W31.00001: Hydrodynamic coupling to the electrical response of fluid suspensions of non-Brownian conducting particles
Matthew Snell, Jeffrey Richards
W31.00002: Rheological analysis of hydrocolloidal Basil seed mucilage in the context of seed physiology
Bhuvsmita Bhargava, Jacob John, Susy Varughese
W31.00003: Rheology of glassy and jammed emulsions
Cong Cao, jianshan liao, victor breedveld, Eric Weeks
W31.00004: Athermal Shear-Driven Flow of Mixtures of Frictionless Rods and Disks in Two Dimensions
Stephen Teitel, Theodore A Marschall
W31.00005: Brownian motion in near-surface pressure driven flows with 3D-nanometric spatial resolution
Alexandre Vilquin, Pierre Soulard, Vincent Bertin, Gabriel Guyard, David Lacoste, Elie Raphael, Frederic Restagno, Thomas Salez, Joshua McGraw
W31.00006: Effect of Roughness and Elasticity on Interactions between Charged Colloidal Spheres
Joseph Monti, Patricia M McGuiggan, Mark Robbins
W31.00007: Near-surface dynamics of semidilute polymer solutions: diffusion, nonlinear rheology, and the hydrodynamic boundary condition
Gabriel Guyard, Joshua McGraw, Alexandre Vilquin, Frederic Restagno
W31.00008: Emergence of surface roughness from plastic deformation of amorphous materials
Richard Leute, Till Junge, Lars Pastewka
W31.00009: Determining the Structural Characteristics of Deforming Objects from Their Scattering Signature
GUAN-RONG HUANG, Yangyang Wang, Yuya Shinohara, Changwoo Do, Takeshi Egami, Wei-Ren Chen
W31.00010: Maximum strain energy density drives path selection in dynamic cracks
Lital Rozen-Levy, John Kolinski, Gil Cohen, Jay Fineberg
W31.00011: A scaling law to determine cracking lengths in shrinkable granular packings
Han-Jae Jeremy Cho, Sujit Datta
W31.00012: The Prince’s Dilemma: How Local Heterogeneities Affect the Onset of Frictional Slip
Mary Agajanian, Sam Dillavou, Vincent Stin, Amir Sagy, Emily Brodsky, Shmuel Rubinstein
W31.00013: Role of Mesoscopic Friction and Morphology in Large Deformation of Carbon Nanotube Network: a Distinct Element Method Study
Yuezhou Wang, Grigorii Drozdov, Traian Dumitrica
W31.00014: Tracking Tabletop Earthquake Nucleation
Sam Dillavou, Vincent Stin, Mary Agajanian, Amir Sagy, Emily Brodsky, Shmuel Rubinstein