X01.00001: Theory of non-Hermitian fermionic superfluidity subject to inelastic collisions in ultracold atoms
Kazuki Yamamoto, Masaya Nakagawa, Kyosuke Adachi, Kazuaki Takasan, Masahito Ueda, Norio Kawakami
X01.00002: The Threefold Way in Non-Hermitian Random Matrices
Ryusuke Hamazaki, Kohei Kawabata, Naoto Kura, Masahito Ueda
X01.00003: The property of open quantum system and nonhermiticity in strongly-correlated electron system
Yoshihiro Michishita, Robert PETERS
X01.00004: Dissipative quantum Ising chain as a non-Hermitian Ashkin-Teller model
Naoyuki Shibata, Hosho Katsura
X01.00005: Effects of dipole-dipole interaction in atomic vapors probed by two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy
Danfu Liang, Shaogang Yu, Yifu Zhu, Xiaojun Liu, Hebin Li
X01.00006: Effects of a dissipative coupling to the momentum of a particle in a double well potential
Dominik Maile, Sabine Andergassen, Gianluca Rastelli
X01.00007: Symmetry Breaking and Phase Transition in a Driven-Dissipative Kerr Oscillator
X. H. H. Zhang, Harold U Baranger
X01.00008: Open quantum systems approach to Bose polaron problems with applications
Miguel Garcia-March, Mohammad Mehboudi, Christos Charalambous, Aniello Lampo, Luis A. Correa, Maciej A Lewenstein
X01.00009: Universality in the decay and evival of Loschmidt Echoes
Myung-Joong Hwang, Bo-Bo Wei, Susana Huelga, Martin Plenio
X01.00010: Analytical Study of Decoherence in Rydberg Atom Qubits
Anant Kale, Manuel Endres
X01.00011: Non-Hermitian topological light steering
Han Zhao, Xingdu Qiao, Tianwei Wu, Bikashkali Midya, Stefano Longhi, Liang Feng
X01.00012: Quantum Quenches in Coupled Luttinger Liquids: Truncated Spectrum Approach vs Semi-Classics
Robert Konik, Andrew James, Andrew Hallam
X01.00013: Non-equilibrium dynamics of the Pokrovsky-Talapov model
Valentin Kasper, Jamir Marino, Sicong Ji, Joerg Schmiedmayer, Eugene Demler
X01.00014: New exact eigenstates in the Lesanovsky model, proximity to integrability and the PXP model, and approximate scar states
Daniel Mark, Cheng-Ju Lin, Olexei I Motrunich