APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020;
Denver, Colorado
Session Index
L09.00001: Breakdown of phenomenological Lindblad master equations in the strong coupling regime
Bruno Taketani, J. Mauricio Torres, Ralf Betzholz
L09.00002: Entanglement classifier in chemical reactions
Junxu Li, Sabre Kais
L09.00003: Concurrence and Discord measurements in a Kitaev type 1D Spin chain
Vimalesh Vimal
L09.00004: Triangle Nonlocality : genuine quantum nonlocality and quantum Finner inequality
Invited Speaker:
Marc-Olivier Renou
L09.00005: Evolution of entanglement in collective excitations in linear atomic chains
Emily Townsend, Garnett Bryant, Abhikbrata Sarkar
L09.00006: Entanglement and impropriety
Brian La Cour, Thomas Yudichak
L09.00007: Tripartite information, scrambling, and the role of Hilbert space partitioning in quantum lattice models
Oskar Schnaack, Niklas Bölter, Sebastian Paeckel, Salvatore Manmana, Stefan Kehrein, Markus Schmitt
L09.00008: Tsirelson Polytopes and Randomness Generation
Peter Bierhorst, Yanbao Zhang, Emanuel H Knill
L09.00009: Experimental Certification of a Minimal Informationally Complete Positive Operator-Valued Measure in a Device-Independent Protocol
Massimiliano Smania, Piotr Mironowicz, Mohamed Nawareg, Marcin Pawlowski, Adan Cabello, Mohamed Bourennane
L09.00010: Many-particle interference and entanglement controlled by undetected particles
Mayukh Lahiri
L09.00011: Quantum State Reduction: Generalized Bipartitions from Algebras of Observables
Oleg Kabernik, Jason Pollack, Ashmeet Singh
L09.00012: Optimality in Quantum Data Compression using Dynamical Entropy
George Androulakis
L09.00013: Experimental Test of Leggett's Inequalities with Solid-State Spins
Xianzhi Huang, Xiaolong Ouyang, Wengang Zhang, Xin Wang, Huili Zhang, Yefei Yu, Dongling Deng, Luming Duan