APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session P34: Characterization of Non-Equilibrium or Exotic Structures of Polymers
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DPOLY DSOFT
Chair: Douglas Tree, Brigham Young Univ - Provo
Room: 506
P34.00001: Non-equilibrium laser annealing derived mesostructured silicon templated in mesoporous thin film network structures from block copolymer self-assembly
Fei Yu, Qi Zhang, Ulrich Wiesner
P34.00002: Probing Block-Copolymer Self-Assembly Kinetics with In-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Connor Bilchak, Guillermo Contreas, Shivajee Govind, Shawn Maguire, Russell Composto, Zahra Fakhraai
P34.00003: A fluorescence-based method for determining order-disorder transition temperatures in block copolymers
Muzhou Wang, Zhe Qiang, Lingqiao Li, John Torkelson
P34.00004: Evolution of disordered hyperuniformity in block copolymers thin films by homopolymer dilution
Uri Gabinet, Changyeon Lee, Chinedum Osuji
P34.00005: Fluctuation/Correlation Effects in Symmetric Diblock Copolymers: On the Disordered Phase
Yan Wang, Jing Zong, Delian Yang, Qiang Wang
P34.00006: Multiscale Modeling of Multicompartment Micelle Consisting of Block Copolymers
Mackenzie Mallard, Seung Min Lee, Seung Soon Jang
P34.00007: Direct Observation of Block Copolymer Micelle Fragmentation in Ionic Liquids
Julia T Early, Kevin Yager, Timothy Lodge
P34.00008: The Effects of the Size of Crystal Domains to the Polymorphism of Close-Packed Micelles
Sangwoo Lee, Liwen Chen, Han Seung Lee, Mikhail Zhernenkov
P34.00009: Quasiperiodic Ordering of Minimally Hydrated Ionic Surfactant Micelles
Ashish Jayaraman, Carlos Baez-Cotto, Tyler J Mann, Mahesh Mahanthappa
P34.00010: Processing Path-Dependent Complex Micelle Packings of Hydrated Diblock Polymer Amphiphiles
Invited Speaker:
Mahesh Mahanthappa
P34.00011: Expanding spherical regions of block copolymers via designed chain architectures
Yicheng Qiang, Wei-hua Li
P34.00012: Exotic Phase Behaviors of Purposely Designed Dendron-Like Block Copolymers
Yicheng Qiang, Wei-hua Li
P34.00013: Abstract Withdrawn