L56.00001: Topology and the doped Kondo Heisenberg model
Julian May-Mann, Ryan Levy, Eduardo Fradkin, Bryan Clark, Rodrigo B Soto, Gil Young Cho
L56.00002: Fermionic multichannel dynamical large-N approach to Kondo lattice model
Jiangfan Wang, Yung-Yeh Chang, Chung-Hou Chung
L56.00003: Kondo effect due to a hydrogen impurity in graphene: A multichannel Kondo problem with diverging hybridization
Zheng Shi, Emilian Nica, Ian Affleck
L56.00004: Magnon Bose-Einstein Condensation and Superconductivity in a Frustrated Kondo Lattice
Jed Pixley, Pavel Volkov, Snir Gazit
L56.00005: Magnetic Doublon Bound States in the Kondo Lattice Model
Roman Rausch, Michael Potthoff, Norio Kawakami
L56.00006: Competing Energy Scales and Quasiparticle Dynamics in a Driven Kondo Impurity System
Chen-Yen Lai, Qimiao Si, Jian-Xin Zhu
L56.00007: Universality in the ferromagnetic strong coupling regime of the Kondo model out of equilibrium
Adrian Culver, Natan Andrei
L56.00008: Comparing Different Refermionizations of Multichannel Kondo Hamiltonians
Aleksandar Ljepoja, Nayana Shah, C. J. Bolech
L56.00009: Various Fermi liquid phases on the Kondo - Heisenberg model at quarter filling
Hee Seung Kim, Hyeok-Jun Yang, SungBin Lee
L56.00010: Emergent non-Fermi liquid phenomena in itinerant electron systems with multipolar local moments
Adarsh Patri, Ilia Khait, Yong-Baek Kim
L56.00011: Global phase diagram of a Kondo Hund impurity model and the destruction of Fermi-liquid theory
Yilin Wang, Elias Walter, Seung-Sup Lee, Katharina M Stadler, Jan Von Delft, Andreas Weichselbaum, Gabriel Kotliar
L56.00012: Dynamical Kondo effect and Kondo destruction in effective models for quantum-critical heavy fermion metals
Ang Cai, Haoyu Hu, Kevin Ingersent, Silke Buehler-Paschen, Qimiao Si
L56.00013: Multiorbital Hund's coupled impurity in the mixed valence regime
Victor Drouin-Touchette, Elio Koenig, Yashar Komijani, Piers Coleman
L56.00014: Numerical renormalization group method for computing four-point correlation functions
Seung-Sup Lee, Fabian Kugler, Jan Von Delft
L56.00015: Fractionalized Fermi liquid in square-lattice Kondo-Heisenberg model
Yung-Yeh Chang, Chung-Hou Chung, Alexei Tsvelik