APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session U31: Emergent Collective Dynamics in Biology: from Microbes to Organs II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DSOFT DBIO GSNP
Chair: Sujit Datta, Princeton University
Room: 503
U31.00001: Collective behavior of platelets in blood clotting
Yueyi Sun, David Myers, Wilbur Lam, Alexander Alexeev
U31.00002: Living oil-water interfaces: Buckling of droplets by cell growth at finite liquid interfaces
Gabriel Juarez
U31.00003: A trace amount of surfactants enable diffusiophoretic swimming of bacteria
Viet Sang Doan, Prakit Saingam, Tao Yan, Sangwoo Shin
U31.00004: Bridging Scales to Model Emergent Collective Oscillations in Social Amoeba
Chuqiao Huyan, Alexander Golden, Xinwen Zhu, Pankaj Mehta, Allyson Sgro
U31.00005: Pattern engineering of living bacterial colonies using meniscus-driven fluidic channels
Vasily Kantsler, Elena Ontañón-McDonald, Cansu Kuey, Manjari J Ghanshyam, Maria Chiara Roffin, Munehiro Asally
U31.00006: Control of patterning in human pluripotent stem cell colonies via a Turing system with reactive boundaries
Benjamin McMaster, Himanshu Kaul, Daniel Aguilar-Hidalgo, Peter Zandstra
U31.00007: Cellular integration of physical and biochemical damage signals in the generation of tissue-level wound responses
Aaron Stevens, Kazi Tasneem, James OConnor, Shane Hutson, Andrea Page-McCaw
U31.00008: Dorsal closure in numbers: quantification of epithelial cell oscillations using machine learning
Daniel Haertter, Dante Rhodes, Janice Crawford, Daniel P Kiehart, Christoph F. Schmidt
U31.00009: Signatures of tissue surface tension in 3D models with two tissue types
Preeti Sahu, J M Schwarz, M. Lisa Manning
U31.00010: Defect Driven Morphogenesis: Active Cell Division Generates Four-Fold Order
Dillon Cislo, Haodong Qin, Mark J Bowick, Sebastian Streichan
U31.00011: Quantifying mechanics in non-confluent tissues using an extended vertex model
Elizabeth Lawson-Keister, Amanda Parker, Jennifer Schwarz, M. Lisa Manning
U31.00012: The branched architecture of the airway is physically shaped by the extracellular matrix and contractile airway smooth muscle during lung development
Invited Speaker:
James Spurlin