APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session M30: Soft Mechanics via Geometry II
Focus Session
Show Abstracts |
Sponsoring Units: DSOFT DPOLY
Chair: Moumita Das, Rochester Institute of Technology
Room: 502
M30.00001: The topography of tuning
Invited Speaker:
Eleni Katifori
M30.00002: Mechanics of soft fibrous mats with inter-fiber adhesion and friction
Catalin Picu, Vineet Negi
M30.00003: Nonlinear Poisson effect in critical mechanical networks
Jordan Shivers, Sadjad Arzash, Fred C MacKintosh
M30.00004: Shear modulus discontinuity in fiber networks
Sadjad Arzash, Jordan Shivers, Fred C MacKintosh
M30.00005: Shaping curved surfaces using origami.
Théo Jules, Frederic Lechenault, Mokhtar Adda-Bedia
M30.00006: Non-Hookean Elastic Moduli of 2D Tissue Model
Arthur Hernandez, Michael Moshe, M Cristina Marchetti, Mark J Bowick
M30.00007: Geometry and kinetics determine the packing structure on evolving surfaces
Zhaoyu Xie, Christopher Burke, Badel L Mbanga, Patrick T Spicer, Tim Atherton
M30.00008: Crumple-Origami Transition for Twisting Cylindrical Shells
Li-Min Wang, Sun-Ting Tsai, Chih-yu Lee, Pai-Yi Hsiao, Jia-Wei Deng, Hung-Chieh Fan Chiang, Yicheng Fei, Tzay-Ming Hong
M30.00009: Statistical mechanics of nanotubes
Siddhartha Sarkar, Andrej Kosmrlj
M30.00010: Braided biopolymer filament bundles produce topologically protected kinks
Valentin Slepukhin, Maximilian Grill, Qingda Hu, Elliot Botvinick, Wolfgang Wall, Alex Levine
M30.00011: Fabrication of supported lipid bilayers of designed shape with micro-printing and replica-molding
Melissa Rinaldin, Luca Giomi, Daniela Jutta Kraft
M30.00012: Curvature-driven propulsion of floating films: Part 1
Monica Ripp, Zachariah Schrecengost, Elizabeth Lawson-Keister, Joseph Paulsen
M30.00013: Curvature-driven propulsion of floating films: Part 2
Zachariah Schrecengost, Monica Ripp, Jordan V Barrett, Vincent Démery, Joseph Paulsen