APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session R26: Physics of Genome Organization: From DNA to Chromatin: I
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DBIO DPOLY GSNP
Chair: Alexandre Morozov, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Room: 403
R26.00001: Strategies transcription factors use to gain access to nucleosomal DNA
Invited Speaker:
Michael Poirier
R26.00002: Theory and modeling of active nucleosome repositioning
Zhongling Jiang, Bin Zhang
R26.00003: Centromeres and Telomeres as Rheological Probes of the Human Nucleus
Alexis Clavijo, Steven Ionov, Alexandra Zidovska
R26.00004: Knot dynamics of a DNA strand pushed inside a nanochannel
Jan Rothörl, Peter Virnau, Aniket Bhattacharya
R26.00005: Error-speed correlations in biopolymer synthesis
Simone Pigolotti, Davide Chiuchiu, Yuhai Tu
R26.00006: Noninvasive Measurement of Interphase Chromatin Rheology In Vivo
Iraj Eshghi, Jonah Eaton, Alexandra Zidovska
R26.00007: A Mechanochemical Model of Transcriptional Bursting
Alena Klindziuk, Billie Meadowcroft, Anatoly Boris Kolomeisky
R26.00008: Field theoretic methods applied to epigenetic models
Amogh Sood, Bin Zhang
R26.00009: Pulling a DNA through a Double-Nanopore system: A Brownian Dynamics Study
Peter Smucz, Swarnadeep Seth, Aniket Bhattacharya
R26.00010: Loop extrusion in chromatin: A question of time!
Ajoy Maji, Ranjith Padinhateeri, Mithun Kumar Mitra
R26.00011: Structural and Dynamical Signatures of Local DNA Damage in Live Cells
Jonah Eaton, Alexandra Zidovska
R26.00012: Extracting the degree of order in the bacterial chromosome using statistical physics
Joris Messelink, Jacqueline Janssen, Muriel van Teeseling, Martin Thanbichler, Chase Broedersz
R26.00013: Direct Quantification of Gene Regulation by Transcription-Factor Binding at an Endogenous Gene Locus
Jingyao Wang, Yijing Dong, Huihan Bao, Xintao Yao, Anna Marie Sokac, Ido Golding, Heng Xu