Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session W42: Spin Hall EffectFocus Session
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Sponsoring Units: GMAG Chair: Eric Montoya, University of California, Irvine Room: 709/711 |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:00AM - 8:36AM |
W42.00001: Strong voltage-induced tunability of threshold current and frequency in spin Hall nano-oscillators Invited Speaker: Himanshu Fulara Spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) utilize pure spin currents to excite auto-oscillations at microwave frequencies in nanoscopic regions of magnetic thin films1-3. Thanks to their wide frequency tunability1,2, their robust mutual synchronization in chains as well as in 2D arrays1,3, and their CMOS compatibility2, SHNOs have recently emerged as a promising spintronic device for neuromorphic computing3. While the SHNO frequency can be tuned with both current and external field, the lack of fine individual SHNO control in synchronized networks limits cognitive tasks in oscillator-based computing. It would be highly advantageous if an energy efficient route such as electrostatic gating can independently tune the SHNO characteristics in a synchronized network to perform more complex neuromorphic tasks3,4. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:36AM - 8:48AM |
W42.00002: Large spin Hall effect in room-temperature sputtered W3Ta thin films grown on SiO2 and Al2O3 Mohsin Zamir Minhas, Bharat Grover, Ilya Kostanovskiy, Stuart Parkin, Mazhar Nawaz Ali The spin Hall effect (SHE), in non-magnetic (NM) metals with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has received much attention due to potential technological applications like magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) and spin-logic devices. Large spin Hall angles (SHA, the ratio of Js/Jc) have been observed in materials like Pt and the metastable phase, β-W (a.k.a. W3W in the A15-structure). Recently, W3Ta (and other A15 compounds) was theoretically predicted to host an even larger intrinsic SHE than β-W, originating from the large spin Berry curvature of its electronic band structure. Here we report the SHE of W4-xTax films including W3Ta, deposited by DC magnetron co-sputtering on SiO2 and Al2O3 substrates. Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) and optically detected ferromagnetic resonance (ODFMR) techniques were used to measure the SHA of various W4-xTax compositions and thicknesses with CoFeB as the magnetic layer. We find that W3Ta in the A15 structure could be stabilized on both types of substrates at room temperature and hosts a large SHA in W3Ta similar to theoretical predictions opening the door to facile device fabrication of Pt-free spintronic devices. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 8:48AM - 9:00AM |
W42.00003: Critical spin fluctuation mechanism for the spin Hall effect Satoshi Okamoto, Takeshi Egami, Naoto Nagaosa We propose mechanisms for the spin Hall effect in metallic systems arising from the coupling between conduction electrons and local magnetic moments that are dynamically fluctuating. We consider a microscopic model proposed by Kondo [1] for the coupling between electrons and local moments and describe the fluctuation of local moments using the self-consistent renormalization method by Moriya [2]. Both a side-jump-type mechanism and a skew-scattering-type mechanism naturally arise and give rise to a nontrivial temperature dependence in the spin Hall conductivity. This leads to the enhancement in the spin Hall conductivity at non-zero temperatures near the ferromagnetic instability [3]. The proposed mechanisms could be observed in 4d or 5d metallic compounds. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:00AM - 9:12AM |
W42.00004: Quantiative X-ray Imaging of Spin Accumulation due to the Spin Hall Effect in NixCu1-x Nanowires Mark Keller, Monika Arora, Justin Shaw, Thomas Silva, Bastien Dassonneville, Joachim Graefe, Markus Weigand We recently reported a spin Hall ratio θSH = 1.05 ± 0.18 in Ni60Cu40, an alloy that is nonmagnetic at room temperature, based on FMR measurements of unpatterned Ni80Fe20 films deposited in a bilayer with the alloy [1]. Like previous studies of spin Hall effect (SHE) in heavy metals such as Pt and W, this work inferred spin accumulation indirectly, in this case from its effect on the FMR resonance. An alloy containing Ni enables scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) to directly image spin accumulation using circularly polarized x-rays tuned to the Ni L3 absorption edge. Importantly, this technique can quantify the spin accumulation without resorting to a theoretical model of spin transport. In wires of Ni60Cu35Al5 with a cross section ≈ 80 nm x 30 nm and driven at a current density ≈ 5 x 1011 A/m2, fabricated on Si3N4 membranes, we observed spin polarization along each wire edge in normal-incidence STXM images. The amount of spin accumulation is consistent with θSH ≈ 1 and it obeys three symmetries expected for SHE measured via STXM: 1) opposite sign on opposite edges of the wire, 2) opposite sign with reversal of the driving current, and 3) opposite sign with opposite x-ray helicity. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:12AM - 9:24AM |
W42.00005: Mutually synchronized 2D spin Hall nano-oscillator arrays with quality factors up to 170,000 Johan Akerman, Mohammad Zahedinejad, Ahmad Awad, Shreyas Muralidhar, Roman Khymyn, Himanshu Fulara, Hamid Mazraati, Mykola Dvornik Nano-constriction based Spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) have emerged as an attractive alternative to spin torque nano-oscillators [1,2], as their auto-oscillating mode exhibits substantial spatial expansion in out-of-plane fields [3], propagating spin waves can be generated [4], and long chains of nano-constrictions can be mutually synchronized [5]. Here we demonstrate that it is also possible to synchronize nano-constriction SHNOs in two dimensions. We fabricate 2D square SHNO arrays ranging from 2 x 2 to 10 x 10 constrictions and study their microwave signal properties in out-of-plane fields using both electrical measurements and Brillouin Light Scattering microscopy. We observe robust mutual synchronization in up to 8 x 8 arrays and find that their quality factor, Q = f/Δf, increases in direct proportion to the number of mutually synchronized constrictions, with the largest arrays showing Q = 170,000. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:24AM - 9:36AM |
W42.00006: Magnetization-Independent Spin Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Metals Joseph Mittelstaedt, Robert Buhrman, Daniel Ralph The anomalous spin Hall effect, which creates charge-to-spin conversion in metallic ferromagnets, offers an exciting opportunity to generate spin currents for which the spin direction is controllable. Here we report spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements of current-induced torques in ferromagnet-spacer-ferromagnet trilayers with NiFe, Co and CoFeB as our magnetic layers, allowing us to clearly separate signals from the different ferromagnetic layers. We observe signals with the symmetry of a magnetization-independent spin Hall effect with spin-to-charge efficiencies as large as 10% in NiFe, which is comparable to heavy metal-ferromagnet bilayers investigated previously. This research illustrates some of the competing effects which must be considered when investigating spin-to-charge conversion in ferromagnets, and also confirms that the spin current polarization and local magnetic moment in a ferromagnet do not need to be aligned. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:36AM - 9:48AM |
W42.00007: Maximizing the spin Hall ratio of Pt: Trade-off between intrinsic spin Hall conductivity and carrier lifetime Lijun Zhu, Lujun Zhu, Shengjie Shi, Manling Sui, Daniel Ralph, Robert Buhrman Spin Hall metals with high spin-torque efficiencies and relatively low resistivities are key for developing practical spin-orbit torque technologies (e.g. memories, oscillators, and logic). Pt-based spin Hall metals are the most attractive for such applications due to their relatively low resistivity, giant intrinsic spin Hall conductivity, easy growth, and ability to be readily integrated into experimental and/or manufacturing processes. This talk will report on an unambiguous determination of the intrinsic nature of spin Hall effect in Pt [1] and how the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity and spin Hall ratio of Pt varies with carrier lifetime, strain, and interruption of crystal order [2,3]. Based on this physical understanding, we have developed several low-resistivity spin Hall metals for spin-orbit torque technologies whose power consumption is estimated to be only 1% of that of the topological insulator BixSe1-x [4] based devices. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 9:48AM - 10:00AM |
W42.00008: Spin pumping and non-uniform magnetic excitation in spin-torque FMR studies of the spin Hall effect Ryan Tapping, Yongxi Ou, Luis Henrique Vilela-Leão, Lijun Zhu, Daniel C. Ralph, Robert Buhrman Early on, spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) was used to establish an initially surprisingly strong spin Hall effect (SHE) in certain heavy metals (HM), and has since been widely deployed in the study of spin-orbit torques in HM/FM bilayers. However, there are questions as to whether ST-FMR always provides accurate, quantitative measures of the dampinglike spin-torque efficiency ξDL, principally because of the unsettled role of spin-pumping and the inverse SHE in ST-FMR, but also because of the assumption that only the uniform mode is excited. Here we report on an extensive ST-FMR study of Pt/FM and β-W/FM bilayers and HM/spacer/FM trilayers chosen such that the spin pumping effect is both strong and variable. We show that spin pumping, when significant, subtracts from the antidamping torque signal, resulting in ξFMR<ξDL. In conjunction with the spin pumping model, the FMR studies also clearly indicate that there can be significant coupling of the incident spin current to non-uniform modes in the FM layer, which also contributes to a lower apparent ξDL. These results explain why ST-FMR often underestimates ξDL in comparison to quasi-static second harmonic results, the latter of which are generally confirmed by ST switching of MTJs. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:00AM - 10:12AM |
W42.00009: Electrical Measurement of Thermally Driven Spin Hall Voltage in Platinum with Permalloy contacts Seondo Park, Yun Daniel Park A group of effects coupling spin current with heat has drawn considerable attention due to their large potential for applications in spincaloritronics[1]. Recently, a new member of the family which converts thermal gradient into pure spin current in nonmagnetic conductors, named the spin Nernst effect, was observed. Here, we report a surprisingly large magnetic-field dependent voltage (<800 nV) across two permalloy contacts on a platinum channel patterned into a cross shape, while in the orthogonal channel, electrical current is utilized to create local thermal gradient by Joule heating. From finite element analysis as well as local electrical transport thermometry measurements, we estimate thermal gradients to be 1.5 K/micron near the permalloy contacts at electrical current of 10 mA. We will further discuss the origins of the large observed voltage by presenting several experimental results which we strongly feel rules out any unintended electrical effects such as spin Hall effect. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:12AM - 10:24AM |
W42.00010: Anomalous Spin Hall Effect in Iron Rhodium for Driving Spin Torque Oscillators Jonathan Gibbons, Takaaki Dohi, Hilal Saglam, john pearson, Shunsuke Fukami, Axel Hoffmann Ferromagnetic materials can generate spin currents with controllable spin polarization via the anomalous spin Hall effect, a property potentially useful for driving spin torque oscillators (STOs), which have recently found applications for performing neurotrophic tasks. Iron rhodium (FeRh) exhibits a transition between a low-temperature antiferromagnetic (AFM) state and a high-temperature ferromagnetic (FM) state. For appropriate growth parameters, this transition can be found close to 300K, such that both the FM and AFM states are stable at room temperature, making it an ideal material to compare the effectiveness of FM and AFM spin sources for STOs. The transition also provides a high level of versatility for device design. We present measurements of the spin torque efficiency in iron rhodium as the temperature is varied to drive the FeRh through its magnetic transition. We compare FeRh's efficiency for driving STOs in the stable AFM and FM states at the same temperature, and compare the effectiveness of FeRh as a spin source with ordinary spin Hall materials. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:24AM - 10:36AM |
W42.00011: Very high spin Hall conductivities and spin Hall ratios in epitaxial Iridium di-oxide films ARNAB BOSE, Jocienne Nelson, Xiyue Zhang, Raksit Jain, Shengjie Shi, Darrell Schlom, Daniel C. Ralph, David Muller, Kyle M Shen, Robert Buhrman New metallic materials with exceptionally high spin Hall conductivities and accompanying high spin Hall ratios are desirable both to produce more efficient systems for spin-orbit torque applications and to further test the fundamental understanding of intrinsic spin-orbit interactions. A particularly interesting candidate for such research is the metallic rutile oxide Iridium di-oxide which angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies have shown exhibits Dirac nodal lines in the band structure, a feature that could enable a very high . Here we report spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance studies of the damping-like and field-like torques exerted on an adjacent ferromagnetic layer as the result of current flowing in epitaxial (110) and (001) IrO2 films. The (110) films exhibit a damping-like torque efficiency ≈ 0.18 at 293 K, which sets a lower bound for the spin Hall conductivity . The higher resistivity (~ 300 µΩ-cm) (001) films exhibit even stronger spin-orbit torques, with ranging from ~0.45 at 293K to 0.8 at 30 K as decreases, behavior indicative of the dirty metal regime. The very high value for (001) IrO2, ≥ , is both a challenge for current theoretical understanding and an exciting prospect for more efficient SOT applications. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:36AM - 10:48AM |
W42.00012: Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect in Inhomogeneous Systems Takumi Funato, Hiroshi Kohno Interconversion between spin and charge signals is one of the most important processes in spintronics. This is done most commonly by the direct and inverse spin Hall effects (SHE). Recently, An et al. observed an enhanced charge-to-spin conversion, comparable to heavy metals, in naturally oxidized Cu (nox-Cu) [1]. Okano et al. reported a non-reciprocal charge-spin interconversion in nox-Cu [2]. The so-called spin-vorticity coupling (SVC) was suggested as the origin of these results. |
Friday, March 6, 2020 10:48AM - 11:00AM |
W42.00013: Large Spin Hall and Edelstein effects in Weyl semimetal WTe2 up to Room Temperature Bing Zhao, Dmitrii Khokhiriakov, Bogdan Karpiak, Md Anamul Hoque, Saroj Dash The discovery of topological semimetals has revealed the opportunities to realize several extraordinary physical phenomena in condensed matter physics. Here, we report current-induced spin polarization, i.e. the spin Hall effect [1] and the Edelstein effect [2] and its inverse phenomenon in type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2 up to room temperature. In addition, to spin Hall and Rashba-Edelstein effects, our measurements also show an out-of-plane electrical field-induced spin polarization in WTe2 due to spin momentum locking of the spin-polarized bulk Fermi states [2]. These findings open opportunities for spin-orbit based spintronic technologies and possibilities for the realization of new states of topological matter with novel spin textures. |
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