Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2021
Volume 66, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2021; Virtual; Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
Session S44: Metal-Insulator Phase Transition IILive
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Sponsoring Units: DCMP Chair: Gyanendra Dhakal, University of Central Florida |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:30AM - 11:42AM Live |
S44.00001: Metal-insulator transitions in complex oxide heterostructures from DFT+DMFT Sophie Beck, Claude Ederer We study the interplay between several control mechanisms on the emerging functionalities of complex oxide thin films and heterostructures composed in early transition metal oxides using a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:42AM - 11:54AM Live |
S44.00002: Vanadium trimers randomly aligned along the c-axis direction in layered LiVO2 Keita Kojima, Naoyuki Katayama, Shinya Tamura, Manabu Shiomi, Hiroshi Sawa Since the “vanadium trimers” in layered LiVO2 has been proposed by Goodenough in 1963, many experimental studies have been carried out to clarify the realization of the trimers. Our comprehensive structural studies using synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments clarified that vanadium trimers are randomly aligned along the c-axis direction in LiVO2, while the long-range ordering of vanadium trimers along the c-axis direction appears in LiVS2, which is a sulfide analog of LiVO2. In this presentation, we will explain that the presence/absence of such a periodicity in the trimer patterns is brought by the difference in their inherent stacking structures. We also present that the trimerization of LiVO2 without a long-range ordering along the c-axis direction, can be identified using pair distribution function (PDF) analysis based on appropriate structural models. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:54AM - 12:06PM Live |
S44.00003: Role of local temperature in the current-driven metal–insulator transition of Ca2RuO4 Giordano Mattoni, Shingo Yonezawa, Fumihiko Nakamura, Yoshiteru Maeno It was recently reported that a continuous electric current is a powerful control parameter to trigger changes in the electronic structure and metal–insulator transitions (MITs) in Ca2RuO4. However, the spatial evolution of the MIT and the implications of the unavoidable Joule heating have not been clarified yet, often hindered by the difficulty to assess the local sample temperature. We present infrared thermal imaging measurements performed on single-crystal Ca2RuO4 while controlling the MIT by electric current. The change in emissivity at the phase transition allows us to monitor the gradual formation and expansion of metallic phase upon increasing current. Our local temperature measurements indicate that, within our experimental resolution, the MIT always occurs at the same local transition temperatures, irrespectively if driven by temperature or by current. Our results highlight the importance of local heating, phase coexistence, and microscale inhomogeneity when studying strongly correlated materials under the flow of electric current. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:06PM - 12:18PM Live |
S44.00004: Electric field-driven resistive transitions in correlated CuIr2S4 Dasharath Adhikari, Ishiaka Mansaray, Ahmed Ali, Jong E Han, Sambandamurthy Ganapathy CuIr2S4 is a strongly correlated material wherein intricate entanglement of electronic degrees of freedoms makes it sensitive to external stimuli resulting in an emergent phenomenon such as metal-insulator transition at Tc ~ 231 K. Below Tc, a hysteretic resistive transition from an insulating to a metallic phase can be induced by sweeping electric field across the sample. The nature of the switching changes from an abrupt jump in current-voltage characteristics away from Tc to step-like jumps near Tc. The electrically-driven transition is studied using electrical transport, resistance noise spectroscopy, and a nonequilibrium free-energy model, where effective temperature of charge carriers is defined as a function of local electric field. Normalized power spectral density (PSD) of resistance fluctuations show distinct features at temperatures far away and near Tc, and the behavior of normalized PSD is reproduced well in theoretical simulation. Spontaneous segregation of phases near Tc and their evolution in response to electrical bias appear to have an impact on charge transport near the transition. The noise behavior observed in CuIr2S4 can be seen in other materials and it points towards a common origin to phase separation near transition in strongly correlated materials. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:18PM - 12:30PM Live |
S44.00005: Imaging filamentary current flow near the metal-insulator transition in an oxide interface Eylon Persky, Naor Vardi, Ana Monteiro, Thierry van Thiel, Hyeok Yoon, Yan-Wu Xie, Benoit Fauque, Andrea Caviglia, Harold Hwang, Kamran Behnia, Beena Kalisky In systems near phase transitions, macroscopic properties often follow algebraic scaling laws, determined by the dimensionality and symmetries of the system. The emergence of such universal scaling implies that microscopic details are irrelevant. In my talk, I will discuss the scaling properties of the metal-insulator transition at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface. Using scanning SQUID, we map the current flow at the interface close to the gate tunable transition. I will show that coupling between structural and electronic degrees of freedom modifies the filamentary, preventing a fractal with the expected universal dimension from forming. Our results open the door for engineering electronic transitions at the nanoscale. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:30PM - 12:42PM Live |
S44.00006: A Machine Learning Model and Database for The Identification of New Metal-Insulator Transition Compounds Alexandru Bogdan Georgescu, Peiwen Ren, Aubrey Toland, Nicholas Wagner, Elsa Olivetti, James M Rondinelli One of the main bottlenecks in the discovery of new thermally-driven metal-insulator transition (MIT) materials is the lack of a clear database of MIT compounds, and their relevant features. We have built a database of MIT and stoichiometrically related materials, and trained a machine learning model designed to classify whether a material is an MIT material or not [1]. Our easily interpretable model allows us to identify new features, such as the Average Deviation of the Covalent Radius and its interplay with the Range Mendeleev Number, as well as others. We also built an online pipeline where one can upload their own structures, and obtain a prediction on whether the material is a metal, an insulator, or an MIT material and tested it on previously identified materials [2]. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:42PM - 12:54PM Live |
S44.00007: Spectral study of the interplay among lattice, spin, and electron degrees of freedom in a strong correlated polar metal Huaiyu Wang, Yihuang Xiong, Hari Padmanabhan, Lujin Min, Yu Wang, Zhiqiang Mao, Ismaila Dabo, Venkatraman Gopalan The interplay between spin-orbital coupling and structural inversion symmetry breaking in solid states has attracted a lot of interest due to non-trivial electronic and magnetic ground states. Such phenomena are typically observed in compounds of heavy elements in the transitional metal section where large atomic number gives rise to strong spin-orbital coupling. A previous study [1] has reported magnetic anisotropy driven by reconfiguration of electronic properties near Fermi surface at spin reorientation temperature. Here we demonstrate for the oxide compound Ca3Ru2O7 strong correlation among phononic properties, electron reconstruction, and spin reorientation due to spin-orbital coupling and strong electron-phonon correlation. Specifically, strong renormalization of two phonon modes observed experimentally and from the first principle. Our result suggests Raman spectroscopy is a sensitive tool to fermiology changes in strong correlated systems. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 12:54PM - 1:06PM Live |
S44.00008: Discovery of the soft electronic modes involved in magnetite’s Verwey transition Carina Belvin, Edoardo Baldini, Martin Rodriguez-vega, Ilkem Ozge Ozel, Dominik Legut, Andrzej Kozlowski, Andrzej Oles, Krzysztof Parlinski, Przemyslaw Piekarz, Josee Lorenzana, Gregory Fiete, Nuh Gedik The Verwey transition in magnetite (Fe3O4), the first metal-insulator transition ever observed, is accompanied by charge ordering, orbital ordering, and a structural rearrangement. Due to the intricate interplay of these degrees of freedom, a complete understanding of the microscopic mechanism of this transition to the exotic low-temperature phase has not yet been reached. Recently, the charge-ordered structure was established as a network of small polarons extending across three sites, termed trimerons. However, the dynamics of the Verwey transition from an electronic point of view remains not understood, as no collective excitations of this trimeron order have been observed to date. In this talk, I will present our discovery of spectroscopic signatures of the low-energy electronic modes of the trimeron network using terahertz light. By exciting these collective modes coherently with an ultrashort laser pulse, we unveil their softening towards the transition temperature. These findings represent the first observation of collective modes of any sort displaying a critical softening in magnetite and thus shed light on the long-sought cooperative mechanism responsible for the Verwey transition. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:06PM - 1:18PM Live |
S44.00009: The Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice via variational uniform tree states: metal-insulator transition and a Fermi liquid Peter Lunts, Antoine Georges, Edwin Stoudenmire, Matthew Fishman We numerically solve the Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice with finite coordination number z=3, and determine its T=0 phase diagram. For this purpose, we introduce and develop the `variational uniform tree state' (VUTS) algorithm, a tensor network (TN) algorithm which generalizes the variational uniform matrix product state algorithm to tree TNs. Our results reveal an AFM insulating phase and a PM metallic phase, separated by a first-order doping-driven metal-insulator transition (MIT). We show that the metallic state is a Fermi liquid (FL) with coherent quasiparticle (qp) excitations for all values of the interaction strength U, and we obtain the finite qp weight Z from the occupation function of a generalized "momentum" variable. We find that Z decreases with increasing U, ultimately saturating to a non-zero, doping-dependent value. Our work demonstrates that TN calculations on tree lattices, and the VUTS algorithm in particular, are a platform for obtaining controlled results for phenomena absent in 1D, such as FLs, while avoiding computational difficulties associated with TNs in 2D. We envision that future studies could observe non-FLs, interaction-driven MIT, and doped spin liquids using this platform. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:18PM - 1:30PM Live |
S44.00010: Pattern Recognition with Deep Learning in Quantum Materials Sayan Basak, Forrest Simmons, Pavel Salev, Ivan Schuller, Lionel Aigouy, Alexandre J Zimmers, Erica W Carlson The capabilities of surface probe experiments are rapidly expanding, providing views on quantum materials at unprecedented length and time scales. Many such materials display intricate pattern formation in the electronic properties on the observable surface. This rich spatial information contains information about interactions, dimensionality, and disorder.[1] A well-tuned machine learning framework can decipher this information with minimal effort from the user.[2] We show the effectiveness of our deep learning framework on simulations of statistical models. We then use our machine learning model to analyze experimental data from an optical microscope[3] on a vanadium dioxide film as it goes through the insulator-metal transition. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:30PM - 1:42PM Live |
S44.00011: Electric Field-Induced Charge Carrier Density Driven Metal-to-Insulator Phase Transition in Few-Layered As-bP Field-effect Transistor Nihar Pradhan, Carlos G Garcia, Daniel Rosenmann, Ralu Divan, Anirudha Sumant, Priyanka Das, Dharmaraj Raghavan, Alamgir Karim, Stephen A McGill, Luis Balicas Metal-to-insulator phase transitions (MIT) in 2D Systems is a controversial topic in condensed matter physics due to the fact that it challenges the prediction made by Abrahams et al., which states that two-dimensional disordered electronic systems must be insulating (Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 673 (1979)). Recent studies1,2 have indicated a possible MIT in few-layered transition metal dichalcogenide such as MoS2, ReS2 and CuIn7Se113, but the mechanism leading to the MIT still remains enigmatic. We will present a possible MIT in few-layered As-doped black phosphorus from conductivity measurements in field effect transistors measured from 300 K to 2 K reveal an insulating-to-metallic-like phase transition when the carrier density is tuned via an applied gate voltage. The nature of the phase transition will be discussed with existing theoretical model. 1Nat Commun. 2018; 9: 2052, 2 Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 12, 8377, 3ACS Nano 2019, 13, 11, 13413 |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:42PM - 1:54PM Live |
S44.00012: Role of f-electrons in Ca(La1-xCex)2S4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solutions: A DFT+U study Hori Pada Sarker, Muhammad Huda The main challenge in applications of rare-earth-based new materials is understanding the complexities that arise from the highly localized f-electrons that impact the properties of these materials significantly. We will present the first principles-based DFT+U study of structural, magnetic, electronic, and optical properties of Ca(La1-x Cex)2S4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) solid solution. We employed a site-selection technique based on local magnetic moment to form Ce doped Ca(La1-x Cex)2S4 solid solutions. The incorporation of f-electrons via Ce doping modifies properties of the parent compound, CaLa2S4. As the occupation of f-electron increases, magnetic phase transition, as well as semiconductor-to-metal transitions, have been observed. We will also explain the origin of the experimentally observed color in these solid solutions. Finally, we will emphasize the role of Ca in stabilizing these solid solutions. Our result agrees well with the available experimental results. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:54PM - 2:06PM Live |
S44.00013: Potential Glassy Behavior at Metal-to-Insulator Transitions in Elastic Media Charles Liang, Peter Littlewood Tuning of the metal-to-insulator transition in perovskite transition metal oxides is important to control physical phenomena such as magnetism, ferroelectricity, and superconductivity. The tuning by atomic size effects is mediated by long range elastic degrees of freedom that lead to anisotropic frustrated interactions, which vary according to their ability to be accommodated in the solid by octahedral rotations [1]. Treated at the mean-field level, these effects suppress the phase transitions due to thermal fluctuations. When randomness is included, we explore whether the combination of long-range coupling and frustration can lead to a glassy phase where the local distortions become frozen. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 2:06PM - 2:18PM Live |
S44.00014: Changes in phonon dispersion across metal-insulator transition in a Pr-containing cobaltite Daniel Phelan, Matthew Krogstad, Nathaniel J Schreiber, Raymond Osborn, Ayman Said, Hong Zheng, Stephan Rosenkranz A group of praseodymium-containing cobaltites are known to undergo 1st order metal-insulator transitions that are correlated to valence shifts that involve both Pr and Co cations. We have measured the dispersion of acoustic phonons in a single crystal of (Pr0.85Y0.15)0.7Ca0.3CoO3-δ in both the metallic and insulating states and have observed differences which arise at the phase transition temperature. We interpret changes in the mode energies in terms of changes in the elastic constants. Anomalous damping of the phonons is observed near the phase transition. Elastic diffuse scattering, symptomatic of precursory behavior in the metallic phase is observed. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021 2:18PM - 2:30PM On Demand |
S44.00015: Local fluctuations in the metal-insulator transition Martha Villagran, Nikolaos Mitsakos, Tsung-Han Lee, Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, John Miller, Eduardo Miranda We studied some aspects of the two-dimensional metal-insulator transition in the disordered case using the Hubbard model through the Statistical Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. We obtained the spinodal lines at which metal and insulator cease to be meta-stable. We also studied the spatial fluctuations of local quantities, such as the self-energy and the local Green's function for different disorders and temperature values. We showed the appearance of metallic "bubbles" within the insulator and vice-versa. We performed an analysis of finite-size effects and showed that the first-order transition is smeared in the thermodynamic limit. We analyzed transport properties by mapping to a random classical resistor network and calculating both the average current and its distribution across the Mott metal-insulator transition. We studied the domain wall's behavior, which forms between the metal and the insulator in the clean case, by employing a one-dimensional chain model connected to two reservoirs, one metallic at the left side and another insulating at the right side, each attached to one of the chain's ends. We then obtained the domain wall width as a function of temperature and interactions. |
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