M01.00001: Probing quench dynamics across a quantum phase transition into a 2D Ising antiferromagnet
Invited Speaker:
Waseem Bakr
M01.00002: Dynamics of a hole in a quantum antiferromagnet
Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, Michael Knap, Jayadev Vijayan, Pimonpan Sompet, Guillaume Salomon, Joannis Koepsell, Sarah Hirthe, Immanuel Felix Bloch, Christian Groß
M01.00003: Many-Body Dephasing after Quantum Quench with a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Lingzhen Guo, Harvey B Kaplan, Wen Lin Tan, Arinjoy De, Guido Pagano, Florian Marquardt, Christopher Roy Monroe
M01.00004: Subdiffusion and Heat Transport in a Tilted 2D Fermi-Hubbard System
Elmer Guardado-Sanchez, Alan Morningstar, Benjamin M Spar, Peter T Brown, David Huse, Waseem S Bakr
M01.00005: Reservoir engineering and many-body decoherence in the quantum Ising model
Lincoln Carr, Daniel Jaschke, Ines de Vega
M01.00006: Spin squeezing dynamics and large-spin analogues in an optical lattice clock
Michael Perlin, Ana Maria Rey
M01.00007: Dynamic instabilities and universal relaxation in quantum spin systems
Joaquin Rodriguez Nieva, Saraswat Bhattacharyya, Dries Sels, Eugene Demler
M01.00008: Non-local emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum spin system
Alexander Schuckert, Izabella Lovas, Michael Knap
M01.00009: Nonequilibrium dynamics and transport in the frustrated two bath spin boson model
Ron Belyansky, Seth P Whitsitt, Rex Lundgren, Yidan Wang, Alexey V Gorshkov
M01.00010: Unravelling open quantum systems on a NISQ Computer
Francesco Petruccione, Ilya Sinayskiy, Kyungdeock Park, June-Koo(KEVIN) RHEE
M01.00011: Linear response theory for the OTOC and entropy growth in dissipative systems.
Xin Chen
M01.00012: Prethermal non-equilibrium phases in classical systems
Bingtian Ye, Francisco Machado, Norman Yao
M01.00013: Engineering generalized Gibbs ensembles with trapped ions
Florentin Reiter, Florian Lange, Shreyans Jain, Matt Grau, Jonathan P Home, Zala Lenarcic