Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session R17: Focus Session on Modular, Distributed Quantum Computing: Protocols and Architecture Design
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Room: 203
Chair: Martin Suchara, Argonne Natl Lab
Abstract: R17.00013 : Entanglement of a pair of quantum emitters under continuous fluorescence measurements*
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Philippe Lewalle
(University of Rochester)
Philippe Lewalle
(University of Rochester)
Cyril Elouard
(University of Rochester)
Sreenath Kizhakkumpurath Manikandan
(University of Rochester)
Xiao-Feng Qian
(Stevens Institute of Technology)
J H Eberly
(University of Rochester)
Andrew N Jordan
(University of Rochester)
We examine the state and entanglement dynamics of two remote qubits, under continuous measurements of their spontaneous emission. Erasing information about which qubit emitted a particular contribution to the joint measurement signal is possible with both photodetection, and well-chosen quadrature measurements; in either case, measurements then effectively perform an entanglement swapping operation, taking entanglement created between each qubit and its emitted field mode, and generating correlations between the two remote qubits instead. We compare the quantum jump trajectories from photodetection with the diffusive quantum trajectories, which arise from quadrature measurements, demonstrating that they have equivalent average entanglement yield under ideal conditions. Outlook and next steps will be discussed.
*PL, CE, SKM, and ANJ acknowledge funding from NSF grant no. DMR-1809343, and US Army Research Office grant no. W911NF-18-10178. PL acknowledges support from the US Department of Education grant No. GR506598 as a GAANN fellow. XFQ and JHE acknowledge support from NSF grants PHY-1505189 and PHY-1539859.
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