APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session X33: Polymer Crystals and Crystallization II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DPOLY DSOFT DMP
Chair: Toshikazu Miyoshi, Univ of Akron
Room: 505
X33.00001: Controlling the Mechanical Behavior of Hydrogenated Polynorbornene
Jared Klein, Richard Register
X33.00002: What happens upon annealing of pre-drawn semicrystalline polymers?
Travis Smith, Shiqing Wang
X33.00003: Entanglement Effect on Chain-Folding Structure in Semicrystalline Polymer Blends
Fan Jin, Toshikazu Miyoshi
X33.00004: Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers during Multi-Axial Deformation
Invited Speaker:
Liangbin Li
X33.00005: Homogeneous crystal nucleation – Nucleation kinetics and thermal stability of nuclei
Christoph Schick, Ruslan Adrianov, Timur Mukhametzyanov, Rene Androsch
X33.00006: Are Spherulites Spherical? 3D Visualization of Semicrystalline Polymer Morphology Using Optical Tomography
Shu-Gui Yang, Zhen-Zhen Wei, Goran Ungar, Pantea Kazemi, Hui-Jie Xie, Liliana Cseh, Hina Saba
X33.00007: Advanced Polymeric Particles Templated by Polymer Crystallization at Curved Liquid/Liquid Interface
Mark Staub, Christopher Li
X33.00008: Phenomenological Theory of Prefreezing at the Solid-Melt Interface
Oleksandr Dolynchuk, Muhammad Tariq, Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
X33.00009: Role of flow-induced nematic order in polyethylene nucleation
Wenlin Zhang, Ronald Larson
X33.00010: Crystallization and liquid crystallinity in heptadecanylcarbazole-dithienylbenzothiadiazole (PCDTBT) conjugated polymers
Ryan Fair, Enrique Gomez
X33.00011: Analyzing morphological and optical properties of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) via emitted light’s polarization
Huan Nguyen, Paulo T Araujo
X33.00012: Computational Model for End-On LCEs
James Waters, Anna Balazs