M46.00001: Topological Quantum Many-Body Scars in Quantum Dimer Models
Alexander Seidel, Julia Wildeboer, Anne E. B. Nielsen, Onur Erten
M46.00002: Novel Quantum Phase Transition of the Shastry-Sutherland Model
Toru Sakai, Hiroki Nakano
M46.00003: Antiferromagnetic-to-ferrimagnetic phase transition in frustrated polar magnet CaBaCo4O7
Tsuyoshi Omi, Yoshito Watanabe, Nobuyuki Abe, Yusuke Tokunaga, Akiko Nakao, Koji Munakata, Hajime Sagayama, Taka-hisa Arima
M46.00004: Sign-switching of dimer correlations in SrCu2(BO3)2 under hydrostatic pressure
Simon Bettler, Lena Stoppel, Zewu Yan, Severian Gvasaliya, Andrey Zheludev
M46.00005: Large spin fluctuation in the magnetization process of S=1/2 frustrated square lattice model
Tsuyoshi Okubo
M46.00006: Quantum Phases Diagram of the Plaquette State of the Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2(BO3)2
Sara Haravifard, Zhenzhong Shi, Sachith Dissanayake, David E Graf, Philippe R. Corboz, Frederic Mila, Daniel Silevitch, Thomas F Rosenbaum, Hanna Dabkowska, Casey Marjerrison
M46.00007: Critical properties of a fractionally frustrated XY model on the square lattice
Tasrief Surungan, Zohar Nussinov
M46.00008: Exact Solution and Correlations of a Quantum Dimer Model on the Checkerboard Lattice
Julia Wildeboer, Zohar Nussinov, Alexander Seidel
M46.00009: Magnetic structure of the stuffed honeycomb antiferromagnet GdInO3
Erxi Feng, Xianghan Xu, Eve Emmanouilidou, Jae Wook Kim, Yan Wu, LEI DING, Alexander Kolesnikov, Ni Ni, Sang-Wook Cheong, Huibo Cao
M46.00010: Frustrated magnetic interactions in an S=3/2 bilayer honeycomb lattice compound Bi3Mn4O12(NO3)
Masaaki Matsuda, Sachith Dissanayake, Douglas L Abernathy, Yiming Qiu, John Copley, Nobuhiro Kumada, Masaki Azuma
M46.00011: Observations of antiferromagnetic, antiferroelectric and ferroelastic orderings in honeycomb-lattice Mn2V2O7
Hung-Cheng Wu, Dong-Jie Hsieh, Tsung-Wen Yen, Po-Jung Sun, D. Chandrasekhar Kakarla, Jim-Long Her, Y. H. Matsuda, Chung-Kai Chang, Yu-Chun Chuang, Yen-Chung Lai, Melissa Gooch, Liangzi Deng, Kyle Grant Webber, Ching (Paul) W Chu
M46.00012: NMR study on the honeycomb-lattice antiferromagnet Na2Co2TeO6
Weiqiang Yu, Ze Hu, Yuan Li, Weiliang Yao
M46.00013: Cooperative liquid-like paramagnetic state in nanoengineered honeycomb lattice
George Yumnam, Yiyao Chen, Jiasen Guo, Haile Arena Ambaye, Valeria Lauter, Deepak K Singh
M46.00014: Field induced phase transition in the classical honeycomb Gamma model
Zhongzheng Tian, Zhijie Fan, Preetha Saha, Gia-Wei Chern