APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session S29: Active Matter and Liquid Crystals in Biological Systems III
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Chair: Katherine Copenhagen, Princeton University
Room: 501
S29.00001: Active folding and coiling in vivo
Noah Mitchell, Dillon Cislo, Suraj Shankar, Zvonimir Dogic, Boris I Shraiman, Sebastian Streichan
S29.00002: Dynamical self-consistent field-theory for active nematic liquid crystals: Nematic order and spatio-temporal structure in surface colonies of rod-like bacteria
Drake Lee, Robert Wickham
S29.00003: Growth and dynamics of active nematic droplets of Myxococcus xanthus bacteria
Cassidy Yang, Joshua Shaevitz
S29.00004: Solid-liquid transitions of deformable active particles
Benjamin Loewe, Michael Chiang, Davide Marenduzzo, M Cristina Marchetti
S29.00005: Uncovering the dynamic precursors to motor-driven contraction of active gels
Invited Speaker:
José Alvarado
S29.00006: Microscopic simulations of a 3D active nematic composed of semiflexible polymers
Matthew Peterson, Michael Hagan, Aparna Baskaran
S29.00007: The structure and dynamics of microtubule bundles mediated by motor proteins
Bezia Lemma, Linnea Lemma, Sebastian Fuerthauer, Michael John Shelley, Zvonimir Dogic, Daniel Needleman
S29.00008: Microscopic to mesoscopic: what can modular molecular motors teach us about the nature of active stress?
Steven Redford, Paul Ruijgrok, Jonathan Colen, Sasha Zemsky, Vincenzo Vitelli, Zev Bryant, Aaron Dinner, Margaret Gardel
S29.00009: 2D Patterns of Active Stress ascribe 3D Deformations of Driven Actomyosin Networks
Vikrant Yadav, Taeyoon Kim, Enrique De La Cruz, Michael Murrell
S29.00010: Confinement effects on the phase behavior of collagen-like semiflexible polymers
Russell Spencer, Bae-Yeun Ha
S29.00011: Shape study of Spindle-like microtubule tactoids using experiment and computation
Sumon Sahu, Lena Herbst, Ryan Quinn, Jennifer L Ross
S29.00012: Shear-induced gelation of self-yielding active networks
David Gagnon, Claudia Dessi, Zvonimir Dogic, Daniel Blair