U62.00001: Chasing signs of the Kelvin-wave cascade on a single vortex using nanoscale mechanical resonators
Samuli Autti, Andrew Guthrie, Richard Haley, Sergey Kafanov, Mark Noble, Yuri Pashkin, George Pickett, Viktor Tsepelin, Dmitry Zmeev
U62.00002: Suppression of triplet superfluidity near magnetically-active surfaces
Anton Vorontsov
U62.00003: Emergence of a New Superfluid Phase in Quasi-2D 3He
Alexander Shook, Vaisakh Vadakkumbatt, Pramodh V Senarath Yapa Arachchige, Callum Doolin, Rufus Boyack, Paul Y Kim, Greg Popowich, Fabien Souris, Holly Christani, Joseph Maciejko, John Davis
U62.00004: Memory Effect and the Metastability of the A to B Transition in Superfluid 3He.
Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, T.S. Abhilash, John Wilson, Michael Terilli, Aldo Chavez, Eric Smith, Erich Mueller, Jeevak Parpia
U62.00005: Mott Insulator to Superfluid Quantum Phase Transition for Helium on Strained Graphene
Jiangyong Yu, Nathan Nichols, Taras I. Lakoba, Valeri Kotov, Adrian Del Maestro
U62.00006: Modelling a Neutron Star in Superfluid Helium
Rena Zieve, Robert P Prater
U62.00007: Few-body precursor of the Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas - from theory to experiments.
Johannes Bjerlin
U62.00008: A doping-dependent switch from one- to two-component electron-hole superfluidity with high transition temperatures in coupled TMD monolayers.
Sara Conti, Andrea Perali, David Neilson, Francois M Peeters
U62.00009: Anomalous phase fluctuations of a superfluid flowing in a random potential
Taiki Haga, Masahito Ueda
U62.00010: Disordered Creutz lattice: The role of flat bands in superfluid behavior
Chen Cheng, George Batrouni, Rubem Mondaini
U62.00011: The Dynamical Structure Factor of a Fermionic Super-solid on an Optical Lattice
Patrick Kelly, Ettore Vitali, Annette Lopez, Davide Galli, Gianluca Bertaina
U62.00012: Density-wave steady-state phase of dissipative ultracold fermions with nearest-neighbor interactions
Irakli Titvinidze, Jaromir Panas, Michael Pasek, Arya Dhar, Tao Qin, Andreas Geissler, Mohsen Hafez-Torbati, Max E. Sorantin, Walter Hofstetter
U62.00013: Squeezed Photons Reconsidered
Samuel Bowen, Jay D. Mancini
U62.00014: Anomalous hydrodynamics in condensed matter systems
Alexandre Abanov
U62.00015: Collective modes for a Fermi Liquid under Harmonic Trap
Yuelin Shao, Xi Dai