uranium
Darcie D. Koller, George T. Gray III
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G3.00005: Influence of Microstructure on the Bauschinger Effect and the Shock Hardening in 1080 High-Carbon Steel.
George Gray III, Ellen Cerreta, Lisa Dougherty, Carl Trujillo, Mike Lopez
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G3.00006: Failure above and below the elastic limit in AD995
Neil Bourne, Jeremy Millett, M.W. Chen, Datta Dandekar, James MacCauley
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 11:00AM
G4.00001: Making and Characterizing Off-Hugoniot States in Gas Gun Experiments
Invited Speaker:
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:15AM
G4.00002: Ramp Compression Measurements of Al, Fe, Ta, and W to a Few Mbar
Gilbert Collins, Jon Eggert, Ray Smith, Marina Bastea, Dave Reisman, Y. Gupta, J.R. Asay
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:15AM - 11:30AM
G4.00003: Isentropic Compression Studies of Energetic Composite Constituents
Melvin Baer, Clint Hall, Mike Hobbs, Rick Gustavsen, Daniel Hooks, Steve Sheffield
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G4.00004: Wave propagation in materials with non convex equation of state
Olivier Heuze, Stephane Jaouen, Herve Jourdren
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G4.00005: Solitary and shock waves in discrete double power law materials
Eric Herbold, Vitali Nesterenko
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
G4.00006: Phase kinetics and Nonlinear Wave Propagation
Roger Minich, Daniel Orlikowski, Jeffrey Nguyen
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:15PM - 12:30PM
G4.00007: Improved EOS for describing high-temperature off-hugoniot states in epoxy
R.N. Mulford, N.E. Lanier, D. Swift, J. Workman, Peter Graham, Alastair Moore
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 10:45AM
G5.00001: Multiphase equation of state and strength properties of beryllium from ab initio and quantum molecular dynamics calculations
Gregory Robert, Arnaud Sollier
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:45AM - 11:00AM
G5.00002: Hugoniot, shock melting and high pressure strength properties of beryllium
Michael Desjarlais, Marcus Knudson, Raymond Lemke
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:15AM
G5.00003: Multiphase Equation of State of Carbon at Extreme Conditions
Lorin X. Benedict, Alfredo A. Correa, Eric R. Schwegler, David A. Young
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:15AM - 11:30AM
G5.00004: A new tabular EOS for hydrogen isotopes
Didier Saumon
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G5.00005: Multi--Phase Equation of State for Aluminum
I.V. Lomonosov
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G5.00006: Sound Velocity in Shock-Compressed Samples and Equation of State of Tin
K.V. Khishchenko, V.E. Fortov, I.V. Lomonosov, M.V. Zhernokletov, A.E. Kovalev, A.B. Mezhevov, M.A. Mochalov, M.G. Novikov, A.N. Shuikin
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
G5.00007: Tabular Multiphase Equations of State for Metals and Their Applications
Pavel Levashov, Konstantin Khishchenko
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:15PM - 12:30PM
G5.00008: Hugoniot measurement of RbCl single crystal
Takahiro Kinoshita, Takayuki Inoue, Yuyang Zhang, Tsutomu Mashimo
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 10:45AM
G6.00001: An initial investigation of the sub-microsecond features of dynamic crack propagation in PMMA and the RDX-based explosive PBX 9205
Peter Washabaugh, Larry Hill
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:45AM - 11:00AM
G6.00002: Brazilian disc testing of a UK PBX below the glass transition temperature.
David Williamson, Stewart Palmer, William Proud
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:30AM
G6.00003: Recent Developments In Shear Ignition Of Energetic Materials Using Hybrid Drop Weight-Hopkinson Bar
Invited Speaker:
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G6.00004: Pressure Dependence of Crack Growth and Plastic Flow Processes in Composite Plastic Bonded Explosives
Donald Wiegand, Kevin Ellis
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G6.00005: Individual contributions of friction and impact on non-shock initiation of high explosives
Paul Peterson, Gabe Avilucea, Robert Bishop, John Sanchez
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
G6.00006: Grain Scale Discrete Element Simulation of Shock Responses of Explosives
Wenqiang Wang, Jidong Yu, Hua Fu, Cangli Liu, Feng Zhao, Chengwei Sun
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:15PM - 12:30PM
G6.00007: Measurements of Two-Dimensional Shock Initiation Process of Condensed Explosive
Fenglei Huang, Xiangyu Hu
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:30AM - 10:45AM
G7.00001: A Two-Scale FEM formulation for Hetereogeneous Materials
Axinte Ionita, Eric Mas, Bradford Clements
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
10:45AM - 11:00AM
G7.00002: Multiscale Modeling of Plastic Bonded Explosives
Grant Smith, Dmitry Bedrov, Oleg Borodin
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:00AM - 11:15AM
G7.00003: Modeling the Asymmetric Burning of Agglomerate Particles
Clinton Richmond
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:15AM - 11:30AM
G7.00004: Modelling of detonation in PBX 9502 with a stiffened-gas EOS mixture model
Charles Kiyanda, Mark Short
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:30AM - 11:45AM
G7.00005: Metal Particle Heating and Acceleration in Condensed Explosives
Robert Ripley, Fan Zhang, Fue-Sang Lien
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
11:45AM - 12:00PM
G7.00006: Rate-Independent Material Model to Describe the Shock and Ramp Wave Loading Response of 6061-T6 Aluminum to 22 GPa
J.M. Winey, W. Mamun, Y.M. Gupta
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:00PM - 12:15PM
G7.00007: Nickel based superalloy containment case design: constitutive modeling and computational analysis
Andrew Ruggiero, Nicola Bonora, Giovanni Torrice, Marco Di Sciuva, Marco Degiovanni, Massimiliano Mattone, Marco Gherlone, Carlo Frola
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