APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session P33: Hierarchical Structural Emergence in Elastomer Nanocomposites: Dispersion, Dynamics, Structure, Modeling, and Simulation II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DPOLY DSOFT
Chair: Greg Beaucage, Univ of Cincinnati
Room: 505
P33.00002: Quantification of dispersion for weakly and strongly correlated fillers in polymer nanocomposites
Alex M McGlasson, Kabir Rishi, Greg Beaucage, Michael Chauby, Vikram Kuppa
P33.00003: Recent Study of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer Suanni on Elastomer Nanocomposites
Yue Shui, Lizhao Huang, Tingting Wang, Guangai Sun, Jian Gong, Jie Chen, Dong Liu
P33.00005: Effect of Initial Dispersion State on the Structure and Property of Polymer Nanocomposites
Ga Young Kim, So Youn Y Kim
P33.00006: Thermodynamic model for dispersion in nanocomposites.
Greg Beaucage, Karsten Vogtt, Kabir Rishi, Hanqiu Jiang, Andrew Mulderig
P33.00007: Scattering Studies on Hierarchically Self-Organized Filler Particles in Polymers
Invited Speaker:
Mikihito Takenaka
P33.00008: First principles Study of Interaction of Polymer Molecules with Flat Carbon Nanotubes
Geeta Sachdeva, Ravindra Pandey, Gregory M. Odegard
P33.00009: Multiscale Modeling of Fracture in Epoxy/CNT Nanocomposites
Hayden Hollenbeck, Chengyuan Wen, Ralph Romero, Tabassum Ahmed, Neslihan Genckal, Nishant Shirodkar, Gary Seidel, Shengfeng Cheng
P33.00010: Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Off-Stoichiometric Epoxy Resins
Chang Woon Jang, John Lawson
P33.00011: Deformation of Epoxy Nano-Composites
Suresh Ahuja
P33.00012: Effect of interface modifiers on the cure, mechanical and viscoelastic properties of hierarchical carbon nanotube composites.
Ajay Krishnamurthy, Ran Tao, Qi An, Aaron M Forster
P33.00013: Adhesion Strength of Block Copolymer Modified Epoxy Adhesives
Vincent Pang, Zachary John Thompson, Guy D. Joly, Frank S Bates, Lorraine F. Francis