Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session M47: Dynamics of Skyrmions and Chiral Magnetic TexturesFocus Session
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Sponsoring Units: GMAG DMP Chair: Sonny H. Rhim, Univ of Ulsan Room: 710/712 |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:15AM - 11:27AM |
M47.00001: Domain wall dynamics in metallic and insulating ferrimagnets Lucas Caretta, Ethan Rosenberg, Takian Fakhrul, Se-Hyeok Oh, Dong-Kyu Lee, Felix Buettner, Pierluigi Gargiani, Manuel Valvidares, Se Kwon Kim, Caroline Ross, Kyung-Jin Lee, Geoffrey Beach In ferromagnet systems, engineered interfaces can give rise to the chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in otherwise symmetric systems1. Research has primarily focused on the study of chiral solitons in metallic systems, where heavy metal underlayers provide a large spin-orbit torque and an interfacial DMI. This resulted in extensive research of chiral solitons in ferromagnetic systems1,2. However, damping in metals is generally high, which limits soliton mobility. The low damping and ferrimagnetic dynamics of insulating garnets make them ripe candidates for ultrafast spin textures. Moreover, spin-orbit effects and spin-transport phenomenon from adjacent heavy metal layers have been used to manipulate the magnetisation in these materials3. Here, we use a pure spin current from an adjacent Pt overlayer to characterise chiral domain wall motion and DMI in epitaxial iron garnet films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We use the significant interfacial DMI and a large spin-orbit torque to drive chiral domain walls to record velocities of a few thousand meters per second. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:27AM - 11:39AM |
M47.00002: Universal high-speed dynamics of distorted bubble skyrmions in an uncompensated amorphous ferrimagnet Kai Litzius, Felix Buettner, Angela Wittmann, Wei Zhou, Chung T Ma, Joachim Graefe, Nick-André Traeger, Simone Finizio, Daniel Suzuki, Siying Huang, Lucas Caretta, Mantau Huang, Yassine Quessab, Hans Nembach, Grant A Riley, Justin Shaw, Andrew Kent, Gisela Schuetz, Joseph Poon, Geoffrey Beach Magnetic skyrmions are topologically stabilized spin configurations that, like domain walls (DWs), can react to external stimuli by collective displacement, which is both physically intriguing and bears promises to realize next generation non-volatile data storage technologies. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:39AM - 11:51AM |
M47.00003: Chiral Edge Currents for ac Driven Skyrmions in Confined Pinning Geometries Charles Reichhardt, Cynthia Reichhardt We show that ac driven skyrmion lattices in a weak pinning channel confined by regions of strong pinning exhibit edge transport carried by skipping orbits while skyrmions in the bulk of the channel undergo localized orbits with no net transport. The magnitude of the edge currents can be controlled by varying the amplitude and frequency of the ac drive or by changing the ratio of the Magnus force to the damping term. We identify a localized phase in which the orbits are small and edge transport is absent, an edge transport regime, and a fluctuating regime that appears when the ac drive is strong enough to dynamically disorder the skyrmion lattice. In some cases, multiple rows of skyrmions participate in the transport due to a drag effect from the skyrmion-skyrmion interactions. The edge currents are robust for finite disorder and should be a general feature of skyrmions interacting with confined geometries or inhomogeneous disorder under an ac drive. Similar effects can occur for skyrmion lattices at interfaces or along domain boundaries for multiple coexisting skyrmion species. The edge current effect provides a new method to control skyrmion motion that has similarities to the emergence of edge currents in chiral active matter systems and gyroscopic metamaterials. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 11:51AM - 12:03PM |
M47.00004: Antiferromagnet-based Neuromorphics using dynamics of topological charges Shu Zhang, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak Compared with conventional computers, the human brain is extremely energy efficient and can perform complicated cognitive tasks. Spintronics-based hardware implementations of neuromorphic computing has several advantages, such as low energy dissipation, consistent material platform, and nonvolatile memory. In this work, we propose a new candidate for neuromorphic hardware based on the dynamics of topological charges in an antiferromagnet. The two basic elements—neuron and synapse—are realized and we demonstrate their functionalities that are crucial to form a spiking neural network. A single magnetic domain exhibits binary switch and performs leaky integrate-and-fire as a neuron. A synapse with spike-timing-dependent plasticity is realized by a one-dimensional interacting gas of domain walls, where the synaptic weight is simply the degree of saturation of domain walls. Due to the full compatibility of our artificial neurons and synapses, Hebbian learning can be achieved by simple action rules in the connected system. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 12:03PM - 12:15PM |
M47.00005: Three-dimensional current-induced magnetic hopfion dynamics Jiadong Zang, Yizhou Liu Magnetic hopfions are three-dimensional (3D) topological spin textures characterized by the Hopf invariant. As manifesting by their 3D real-space topologies, magnetic hopfions may exhibit interesting dynamics. Here, we study the current-induced dynamics of a magnetic hopfion in 3D space. The current mainly drives a translational hopfion motion. Depending on the applied current direction, hopfion also shows different moving patterns. We then analyze the equation of motion and find these current-induced dynamics further reflect the 3D nature of hopfion. Such 3D hopfion dynamics may shed light on the study of novel 3D topological spin textures and provides a new pathway to the development of 3D spintronics. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 12:15PM - 12:51PM |
M47.00006: Skyrmions Diffusion enabling stochastic computing Invited Speaker: Mathias Klaeui Skyrmions have been suggested for a variety of applications including memory but in particular also non-conventional computing such as probabilistic computing [1]. A key problem for probabilistic computing is that cascading gates propagate undesired correlations. Therefore one needs to reshuffle the signals to keep them uncorrelated. While for many non-conventional computing approaches non-magnetic implementations are most promising, for building a “reshuffler”, skyrmions might be ideally suited due to the low footprint and low power compared to e.g. CMOS implementations [1]. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 12:51PM - 1:03PM |
M47.00007: Skyrmion Pinball and Topological Sorting Nicolas Vizarim, Charles Reichhardt, Cynthia Reichhardt, Pablo A. Venegas In this work we simulate the dynamic behavior of skyrmions under the influence of a square lattice of obstacles [1,2]. First, we consider a single skyrmion while varying the size and strength of the obstacles. We find that as the obstacle size is changed, several dynamic phases may appear or vanish. For smaller obstacles, the system exhibits fewer dynamic phases because as the obstacle size is reduced. On the other hand, if the obstacle size is too large, the system may also exhibit fewer dynamic phases due to the reduction in the size of the gaps between the obstacles, which confines the skyrmion motion. Thus, the highest number of dynamic phases appears for intermediate obstacle sizes. Motivated by these results, we consider the behavior of skyrmions of different species [3] under the influence of the square obstacle array. Our preliminary results indicate that is possible to separate the species according to their different skyrmion Hall angles when a driving current is applied. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 1:03PM - 1:15PM |
M47.00008: Quantum Depinning of a Magnetic Skyrmion Christina Psaroudaki, Daniel Loss We investigate the quantum depinning of a weakly driven skyrmion out of an impurity potential in a mesoscopic magnetic insulator. For small barrier height, the Magnus force dynamics dominates over the inertial one, and the problem is reduced to a massless charged particle in a strong magnetic field. The universal form of the WKB exponent, the rate of tunneling, and the crossover temperature between thermal and quantum tunneling is provided, independently of the detailed form of the pinning potential. The results are discussed in terms of macroscopic parameters of the insulator Cu2OSeO3 and various skyrmion radii. We demonstrate that small enough magnetic skyrmions, with a radius of ∼10 lattice sites, consisting of some thousands of spins, can behave as quantum objects at low temperatures in the mK regime [1]. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 1:15PM - 1:27PM |
M47.00009: Thermal Decay of a Single Néel Skyrmion via Helicity Slip in a Nanodisk Naveen Sisodia, Pranaba Muduli Dynamics of the decay of a single skyrmion confined in a ferromagnetic nanodisk in the presence of stochastic thermal noise are studied using micromagnetic simulations. By analyzing the time-varying oscillations of the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization under the influence of the thermal field, we identified the presence of two skyrmion eigenmodes with frequencies differing by an order of magnitude– a low-frequency mode associated with gyration of skyrmion core, and a high-frequency breathing mode associated with the oscillations of the skyrmion radius. We show that the thermal fluctuations not only affects the topological charge but also the helicity of the skyrmion, changing the helicity to oscillate around ±π/4-a value which is in between that of the Néel skyrmion and a vortex. We also reveal a phenomenon of helicity slip between +π/4 and -π/4 due to the thermal fluctuations. We explain the helicity slip based on an energy barrier that arises due to a combination of thermally induced deformation of skyrmion and the finite size of the disk. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 1:27PM - 1:39PM |
M47.00010: Electron Induced Massive Dynamics of Magnetic Domain Walls Hilary Hurst, Victor Galitski, Tero T Heikkilä We study the effect of conduction electrons on domain walls (DWs) in metallic, ferromagnetic nanowires. Using the Keldysh collective coordinate technique, we show how electrons act as an external bath and derive the Langevin equations of motion for a DW. The DW dynamics is described by two collective degrees of freedom: position and tilt-angle. The coupled Langevin equations therefore involve two correlated noise sources, leading to a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT). The DW response kernel due to electrons contains two parts: one related to dissipation via FDT, and another `inertial' part. We prove that the latter term leads to a mass for both DW degrees of freedom, even though the intrinsic bare mass is zero. The resulting equations of motion contain rich dynamical solutions and point toward a new way to control domain wall motion in metals via the electronic system properties. We discuss experimental consequences including two observable signatures of the mass: hysteresis in the DW dynamics and resonant response to ac current. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 1:39PM - 1:51PM |
M47.00011: Fast, low-power defect-induced polarity switching of a magnetic vortex core Mahdi Mehrnia, Jeremy N Trimble, Olle Heinonen, Jesse Berezovsky The core polarity of a topologically-protected magnetic vortex state is predicted to be extremely stable, and as such is considered as a candidate for non-volatile memory storage. However, here we show that the vortex core (VC) polarity is susceptible to rapid, repeatable switching even under low-amplitude motion. We excite vortices in thin permalloy disks with a magnetic field pulse, and observe the dynamic response using 3D time-resolved Kerr microscopy. In as-fabricated samples, we observe typical gyrations of the VC as it relaxes back to equilibrium. However, we observe a radically altered VC trajectory as prolonged pulsed laser exposure begins to change the VC pinning behavior near the disk center. In this region, the sense of gyration switches multiple times over tens of nanoseconds, indicating highly deterministic switches of the VC polarity that remain clear over >106 averaged repetitions. By translating the VC equilibrium position, we can tune the number of switches to zero, or obtain single deterministic switches using field pulses of less than 0.5 mT amplitude and 3 ns duration. Finally, we show simulation results of VC-defect interaction that shed light on this phenomenon. |
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 1:51PM - 2:03PM |
M47.00012: Energy Storage in Spin System via Vortices Dalton Jones, Ji Zou, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak We formulate an energy-storage concept based on the topological spin textures in magnetic insulators. These textures, such as vortices, are metastable states associated with free energy. Here we propose to store energy in the topological texture of an XY ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic annulus with easy plane anisotropy. Injecting vortices into the system will establish a net winding texture (energy density) within the bulk as vortices pass through the magnetic system. Once we complete the charging process, we can turn off the vortex conductivity and thus the energy associated with the winding texture is stored. |
M47.00013: Current-driving skyrmion motion in inhomogeneous films Xiang Rong Wang, Huaiyang Yuan, Xin Gong In this talk, I will discuss current-driven skyrmion motion in disordered films. There are three phases: pinning phase, disorder-boosted transverse motion, and disordered-suppressed transverse motion. I will focus on the origin of the transverse motion boosting. Random potential landscape generate a force on a skyrmion. The force is perpendicular to the current direction when the skyrmion is pinned. The disorder-induced force is opposite to the skyrmion velocity when it is moving. Under a sufficient high current, disorders below a critical strength can boost the transverse skyrmion motion and hinder the longitudinal motion. The boosting comes mainly from the pinning force that is opposite to the driving force of the current. Skyrmions are pinned under a low current and above the critical disorder strength. Both transverse and longitudinal skyrmion motions are hindered at an intermediate current. The phase diagram will also be discussed. |
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